Cat acting strange since tarot entered the home



I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else who has brought tarot cards into a home. I have a cat who is old and has never loved to be held, he doesn't come to anyone for a pet- he is very independent. But lately he has been coming up to me for pets, visits me in bed as I am trying to fall asleep, and when I am in my home office working if the door is closed he will bang on the door until I let him in, and he seems to want to be around me. Basically he is generally acting lovable, nice, and unlike his old self. While i like that he is being nice I was wondering if it had anything to do with the fact that the only thing that has changed in my life is that I have tarot cards in the house now. Nothing else in my home has changed, I haven't added anything new (besides the cards) or gotten rid of anything. It has always just me and him since I brought him home so I am really confused is it just him being a cat or is it the tarot cards?

My friend said that the cat knows that I have the cards and that cats are connected to the magical world of tarot and thus, the cat has picked up on that. But I don't have any experience with this and was hoping that someone would have any information about this or if it has happened to you??

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I'm just courious...

Thanks !!


I don't know, but cats often get much more snuggly when they're elderly. Either way, I'd enjoy it while you can. :D


my cats act odd but they are just odd..... although lola always runs when the deck is out.... she knows not to touch... odd... as she will sit on anything else.

Demon Goddess

I cannot help but believe that there is certainly a connection to the cat and the energies that influence tarot as she is obviously spirit. Perhaps she likes that you have gotten the deck. Perhaps your spirit guide is telling you, through the cat that he/she likes that you've gotten the deck.

Whether or not this strange behaviour is brought on by her age or by the cards, I cannot say, what I can say is enjoy it, but I'd prepare myself for a possibility that she is expecting to die and as such wants you to know (since she doesn't feel as if she had before) that she does love and appreciate you.

Venus Moon

That's because Tarot decks have entities and spirits attached to them and they might be influencing or possessing your cat! Good thing you got a good deck instead of an evil one!


Your cat bangs on the door? And I thought it was unusual that we've got one now that scratches on the door like a dog. :p Cats have such fluffy heads, bodies and feet---how does he manage to bang on the door?

Sometimes cats will get more affectionate when they get older, like GryffinSong says. Our cat gets affectionate with me when there's nobody else around to get affectionate with. :rolleyes: I've also known cats to get more affectionate if they're not feeling well, if they're going to go into labor having kittens, or if they're nearing the end of their lives.

I know there are people who do believe cards and other occult practices may have something to do with it, but I'm not one of them.


When I chant, it scares my cats, and one howls and bites the other. This is your basic "om" I'm talking about here.

They also despise the Tibetan singing bowls.


I think it's definitely possible - one of my cats is very sensitive that way. But please also consider calling your vet to discuss this change in your cat's behaviour (probably without mentioning the cards :) ) - there are several possible explanations, some of which are physical and best dealt with sooner rather than later.


Venus Moon said:
That's because Tarot decks have entities and spirits attached to them and they might be influencing or possessing your cat! Good thing you got a good deck instead of an evil one!

I'd disagree, the only energy in a deck is what the person puts into it (but that's just my belief). If decks do have entities and spirits attached, then my apartment must be a pretty busy place, to have at least 200-some in my deck corner...

I'd say if there's any relation whatsoever to the deck and your cat's change in behavior, its if you yourself are in a more positive frame of mind and the cat is more drawn to you as a result. Not necessarily the deck, bu any other changes in ritual or routine that developed at the same time? Incense that the cat might be attracted to? Lots of possibilities.



I agree with the medical attention advice. If an animal displays a change in behavior, it is trying to tell you something. It is not as if it can talk, after all.

I agree that you need to get the cat to a vet for a check-up, especially if it is banging on the door for attention.

Have you changed cat food or kitty litter brands lately? Even something as simple as a change in cleaning solvent can send an animal into a tizzy.

Do not use Lysol around cats. Thompson's floor soap and 409 cleaner should be safe. There are lists of cat-safe household products available on the Web.