Crystal Study Group: (lilac) Lepidolite



Sacral Chakra Meditation

Ok I just watched this video from the carnelian thread...more flipping (I feel like I need to lay down) and I noticed the time of the video 8:03. Ok I'm trying to get the message.


I have to say at first I was a bit surprised that you did the sacral meditation since you are working with such a higher vibration stone, so of course I had to go investigate the WWWWH (I can't believe I just remembered that from high school journalism class!) the first thing I came across was this said:
The vibration of this stone works within all chakras, but it highly effective within the highest chakras.

It has a truly unique resonance that aids a Divine connection with the deep innermost part of yourself known as the Divine Presence. It will help you to make a stronger contact with your guides and beings in the higher realms.

OK, so that's great...the lepidolite works within all chakras and helps you connect with Divine Mind...but why did it lead you to work with the sacral chakra in the midst of all you are experiencing? said:
It creates a powerful ability for you to be more in harmony with Spirit, and to feel more settled and serene about life. By this encouragement for you to be more in the flow of life... this lilac stone creates an increased number of coincidences or synchronicities.

These coincidences allow the Divine mind to create amazing situations, to aid you to bring into your life those things that you desire and have been thinking about. This is of course strongly linked to the law of attraction.

hmmm, ok, so the lepidolite is to get you in touch with your deepest desires and aid you in bringing those things into being. which is linked to the law of attraction.

the sacral chakra (in a nutshell) is about financial security and abundance, emotional healing and balance, physical grounding and strength, creativity, and manifestation.

I posted the sacral meditation in the Carnelian thread...Carnelian is the "stone of action" (according to the same site as mentioned above) and also that...

This power stone stimulates ambition and drive... so it will aid you in manifesting what you require to move onto your desired path forward in life.

It aids moving forward on a new life path... and will aid you to make new, clearer decisions and better future career choices.

soooooo...when I look at your last post again, what I see is 83, 8 + 3=11 (what wasn't stated is that 1 + 1=2 the number of the power of creation)

you said yourself that 83
is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters to keep going on your current path, using your natural skills, talents and creativity in a productive and constructive manner to enhance your life. The angels are guiding and assisting you, and are sending energy your way to keep up the momentum.

But the question is what in your heart of hearts is your "current path"? is it what you are doing now? or is it only in your dream life? what do you need to do to put your dream and the divine mind into action with the flow? what, if anything, is holding you back? The Angels and Ascended Master are definitely giving you a message. Listen to your heart to really hear it.

So I just have one last thing to share with you that I heard earlier today on a podcast with an online energy healer's conference I am attending from Lynn McKenzie of Prosperity Alchemist (I know nothing about her so I'm not "pushing" her, I just want to give credit where it is due). She was giving a talk about the 5 keys to healing our relationship with money and this is the very first key she gave:

Making Fabulous Money IS part of your spiritual path


ZOMG! Love the last part of that - the "making money is part of your path " thing... I think that is so true, and everyone dissassociates with money, because of its "Evil" taint - not true. We are material bodies here in a material world, and the spirit needs to experience it in order to understand it...and I think, I really think, DownwardSpiral is about to hit a jackpot, enough to get her where she needs to I was awed at your timing with that, Wildc ;)


for wildchilde and Lotus Padma : )

Thanks so much for ALL your help in helping me decipher the messages I'm receiving as my mind is all over the place right now. The past few days I've been very busy, things have been happening very quickly. Wildchilde thanks for all the questions as they help me to re-gain focus. I haven't been able to do with the lepidolite as I had hoped....though it seems to be pushing me in the direction I wanted anyway. The signs keep coming to me and I'll post in a minute. I haven't been good at jotting everything little things that for the most part went un-noticed are creeping back into my mind.

I watched the video out of curiosity as I'm trying to keep up with all the crystal threads : )
Flipping over seems to be one of the running themes in this thread and almost immediately in that video (which didn't post as a link here) thinks started flipping over. And interesting what you said about the sacral prosperity is about the only thing holding me back from this I need to update my manifestation info in this thread. Lepidolite is said to bring positive synchronicities together so why the new thread (from you ) and the video (from you) and now I have you to help put the pieces together : ) as my mind isn't grasping as it should be.

