Cosmic Tribe Court Cards


Re: Nude Men? WHERE?

tarotbear said:
Once I make an 'adjustment' to this deck - the Prince-Princess-Knight-Queen designations throw my thinking off (Is the hairy Knight of Swords really supposed to be the King of Swords replacement?)- I will probably use this deck more when I read for gay men - who make up a large percentage of my clientelle.

Hey Tarotbear! Welcome back!!!! In terms of the courts I do read them as I would the Thoth with the Knights being somewhat of an equivalent to the King, however the structure of the courts actually places the Queen in the position of the King. Thus I find the Queens a bit stronger and "fiery" than the Queens in other decks, and the Knights a bit more "watery" than the King. Make sense?


Hi, Jewel!

I suppose one of the points I am asking about is that with the Prince/Princess replacement concept: In some of the really old pre-Sforza style decks, some of them contain both a male and a female Page. I am wondering (despite the descriptions provided) if maybe this deck should be read as:

Prince/Princess - male and female Pages
Knight as Knight
Queen as King (or both)
No King at all.

This suports my belief/ reading style that Pages have to do with news and messages, Knights with changes coming and going, and the Kings/Queens as personalities.

In 'The Goddess Tarot' the Queens are 'above' the Kings, but I still read Queens and Kings as Queens and Kings without any serious side affects. Their designation is Prince (page), Princess (knight) , King, Queen. In 'The Witches Tarot' the Princess is Page and Prince is a Knight.

This is why new readers get SO CONFUSED!


Hi again Tarotbear ... sorry it took me so long to reply ... been away from the computer for a couple of weeks and today is my first day back into the CT study group :) ... happy new year to all by the way.

I have never worked with a pre-sforza style deck so I have personally not had the experience of male and female pages ... you are definetly right that all different sort of court assignations can be VERY confusing and not only for new readers.

For me to fully measure the meaning of a court card I also look at what cards it is surrounded by ... the etirety of the spread. My interpretations are based on that. I guess when it comes to court cards I read them more intuitively than anything else. In the CT this is particularly true. As stated earlier, I find the CT courts to be more equivalent to those of the Thoth ... that is how they "feel" to me. I also find the Queens to be more intense and active than in other decks and the Knights to be a bit more subdued.

This suports my belief/ reading style that Pages have to do with news and messages, Knights with changes coming and going, and the Kings/Queens as personalities.

I think your belief could be easily applied to the CT. As we all know, courts are probably the hardest cards to read ... once you have a system that works why rock the boat.


Hey Cosmic Tribers. :D
I split this thread because I thought the new topic was important enough to have a thread of it's own. :)

Regarding the change of court card positions, I have never been bothered with them. Originally the Cosmic Tribe was the first deck I really *learnt* tarot with, so it was all I knew, however now that I use many decks I tend to focus more on the individual court card and, like Jewel said, the cards around the court card, than their association to each other. I find the Cosmic Tribe Courts so expressive that reading the card intuatively comes easy.

Since this is a new thread now... a few questions about your Court Card preferences:

Which Cosmic Tribe Court cards do you like best?
Which ones do you like least or have the most trouble reading?


YAY new topic ... must go do my exercises. I know that the Princes of Wands and Queen of Disks and the Knight of Cups and Prince of Disks are my favorites ... but I want to study them more to explain why in more detail. As for least favorite ... this is hard as I really like all the court cards in this deck ... they have been much easier to understand for me than courts in other decks. They have givien me major AHA moments in relation to the courts which has helped me in using other decks. They have helped me see courts in a much less rigid way.


I tend to read the CT courts in the same manner as the Thoth also. The Queen as the more powerful, the Knight, then the Princes and Princessess.

In most decks the court cards are my least favorite cards in the whole deck, but here I just love them. My favorite suit of courts are the disks! I just feel good looking at them all. I absolutely LOVE the Queen of Disks! The expression on her face is priceless. She looks like she's just having soooo much fun. And the way she's joined with the tree is wonderful!! Then I also like the Princess of Wands and the Queen of Swords.

But what's interesting to me is the ones I find the least interesting -- the cups. Because I'm a double water person (cancer sun and pisces moon) and am usually drawn to all the water oriented cards. I do kind of like the Princess of Cups, but the cup courts just don't speak to me the way the disks do. And my least favorite court card of all is the Queen of Cups - which again is usually one of my favorite courts. (shrug)


faunabay said:
my least favorite court card of all is the Queen of Cups - which again is usually one of my favorite courts. (shrug)
Same here, and that is that she is a mermaid!!!! go figure. I still have not done this exercise, but just going by memory I tend to agree with you. The disks are really neat and I really identify with them, same with the wands. The wands are definetly fiery which I LOVE! But the disks are my favorite courts in the CT. The Queen rocks!


I love all the Swords-courts - in this deck they seem so much less cold-hearted and grim than many other decks portray them. If I was to pick one favourite I'd pick the Knight of Swords. He came up in a weekly spread I did a few weeks ago, and it was astonishing how much he reminded me of the Hierophant in other decks - the Hierophant in a good, non-popeish role. Since the Hierophant is my personality card, my soul card and connected to Taurus which is basically all over my chart, I do have a special relation with this card!

But then I haven't really worked with the courts yet, other than the ones that have turned up in readings so far.

Least favourite, just by looking through them now would be the Knight of Wands - when I bought the deck I was under the misimpression this was the Devil, so it could just be confusion I guess. And I haven't really worked with that card, so... when I do I might like him better...! :)

Jenny :)

Little Baron

Cosmic Tribe Tarot: Courts

Hi All

How does the ordering in this deck work for you.

I have probably always been doing it wrong, but I thought that Thoth-like decks ordered their courts Knight. Queen, Prince, Princess. But here we have Queen, Knight, Princess, Prince.

Is that how you use the deck? There seems little commentary in the book about this, but only that they are ordered like that through the chapters. Of course, I could use them any way round that I like, but that might mess a little with the decriptions in the book.



Testing Testing, trying to see if we can get the study group to show up in individual deck study groups.

Courts is one aspect we want to revisit so this thread might be a good starting point for that discussion.