Celtic Cross - A useless random bit of info


no knowledge is wasted or worthless ...


I took the post about the 65 thousand etc and the 26 letters in the English language and combined them into one page -- gonna keep that one in my files!

65 thousand million million million???

Alex Trebac ~ here I come! LOL!


Dave's Angel, that is great to know-! I can't wait for the next person to say something to me again about tarot cannot be accurate when they are only cards- and I hit them with that statistic. And, alphamatrix, I never thought of your statement either- "how can all words in the English Language be written with 26 letters?" another good one!

The one that gets to me is when I would hear "oh, all that is against God and you are sinning when you practice that stuff! Stay away from it-it's demonic! It's against all that is in the Bible!"

However, I always remind those folks to re-read their Bible, and see how many times psychic practices are put to good use in the Bible---Mary herself was visited by an angel telling her she would become the mother of the son of God, though she was a virgin, and the three Kings found the child, Jesus, through the stars and the messages of an angel. The Bible mentions how people were 'speaking in tongues', and there were healers, and it was even mentioned in the Bible that "your children will prophesy". It's throughout the Bible.

And, Gayla, "the Tarot is nothing more than a tool to help us look at life from a different perspective", you are very right. I try to tell people the same thing. Many of my religious friends look for answers to their troubles by reading the Bible or praying---both good 'tools', just like the tarot. I tell them that too.

Thanks again D.A. and Alphamatrix for yet two more great lines to tell people.

Dave's Angel

Thanks everyone!

I only meant this as a light-hearted one-trick thread, it really seems to have hit a nerve with some people. Sometimes it's good to have a good whinge!

These are all very good points (about the "occult" practices in the Bible) but at the same time I've always thought that if you aren't Christian, then why bend over backwards to find endorsements for what you do in a scripture you don't believe in anyway?

Gayla, you're dead right, anything is evil if you invite the evil in. And we all know the saying "All that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to stand aside and do nothing". And people are "standing aside" if they fail to realise how the cards require us to interact. In such cases, the reading will be far less effective and misleading (hence evil!), but purely because they haven't engaged with it properly.

Tarotbear - yes seriously. The maths is simply 16 x 154 x 152 x 150 x 148 x 146 x 144 x 142 x 140 x 138 x 136. (Well I say "simply".... :D )


Dave's Angel said:
"All that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to stand aside and do nothing".
Oh yes, Dave's A...Edmund Burke did say it best...but doing nothing could sometimes be something..just like 'if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice'.(Rush.)

My nothing is equal to just not giving skeptics the pleasure of a reading.

(These are all very good points (about the "occult" practices in the Bible) but at the same time I've always thought that if you aren't Christian, then why bend over backwards to find endorsements for what you do in a scripture you don't believe in anyway?)

I try not to think of the Tarot as being part of the Occult. Although it is a tool used by the occult. I was born and raised in a Christian household, tolerant, but strictly Christian non the less...I have gone through the process of justifying the Tarot against the scripture many times in my own mind and read about it until I couldn't read it anymore. I finally decided it is a tool, which I can use or bad or good. I choose good. :)


Love the numbers and the 26 letters comments, very droll!

Just wanted to add a thought about agressive skeptics: often that sort of offensive tactic is the first step towards something - they feel the draw, the curiosity, but they can't resolve it with either dogma or logic. So they go on the offensive. Handling it well, giving them something to think about, if you can - hard if they are being too pig-headed, but if you get to make those comments about looking at life from a different perspective - then you have a bit of a breakthrough.

You see it on religious forums of various kinds quite a lot - the rampant atheist on the Christian forum, the fundamentalist Christian on the Pagan forum - on the attack, but can't help coming back.



Euripides I completly agree with you. I don't have any of those problems as I only read for personal friends and myself, but I have seen this in relation to other things, and I think with Tarot it is the same. Good point.


euripides said:
Just wanted to add a thought about agressive skeptics: often that sort of offensive tactic is the first step towards something - they feel the draw, the curiosity, but they can't resolve it with either dogma or logic. So they go on the offensive. Handling it well, giving them something to think about, if you can - hard if they are being too pig-headed, but if you get to make those comments about looking at life from a different perspective - then you have a bit of a breakthrough.

You see it on religious forums of various kinds quite a lot - the rampant atheist on the Christian forum, the fundamentalist Christian on the Pagan forum - on the attack, but can't help coming back.

This is a very charitable way of looking at people like this. I always thought they are just people who feel inferior and so need something to hate and look down on--and make sure the people they look down on know it!!

Thank you, Euri, for the compassionate viewpoint! Well done!