I truly appreciate to both of you your input on this...I have no doubt there are messages here.

Oh I almost forgot to address your question wildchilde...I'm working on going back to CA. I put my idea out to the Universe and then it kept getting put on the backburner (oh boy I just realised another sign) I had more or less a plan...first this...then this... Then I just decided to put it out to the Universe I AM going back and let the Universe work out all the details. Earlier this year I started getting the feeling I would be moving this I put it out to the Universe I AM moving to CA this summer. Ok fast forward....everything is falling into place. The early out I was banking on is in the works...the move is here..the financial situation is looking much better BUT...I need the cash flow NOW! Moving to another apt could lock me into a year lease. I knew eventually I would have to get out of here but hesitated to look locally as I didn't want to put it out to the Universe "change of plans" As far as I could see the Universe was backing me up as far as staying put till it's time to go. Time's Up. I need the cash flow NOW...I need the early out NOW or things here need to flip FAST so I can stay put just a little longer. I can say this..I have a large sum of money in the bank just sitting. If I had moved even only a few weeks ago that money would all be mine. The laywer told me they(the city) wasn't even aware if anyone was here. So they would of come out yesterday and this place would of just been vacant.


But the question is what in your heart of hearts is your "current path"? is it what you are doing now? or is it only in your dream life? what do you need to do to put your dream and the divine mind into action with the flow? what, if anything, is holding you back? The Angels and Ascended Master are definitely giving you a message. Listen to your heart to really hear it.

Haha my mind is having a hard enough time thinking right now...but this I need to give some thought to. Thanks so much for your whole post. Though I haven't addressed everything you've written.....know that I've read's a big help in piecing everything together...your insights are very valuable. A different kind of "prosperity" but worth its weight in gold no less : ) Same goes to Lotus as well : )


trying to catch up : )

The past few days I've been busy and my minds all over so some of the signs are still coming through.

For the past 2 nights I tried to meditate with this crystal. I couldn't get anything to come through. One thing I did notice was that my body felt really heavy...especially my legs. Both times I fell asleep and last night when I woke up I found my crystal was under me...maybe it was trying to "support" me. I've put my lepidolite in my pillowcase every night but still no dreams. I do remember waking up last night at 1:33 and at some point remember thinking about "control". I think it was more so that I wasn't in control.

Yesterday I had a "team" of people in my apt. asking questions, taking pictures, videotaping. The first thing they did was put in a new smoke detector. I didn't think too much about this till this morning and especially now with my comment a few posts back.

I chose this crystal to manifest...specifically to give me the push I need to get back to CA. When I first put my idea to the Universe (months ago) I kept unconsciously putting it on the backburner. (I specifically used those words in referring to it) The other day as soon as I told my son I thought his pizza was burning.... the water pressure kicked in to full pressure. Then when I though of fire.....Londom Bridges Falling Down popped in my head. The bridge crumbling.....much like my life. And then the new smoke detector. A detector is for protection. So possibly this is saying the fire is very much alive (as the lawyer asked me if the stove still works) and no longer on the backburner. Despite everything crumbling or as my son started singing "it's the end of the world as we know it" I'm very much protected.

I also had to point out to the lawyer that the roof leaks and then the Realitor had asked my son if it leaks. Water seems to be significant and to me water is about flow. Just not sure which direction it's trying to flow. Also I mentioned the front door is hard to lock so a locksmith took a look at it. He had to change the lock as he simply put a phillips screwdriver in it an it opened. So I didn't have the security I thought I had. The new lock showing I'm now secure. And also a new lock had to be installed on the entry door as well. So even more security. So I have "support" "protection" and "security". I wasn't really paying too much attention to the conversation. I do remember "just a little paint" and "how long have you been living here?" I thought it was kind of odd the lawyer (and she's videotaping) asked about my parakeets and their names...Chooki and Cookie. Also I didn't mention yesterday but when I got out the word search book I went to page 83 and on the page to the left was a list (this puzzle was about baking) I randomly chose a word (eyes closed) and my finger landed on Cookie. Hmm. Cookie is a rare parakeet...her cere is purple. She's mostly white with a mix of a real pretty sky blue. We got her from the pet shop as a baby almost 2 years ago on July 4th.

