crystals and fae magick?


I would also add plants, flowers and herbs, especially in windows and by the hearth, to attract them to come into your home. Offerings of milk, honey and cake is always appreciated and they love anything glittery or shiny. Fairy coins, thimbles, interesting crystals, pretty stones, tiny furniture, pretty pictures, rose petals making a pathway to the food offerings is a sure way to attract them. But be sure to keep the house neat and quiet. They won't visit chaos and don't like loud noises!


Thanks I hope to add to it at a later date. christmas is stopping me from adding more to it. I have to keep some money back for presents b'days. I do like what you have done Hearthcricket I like how warm and welcoming it looks. no loud music here. The neighbours might do, which will probably push them outside. I have to get in the loft sometime and have a look around see if there is anything around I could add to it. Thanks for the ideas very much welcomed.