Crystals for anxiety?


I have a big chunk of lepidolite and it is TOO much, rather than relaxing, I find it more of a stimulant. I had to take it out of the bedroom and move it into the living room so I could sleep! Blue lace agate, ocean jasper, pink quartz I find soothing. I like to have them around me before I go to sleep.
If you need a gentler dose of lithium than lepidolite, there's always kunzite. It's heart-meltingly beautiful and very relaxing. Unfortunately it's kinda pricey.


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Briar Rose

selenite and moonstone are very calming.

anxiety is usually a fear based emotion. Sometimes rubies help me to over come anxiety, like when I need strength to know what's coming next.

It also helps to carry a bell, or use a singing bowl to bring balance to your energy field before you can begin to be receptive to the pulse the crystal gives off. Flower essence can also bring balance. Even color theraphy works.

Anxiety is the human personality side of us that can sometimes block our soul- which is our higher self. If I feel any anxiety, I try to catch my breath and feel myself breathing, and listen to the sounds around me to ground myself. Act rather than react.


Myself, I find ametrine and citrine like a dose of amphetamine! I only use it when I really need energy!

Prehnite can be energising and calming at the same time, much as Labradorite is. I agree with Stonesatiety, garnets are very clearing and grounding, and repel anxiety by giving confidence.

Also agree with Briar Rose, rubies are awesome for grounding :) They give you a stable energy with no super highs or super lows. But you still feel a sustaining and steady lift. And it is calming, as it is so stable. It's nice!

Might want to try Chalcedony as well, if you really want to be *very* calm and loving :) It comes in several green is nice! ;)


The amethyst+citrine combo (poor man's ametrine) seems to work very well for me. I substituted it for my blue lace agate yesterday, and it seems even more effective for anti anxiety. I slept like a log last night, no stressful dreams whatsoever. Also, the citrine is believed to enhance mental clarity, and it is possible that the combo may never need to be cleansed, but this remains to be seen.

I like the idea of amethyst and citrine! Will have to give it a go.
Maybe quite a 'basic' one - but I have a big ol' lump of rose quartz and I find that taking myself somewhere quiet and sitting with it for a little while, just taking the time to sit and breathe with it, to be really comforting and calming. It feels like a little act of self love and self care.

Briar Rose

The title of your tread reads anxiety. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you feel you have anxiety about? You mentioned reading the tarot cards and asking for protection.

Do you feel anxiety that you may need protection while you are reading?

Is it because you might not be believed , or that you think tarot cards are negative and then you need protection from them? Cause you won't need any protection just for using the cards.

I am totally getting into the Crystals and exactly which one would be specific to you. I wouldn't mind researching, and then letting you know. Also, maybe I can direct you to a specific Crystal and a specific shape? Please let me know.


Larimar (Atlantis Stone) is especially good for stress and anxiety, as well as other things, as is aquamarine. Love them both, but I like blue.


Pink stalactite - is it rhodochrosite? Kunzite...I have to go google that.

ETA: I was going to mention the lithium aspect but LRichard already beat me to it! Pretty stone!


If you need a gentler dose of lithium than lepidolite, there's always kunzite. It's heart-meltingly beautiful and very relaxing. Unfortunately it's kinda pricey.

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