Something else I realised is a few days ago I was going through my pantry and have a bunch of Vitners "Hot and Spicy" LOL this little nugget is shooting flames (there's the fire again) from his mouth. I noticed the date June 18. More so the 18. Then yesterday my son mentions that in some parts of Canada you only have to be "18" to drink.

This morning I went to MSN and as the pictures on the main page were catching my attention one caught my was about the biggest losing state for the lottery and there was a link to a guy that had major wins 7 times. So I checked it out and then went to LotteryPost to see if it had been mentioned there. Anyway I left a quick message and then I noticed...I had 888 posts and my joining date was on the 8th. Also my Avatar caught my attention as it's two pennies and one is "flipped" over.

Something else I just remembered.....yesterday while at MSN there was a video of an Iceburg "flipping" over. I'm thinking (would have to look) the word flipping was used in the title.
Ok so I'm "starting" to get it. I'm sure more signs will come back to me.


Something else I realised...

Wow I just posted 43 mins ago...I had just checked my cell phone as it was in the other room. The time was 11:23 and I missed a call from my daughter. I have 3 different numbers for her so this was her name with a 3 at the end. And before all this I was looking up lyrics to a song that the line "I'm not the man I was before" had popped into my head. It's from Three Days Grace and the song "Wake Up".

Also something I had forgot. Last night before getting offline I was trying to find out more information about Angel Samax. Last/night/early this morning my old cell phone shut itself off (because it wasn't charged) Anyway my phone is a Samsung...Makes me think of Sam....sung. And Samax is for Air/Tuesday. I also can't help but wonder if it's telling me...times up?


I wonder if the flipping thing is linked to actually flipping a coin - to choose your lotto numbers, maybe...? Also as in flipping related to moving...? The flipping pennies I jsut wrote above was actually not what I was going to write, it just came out randomly like automatic writing - so maybe you should try that ;p

Getting a Cookie could simply mean a little reward from the Universe...

I am glad you are now secure, anyways! ;p

lol @ your son singing "end of the world as we know it" - I always thought of that as the Tower song!

Sounds anyways like the whole lawyer visit was not too too bad...I am really glad for you, DS, and glad that you still have a roof over your head! ***hugs*** I am touching the Strand for you, DownwardS...~~~~~~~~~ :)


hmmm, well, first off, I feel weird mentioning this, so take it with however much "salt" you wish...if Cookie is near a window please consider moving her. I don't know why but for some reason when you talked about that, I just got a very strange feeling like she was in danger or in some sort of discomfort and does not need to be near a window right now. I'm not trying to weird you out or anything...but I feel like I have to mention this even if it sounds ridiculous.

Now, on to the issues of the thread...

Downwardspiral said:
I watched the video out of curiosity as I'm trying to keep up with all the crystal threads : )

could it also be that your guides wanted you to watch it so that you can make some connections that haven't yet been made? like creating synchronicity and an increased number of coincidences? :p

So, I read through most of the thread you posted regarding your 'heart of hearts' and all the wonderful advice that 214red provided. Here are some of the things that struck me being that you started down that path of conscious manifestation nearly a year ago to the day...on 5/15/11 you stated "Lately I dream of going back to California and I really don't want to take this job with me". You then spend the rest of May and all of June "fine tuning" what you really want to put out there to the Universe and begin aligning yourself with the flow. You are now almost to the point where all that you have manifested is coming to fruition and it is June of 2012.

On 6/10/11 in that same thread you actually state your true heart's desire!!

Downwardspiral said:
My true desire would be to retire so I can spend more time with family and persue my spiritual path. (so much I want to learn) I would also be open to a part time job......not because I had to depend on the money but to do something of interest to me. LOL my friend used to tell me if I won the lottery he pictured me working in my own book store. Ha little did he know it would be all things mystical, cards and books, crystals and candles everyhere : ) Maybe even a reader or two.

So mystery solved! LOL

Then right after that 214red gives you a fabulous technique for manifesting this, and also I feel is the true reason you were lead to work with your sacral chakra while using the lepidolite (crown chakra/auric field):

214red said:
you can clear the blocks as you go along, you have a strong relationship with your guides and they will help you if you give that as an intention, empower them to help you.

