Common questions when reading for others


If you read for others (whether professionally or not), are there certain questions or types of questions you get asked more often? If so, which ones do you encounter most?

I'm partially wondering out of simple curiosity, and partly so I can do some practice readings on those topics.

I've heard that romantic topics tend to be most popular, so I was expecting lots of those when I started promoting my Tarot readings. But I've actually only had a few love questions. The majority have been based on financial topics (things like how to earn more, will they have enough for retirement, are their money goals realistic, etc). I definitely didn't expect that, but I think I enjoy those questions more so I'm happy with it :)

So, what have your experiences been? Are they what you expected or did they surprise you?



I offered free readings via tumblr before coming here (this place is much nicer). Nine of ten questions I got were love readings. When I said I wouldn't take those anymore because I was sick of it, I hardly got any requests anymore. :D


The overwhelming majority of people who get readings (including people on this forum) want to be told about their love life- oftentimes a budding relationship they're currently in or a guy/girl they're currently with. Most of these questions are of the "What does he feel about me?" or "Will we end up together?" variety. It's okay, I'm guilty of it too!

I'd say money/career is the second most common topic, with people often wanting to know if they'll become rich or get their dream job. Unfortunately, if you're reading for the public, then you probably won't get many people who are spiritually attuned enough to ask the deeper questions about themselves, such as how they can connect with their spirit guides, etc. I had a professional reading done yesterday where I asked those more spiritual questions and she was floored because she never gets those requests. I can't even tell you how happy it made her!


I get a lot of soul-mate and marriage questions, as well as a lot about "when will my ex get back together with me?"
I also get a lot of "which job should I take?" or career questions in general. And about school. Seems a lot of folks have no idea whether to go to school or work or what to do with themselves.

Between those two I'd say that that's over 90% of my business. The easiest way to answer this question, though, is to go out and read for them! Become a free reader and you'll see all the questions that real people ask.


Recently, I've gotten a lot about going back to school. o wo I think your target age range has a lot to do with it; most of my friends (and Tumblr followers) are late teens early twenties, so they all want to know how the school year is gonna go for them. (I've figured out some quick three card spreads that work really well for school.)

Other than that, love seems to be (generally) the most common topic. Or just a general overview of someone's life or future, though those usually contain love stuff as well.


LOVE. :D Especially "Will my ex take me back?" or "What does my crush/ex/boyfriend really feel for me?"... I don't mind though. :) I'm a sucker for love I guess lol.


If you read for others (whether professionally or not), are there certain questions or types of questions you get asked more often? If so, which ones do you encounter most?

I'm partially wondering out of simple curiosity, and partly so I can do some practice readings on those topics.

I've heard that romantic topics tend to be most popular, so I was expecting lots of those when I started promoting my Tarot readings. But I've actually only had a few love questions. The majority have been based on financial topics (things like how to earn more, will they have enough for retirement, are their money goals realistic, etc). I definitely didn't expect that, but I think I enjoy those questions more so I'm happy with it :)

So, what have your experiences been? Are they what you expected or did they surprise you?


You're right. "What does he think about/feel for me is very popular.

I personally do help clients phrase and optimize the question before I start a reading. The phrasing and topic of a question are hugely important to what comes up.

What i do find is that likely most questions are on the future. What will happen with this or that in the future? Will I get married one day? Will I have a career?....

That is what people seem to think Tarot is FOR, to predict the future. I am not such a fan of these questions. I try to get the querent to rephase.

I explain that ALL Tarot can do in regards to the future is to tell ONE possible future amongst many. The most likely one, but not at all the only one. I try to convince them that it is a much better use of the cards to ask how to create what they want than to just ask what MAY happen.

And that the future is ours to create, we can make of it what we want.

So if someone wants to get married instead of "Will I ever get married?" I prefer to ask "What can I do that will help ensure that I get married one day? (then they can folow the advice and achieve it) OR instead of "Will I get a raise next month?", "What can I do that will help me to get a raise next month?"

I prefer to see Tarot as a tool to actively create the life you want than to passively sit back and wait to see what may or may not come.




So most of the time say about 95% I dont do it, but still get sitters w/ other q's. Personally I prefer spiritual, self growth questions. And the reasons i dont take love questions because for
1. They sap me quicker than any other questions. I think because the questions are so emotionally charged.
Also most are predictive and sometimes i dont like those and also dont do for much feedback, and most ppl i see ask about people they barley know, which is not an issue really but it just saps harder on me if they dont know them and cant pick up on anything because of this. But once im in full gear again with my intutuion ill take more on. I just prefer the people who ask romantic qs already know the person in real time (not future somebody who they dont, i found a reading like that really strained me all to find out they havnt met them yet DOH) and they have at least a little history with them. All diving into others emptions when reading is not practicing good energetic hygiene. Lol. ll digress from my other experiances and thoughts but advice wise if you want to go pro get used to hearing and answering all questions under the sun, then set your guidelines as a reader for what you answer or dont answer then what you specialise in. But dont get burntout on it and rest if and when you need too :


You're right. "What does he think about/feel for me is very popular.

I personally do help clients phrase and optimize the question before I start a reading. The phrasing and topic of a question are hugely important to what comes up.

What i do find is that likely most questions are on the future. What will happen with this or that in the future? Will I get married one day? Will I have a career?....

That is what people seem to think Tarot is FOR, to predict the future. I am not such a fan of these questions. I try to get the querent to rephase.

I explain that ALL Tarot can do in regards to the future is to tell ONE possible future amongst many. The most likely one, but not at all the only one. I try to convince them that it is a much better use of the cards to ask how to create what they want than to just ask what MAY happen.

And that the future is ours to create, we can make of it what we want.

So if someone wants to get married instead of "Will I ever get married?" I prefer to ask "What can I do that will help ensure that I get married one day? (then they can folow the advice and achieve it) OR instead of "Will I get a raise next month?", "What can I do that will help me to get a raise next month?"

I prefer to see Tarot as a tool to actively create the life you want than to passively sit back and wait to see what may or may not come.


I agree 100% with everthing. Especially with last line!


I offered free readings via tumblr before coming here (this place is much nicer). Nine of ten questions I got were love readings.

I also started by offering free readings - quite a few of those sitters told me I should charge because they thought my readings were very helpful (which honestly surprised me - I had no idea how I would do!)
But even amongst the free readings I'd say maybe 20% of them were love-related.

The overwhelming majority of people who get readings (including people on this forum) want to be told about their love life- oftentimes a budding relationship they're currently in or a guy/girl they're currently with. Most of these questions are of the "What does he feel about me?" or "Will we end up together?" variety.

I'd say money/career is the second most common topic, with people often wanting to know if they'll become rich or get their dream job.

I've actually never had someone ask a "what does (s)he think of me?" question, which surprised me as I see a lot of that here! The few love readings I've done were more like your second example, about the relationship's potential.

I've had a couple career readings too, but most often money has been the focus.

I get a lot of soul-mate and marriage questions, as well as a lot about "when will my ex get back together with me?"
I also get a lot of "which job should I take?" or career questions in general. And about school. Seems a lot of folks have no idea whether to go to school or work or what to do with themselves.
Between those two I'd say that that's over 90% of my business.

Those first ones are what I expected (and haven't really encountered). I've only had a small number of "which job/course of study?" type questions too. This would be nowhere near 90% for me! :)