Choosing a Theme: Multi-cultural vs Eclectic: Is there a difference?


I'm in the process of learning Photoshop in order to begin creating my own Tarot deck. Talk about a complex program! So there is some time here for me to play with my ideas about symbol set, theme and structure.

Scion's Symbol thread got me thinking about so many different aspects of what will go into the deck, and started me really trying to isolate what I believe works or doesn't work when it comes to Tarot and me and then onto what has worked for the masses.

One thing I know about myself is that I love lots of things from lots of sources. I love Celtic shamanism, I love Native American themes, I am delighted by creation stories, Greek mythology is fascinating and I could go on and on.

I'm not saying my deck will reflect these tastes, but how could it not??? :) I'm sort of eclectic. I like lots of things from different cultures....including culinary delights........groans........don't get me started on that.

My question for this thread is about multicultural decks.

What do you like about them?
What don't you like about them?

What would you like to see in a multicultural themed deck?

And anything else you'd like to say about eclectic decks in general.



Well, this thread started off from a different angle before I actually posted it here.

We've seen some very beautiful culturally oriented decks produced. The Nefertari is lovely. Many people love the VisionQuest, and I myself love that deck. Ancestral Path seems quite popular, and while I have it in the collection I haven't done more than look thru it. I haven't worked with it.

Obviously a multi-cultural deck would need research. I've started doing some research and I've come across articles on cultural theft. I admit I've seen some Native Americans here on the forum discuss cultural theft.

I'm a bit perplexed about the cultural theft issue.

Are multi-cultural decks considered to be cultrual theft??? Even if well researched and done with sensitively chosen material?

I seem to find more stuff wrtten by Native Americans than any other culture so far.....


Like you, I am attracted to the eclectic, and I enjoy learning from as many cultures as possible. I love it when artists respectfully incorporate diverse cultural traditions into their work.

I think one of the biggest problems with the cultural theft issue is misrepresentation--trying to casually mimic the traditions of another cultural while passing it off as genuine, and worse still, trying to falsely lay claim to that culture as one’s own.

If you respectfully incorporate the symbolism of another culture after conducting careful research, I think that you are only showing a sign of respect to another culture as reflected in your own personal attraction to their traditions and beliefs. Usually, if your research is thorough, it becomes clear what constitutes misuse, or what can be misconstrued as insulting or inappropriate.

If you choose to do so, careful research, sensitivity, and honest representation go a long way to clearly expressing your respect and love of another culture’s traditions.

Your work sounds intriguing - I look forward to hearing more about it!


I meant to mention in response to some of your initial questions, that while I'm new to tarot, what attracted me to the deck I use (Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert) is Colbert's incorporation of people of all colors, shapes, sizes, and ages, while focusing on her central Earth-related themes.

I'd have to say that that is what I would most like to see in other eclectic and multi-cultural decks: respectful incorporation of a wild rainbow of different cultures or symbolic "alphabets" that remains true to the central themes of the deck. I suppose that's as much a matter of the highly-subjective artistic voice as it is a matter of cultural sensitivity.


Ah yes, and here's another dramatic example - the primary deck on my "wish list" that I've been watching for a couple years:

Goddess Oracle Deck by Thalia Took

Thalia Took is using goddesses from around the world - I just LOVE looking at it!

PS - I totally didn't mean to be a thread hog! ;) I hope you get some more input from other members. :laugh:


Thank you so much for putting up the link about the Goddess Oracle Deck. A pagan midwife was running an earth-based spirituality circle for women several years ago, and I had joined the group. She used the Gaea drawing, with permission, in one of her workbooks. I lost track of the workbook and the link to the website, and then forgot all about it for a while.

I really love those images too.