Might be worth doing the soul realignment. sit down in a quiet spot, ask to speak to your soul and feel what happens, you should feel a warm feeling under your ribs, you need to find the exact location for you, it can differ. Open your crown chakra and set the intention to link to your higher self, you will find your energy expand, once you feel your crown open and link, ask for your higher self to send energy down through your mind, through your heart to your soul. Sit and listen and you should feel like a warmth through your body downwards until it connects to your soul.

its an interesting excercise, and you can ask your higher self for advice, obviously your guides work for your higher self etc

Do you see what is happening in this meditation? You open your crown chakra (lepidolite) to link your higher self to the "seat of your soul" (located just between the solar plexus and the heart chakras most likely although this differs from person to person). However, you have a stated block in the sacral chakra (the blocking of Abundance! or maybe better stated: an attachment to the feeling/experience of lack in your life). So, it seems as though the Angels and Ascended Masters are still trying to tell you that to complete the circuit and allow the manifestation to complete you have to OPEN yourself to ABUNDANCE (notice I am not saying prosperity...for as you pointed out that word is not just about is about feeling and being prosperous in all ways).

Here's something a lot of people don't understand about the flow of is not just about bringing the energy of light down from "above" through our crown have a complete circuit, we also must draw up energy through the chakra's in/below our feet to the root chakra which will then push up to the soul center...AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. The energy meets in the "middle" and from this comes creation/manifestation. This, btw, is the spiritual meaning of the Temperance card in Tarot. The full movement of energy through the body/spirit and the "control"/manifestation of that energy through conscious intention.

well, I actually have some other things to say, but I think I am going to remove myself from "the soapbox" for now and let these things sink in. My hope is that somehow my "free flow" of thoughts will help you and possibly others in some positive way.


wildchilde thank you so much for taking the time to break everything down and provide your insights. I haven't been to that thread in awhile though feel the need to update what's going on. Also I hope you do share your additional thoughts as you are an amazing source of knowledge.

This afternoon I tried to scry with my mirror holding my lepidolite in my other hand. I could see images but the only one I could make out was what looked like a flower or a pinwheel...and I noticed around the edges it had a sort of rainbow effect. So I tried meditating.... again. This crystal is supposed to be good for meditating though I get the feeling it doesn't want to help me in that way. Again the heavy feeling in my body and something else I forgot to mention...I can feel a sort of pressure on my right ear and almost like the hairs inside my ear are standing up. Anyway all I got out of that meditation was I heard "so that's how the dog died" and later there was another reference to dogs but I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

Since Tinkerbell made herself present earlier in the week I decided to dig out the 3 of hearts which has a picture of Tinkerbell and you can see roses and fairy dust. (Tinkerbell playing cards) I tried to meditate again and could see what looked like roots growing into the ground. And amazing because in your post above you mention roots. Then I saw what looked like an image of Tinkerbell (from a sideview) She spread her wings like she was flying toward me and slowly disappeared from my view.

I've been carrying my lepidolite in my pocket all day and at times holding it and again I feel very calm. I noticed yesterday I didn't have it with me for most of the afternoon and I felt at times pretty stressed out. Not so much from what was going on but from being cooped up in the house the past few days.

The only other thing that caught my attention today was my son started talking about Disneyland and then he mentioned a commercial and made it a point to tell me how long 1:30 so the 13. The commercial is about a family on a road trip...a vacation. Then he says how one by one they start singing?/humming? the tune to Ozzy Osbournes "Crazy Train"

I started to get the feeling yesterday this crystal has done all it can do right now. Before coming online I was thinking it was time to start working with another crystal. And your post above so perfectly points me where to go next.
I think you hit the nail on the head about abundance and me being able to let it into my life.
I'll take some time to re-read your last few posts so I can fully understand what your saying and use it to my advantage to get where I'm trying to go : )

Oh not sure why you got the feeling about the birds. They're a few feet from the window and it was closed. Though I had opened up the blinds so maybe too much sun was coming through. Thanks for your concern and sharing it with me.