Controversial Views


i haven't read all this thread but would say controversial views are always great - they either speak out loud what some think but don't dare say or they make you think about your own thinking - good or bad
never regret expressing yourself
its all good
its progressive and helpful to more than you think
ive never seen anything in your posts to suggest anything negative LB


Papageno, how does it imply that? Or course there are universal truths. People that seek universal truths invariably end up at the same place. It has nothing to do with egos and personal opinions.

Cirom, I was inferring that tarot users are supposed to be honestly seeking the truth, and that means not shriveling when something is revealed that they don't like. That isn't very becoming of a so-called occultist.

A trail of bloody ink? Excellent choice of words Cerulean. How else is a writer supposed to write other than with his soul?


I split too many hairs, but it's perfectly possible to be into tarot and not be an occultist.

'Sides, that's such a ponderous term. I start calling myself that, then I stay up late at night perusing old, brittle manuscripts.

And that's just a short, risky step away from uncontrollably muttering cryptic phrases about old, forgotten, and likely just as brittle deities.

My fashion sense will wither!

I'll be destitute!

What were we talking about?


You're funny Apocalipstick, but you just made my point. Waite sold out the GD. Those secrets were secrets for a good reason. Sometimes it's not so bad when they spill the beans, like when McMahon sold out the secrets of wrestling. It ushered in a golden age (but not for his product). The damage is done, so no sense crying over spilled milk. But make no mistake about it, people that play with tarot are using an occult tool. When you seek truth, as is the point of such an oracle, you should be ready to accept the truth without ego getting in the way.


Using a tool does not qualify one to be a mechanic.


many people including some therapists use the tarot as a jungian device. i wouldn't say they are "occultists." and i suppose some wiccan people feel tarot has a connection to their belief system, which also isn't "occult." and a whole bunch of us just like the purty pi'churs.

in short, me paint my lips with apocalipstick! (wink)


the thread's less than 2 days old and it seems controversial debates have already started taking shape. :D


frelkins said:
in short, me paint my lips with apocalipstick! (wink)

And controversial, I suspect. The kinkiness, I mean.

Now for a totally unrelated topic change. I just hit upon this:
LittleBuddha said:
How many people have bashed poor old Crowley and said that Pamela's drawings were shit?
I'm fairly certain she would have taken a lot of flack in the Tarot Creation forum. Some of those comments sound like they could be pretty maddening.

Kudos to the artists who meet them with apolmb.


Love your posts. Always have.
You are a fresh honest occassional sheepdog among the sheep.

Don't ever stop being who you are.
Controversial is not bad.
Honesty is refreshing.

and by Gods...don't ever censor yourself. that would just be silly! can say you don't like my decks...I would take that as as good critique.
because, unlike some folks I have seen...when you say you don't like give reasons.And that's actually helpful in any discussion.


Controversy is a tough one

I've been part of so many forums and groups and pods on so many sites, and so often, the difficulty in differences of opinion seems to arise in a need to be right, or have someone else be wrong. I do like hearing someone else's opinion and learning new things, unless the person is saying that my take on it is wrong. Then, of course, I want to learn nothing from that voice.
It's all ego, I suppose, and one thing I've found is that in the written notes that fly around everywhere on the internet, there is bound to be at least one person to take offense at almost anything (or nothing).

That said, I believe we must carry on with our freedom to air our opinions and our knowledge as kindly and honestly as possible, knowing all the while, that, as Lincoln said, "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time... but you can't please all of the people all of the time." (hmmm... maybe I've got it backwards... or maybe it wasn't even Lincoln)

I'm new to this forum and haven't read your previous shares, but everyone who has replied seems to think you're an all-right person, and use discretion with your posts,
so...Tally-ho and carry on...
I for one, am interested.