Clamp: X Tarot

anri k.

Heheh.. Welcome. ^-^

I was just looking over the cards again on the site, still love the Fool and the High Priestess. I noticed I didn't like the choice for the Death card--The character, he's just plain creepy. o_O I never liked him..
Of course, I AM a bit partial to the death card. *shrug*

Note: 'anime' is the term for the japanese cartoons, 'manga' is referred to jpn comics. ^_^;

Heh. Sorry, I'm too obsessed on that subject.. *LOL* I'll shut up now.



Ahhhh! I wondered what magna was. :p So these are comics rather than cartoons? I feel rather dense. hehehe There I was reading about characters I knew nothing about. Angels of Earth (I think it was angels but may have been something else) and of Heaven, magna. I felt like I was reading something written half in English and half another language. :D I knew a little about Japanese anime from some of my students who watch it.

I loved the Fool card, too. Exceptionally beautiful. It was the first one I looked at and it grabbed me immediately. :)


isthmus nekoi

anri k> hee.. I think I got so sucked into X b/c of Subaru and Seishiro! (*grumble* Too bad Tokyo Babylon doesn't have hirigana - such a pain!)

Meewah> regarding the names, I totally agree! But I don't think the CLAMP deck has changed any of the names... You could get an interesting reading w/ the CLAMP deck taking into account the characters' characters :p We've had Kamui explained how many times? ^_^

anri k.

Jeez.. o_O
I was looking at yet another X deck that popped up on Ebay (this time from somebody OTHER than and this person gave specifics to the size of the cards, which were: 6" x 2 1/2"

AGH! Isn't that horribly huge? What is the size of the average deck anyway?

The Miracle deck was at 4 13/16" X 2 3/16" and THAT hurt my hands to shuffle it. But 6 inches? o_O

... I still want the cards and I'm still gonna get them, but shuffling my normal way("riffling", as named from another thread) will be virtually impossible. o_O *sigh*



well, i lost the bid. but i am still game to get the deck.

any suggestions?

blessed be,

isthmus nekoi

I posted something long here awhile back, but it looks like it didn't work!

My sis needs to use the computer so I'll be quick!

I went back to the manga shop and asked about the deck and found out it comes from HK and the supply is erratic - the manager couldn't tell me when they were getting more decks but apparently it's very popular so he's always requesting it... I also asked the goth shop that carrries a lot of decks - they couldn't help me out.... Really sorry, but it looks like I'd have just as hard a time locating this deck!



no worries. thanks for the attempt and yes, i can see that it will be very hard deck to procure. i'm shocked that i was able to get the miracle for as cheeply as i did.

have a good weekend. blessed be,

isthmus nekoi

I bring ambiguous news for those still interested. Decks at the manga shop are $27 CN imported from Taiwan. That's $16.20 US verrrrrrrrrry cheap. However, I talked to the manager of the place again and he said the regular supply stopped mid-summer and he doesn't know when the next shipment is due (such is the price we pay for not so legal goods) T_T Actually all shipments have been messed up due to tighter security etc. b/c of the US bombings T_T

isthmus nekoi

how convenient - I can just use my double post spot here....

Just checked out the CLAMP deck on ebay. After seeing it, I don't think CLAMP has *anything* to do w/it... It's a shame, knowing how much CLAMP hates having their work used w/o their permission T_T
The Devil card features Fuma, but in the manga, it's Yuuto. Also, CLAMP's majors are heavily influenced by imagery of the RW deck whereas in this deck, the Devil image has nothing in common w/more traditional images (Yuuto sits on a chair with two chained bodies at his feet)....
And since we were speculating about the minor arcana... They actually feature different illustrations by CLAMP, but it doesn't look like the images are related to the suit/number....