Crystal/Stone Identification Help


Would anyone have any ideas on what my pendulum and the fob are?

When I purchased them, the clerk was just register sitting in the shop and was unable to identify them for me.

The point is actually a bit more orange than the scan shows. It is very milky with some variation in the shading but it is not banded.

The fob has variations from milky white to clear flecks with the green inclusions. They look almost like bits of an air fern.



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I think that the fob is likely to be tourmalated quartz. I.e. quartz with tourmaline crystals incased in it.

I think that the other is probably a form of red jasper or carnelian. Impossible to identify from the picture though.


The fob looks like tourmalated qaurtz or moss agate in the pic. Could be either but I lean toward agate owing to the milky clarity. I think the point is Carnelian.


Moss agate shouldn't have clear bits, and sometimes quartz can have a more milky clarity. I could be wrong though.

Also of interest are the fact that there seem in the picture to be long thin, hairlike inclusions in the fob. I suspect these are rutile crystals which would also support quartz crystal rather than moss agate identification.

Again, it is impossible to know for sure from a picture though.


One more thing... YOu should be able to differentiate between moss agate and tourmulated/rutile quartz if you have good eyes and/or a magnifying glass.

In quartz with inclusions that are either tourmaline inclusions, you should be able to see a crystal (usually black, though green, pink, etc. are also possible) rods running through it. Rutile inclusions look like very thin strands of blond hair.

If you see irregular/non-rod or hair-shaped inclusions, I would concur with the moss agate assessment.


I also think the point is carnelian. I think red jasper tends to be more red and carnelian is more orange, like the picture appears to be.


In looking at the fob with a magnifying glass and held up to a strong light it fits einhverfr's description perfectly. The inclusions do appear to be like little splinters, they do appear to be seperate structures within the main body.
Also of interest are the fact that there seem in the picture to be long thin, hairlike inclusions in the fob. I suspect these are rutile crystals which would also support quartz crystal rather than moss agate identification.
Rutilated/tourmalated quartz seems right. From the picture Moss Agate would seem to fit but in hand, it just doesn't.

As for the point,
I was leaning to either red jasper or carneilian before posting. Since everyone else has proposed one or both, I think I was on the right track.

If this helps any, when I hold it up to a bright light it does filter thru, the differences in the depth of the coloring really pops out. Where the coloring deepens there is not the sharp difference that you would see with layering, the effect is very much like when one adds more pigment to paint and doesn't get it evenly blended. It definantly is a rusty or dark reddish orange rather than a primary red.
