Cards with Phoenix imagery


Lately I've been very taken with the art and symbolism of the Western phoenix, the resurrecting firebird. I'd like to see it in decks. What decks contain specific cards with it as main imagery?

I've found:

Fire - King of Swords
Alchemical - 10 of Staffs
Robin Wood - Judgement
Daughters of the Moon - Phoenix (Death)
Incidental - Phoenix (Tower)


Shadowscapes - Death


Curious East - the Sun ;)


Mary El: Judgement


Chrysalis-phoenix (think its the world)


Pretty sure its a phoenix on the 9 of Cups card in the Nigel Jackson tarot.


World Spirit Tarot: 13 Death


Rosetta Tarot -- The Aeon


The Alchemical, 10 of Wands
The Incidental Tarot, 16, the Phoenix (Tower)
Feng Shui Tarot, 4 of Phoenix
Tarot d’Eltynne, 31 Passion
22 Fortune Telling Cards, Death card
Thoth, 14
Aquarian, Death
RWS Wheel of Fortune

Wisdom of the Hidden Realms, The Phoenix
Oracle of the Shapeshifters, 12, The Golden Phoenix
Higher Intuitions Oracle, Phoenix Take Flight

unpublished cards:


Tarot of the Hidden Realm - Nine of Wands .... (a man dancing in a phoenix costume)

The Faeries' Oracle - 10 The Singer of Transfiguration .... (Not a Tarot deck, and this one's certainly more abstract, but I felt I should include it because there is what I'd call 'phoenix energy' in this image... And from the guidebook: "Like the reborn, renewed phoenix, this Singer is aflame with vibrant, expanded life.")