De-Enabling Thread


I'm definitely not looking for warm and fuzzy. I guess selling first borns is frowned upon now a days, huh?


William Blake

I've been on a deck buying spree the last week after a long hiatus. This, The William Blake, has been on my wishlist for many years and I'm sorely tempted. But it's the summer with not much in the way of work on the go, and I need to save money! Please, someone tell me this is a totally awful deck and to stay away.

Look, do yourself a favour and don't do it - I got it as a present, and it was still too expensive at the price. Oh yes, SURE it'll seduce you with its lovely box and tempting artwork, but honest-to-god, a suit called POETRY? And another called PAINTING? What the hell?

I have it and I love it. But the only reason, generally, that I'm not in a locked psychiatric ward is that in Australia they cannot commit you involuntarily unless you do physical harm to others. My insanity and my complete break with reality (and taste) is about Tarot, not about hurting people. Don't follow my example. Take me not as a shining example but as a horrible warning.


I'm definitely not looking for warm and fuzzy. I guess selling first borns is frowned upon now a days, huh?

I know! People are getting so uptight over nothing...

I have been told that I have a penchant for tough intuitive decks. The Thoth, the Mary-El, and the Haindl are among my obsessions --and, lately, the Greenwood.

But the Tyldwick is really beyond unapproachable.


agape with fascination....

O M G......i just figured out what de-enabling thread means.

I thought it meant taking a thread off your watched threads list. You know, de-enabling it.

This is a game I might actually be good at, considering I have over 50 decks on my exile list, so I will be lurking with glee in the background.

Carry on then......


Look, do yourself a favour and don't do it - I got it as a present, and it was still too expensive at the price. Oh yes, SURE it'll seduce you with its lovely box and tempting artwork, but honest-to-god, a suit called POETRY? And another called PAINTING? What the hell?

I have it and I love it. But the only reason, generally, that I'm not in a locked psychiatric ward is that in Australia they cannot commit you involuntarily unless you do physical harm to others. My insanity and my complete break with reality (and taste) is about Tarot, not about hurting people. Don't follow my example. Take me not as a shining example but as a horrible warning.

HAHAH! Oh well done, that's funny. I can't promise I'll stay away from it forever as I'm an artsy sort of girl's William Blake! But I'll be good until September. You might have to top me up with de-enablement then!



I'm definitely not looking for warm and fuzzy. I guess selling first borns is frowned upon now a days, huh?
You mean I have to buy mine back ? But she's fine where she is...

Warm and fuzzy it is not. Abandoned is more like it. Who wants to buy leftovers that someone else gave up on ?


William Blake

HAHAH! Oh well done, that's funny. I can't promise I'll stay away from it forever as I'm an artsy sort of girl's William Blake!

The de-enablement continues.

William Blake is overrated as an artist. Have you ever actually looked at any of his images? All the bodies are out of proportion. Those sitting down, their limbs are arranged in physically impossible ways. I suppose he was too poor to afford models. Or just dreadful at drawing.

And besides, if you're an artsy sort of girl and you buy one awful deck because of that, imagine what other horrors of the Tarot world will end up in your collection! The Hieronymous Bosch, to give you nightmares. The Brueghel, with all its European peasantry tramping through the snow. The Klimt, with all its glittery nudes, most of whom look as if they have been on the Concentration Camp Weight Loss Programme. The Blake is the thin end of a very unpleasant wedge that I like to call my art-decks subcollection. Save yourself while you still can. Run away. Run away very fast.


Can someone pull me out of the abyss and stop me from buying the Bonefire? I need another deck like I need another hole in my head. But...pretty colors!


I liked Bonefire too, but what drove me crazy was the way they had the name of the card really awesomely worked into the artwork, but then for some reason thought printed titles were still required. Also, I know it's called "Bonefire" but bones everywhere got to be a bit OTT after a while. The tattoo style was interesting and rather charming but the busyness of the cards were a bit overwhelming en masse.


Can someone pull me out of the abyss and stop me from buying the Bonefire? I need another deck like I need another hole in my head. But...pretty colors!
If you have an iPhone or iPad the Fools Dog app for this deck is awesome. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I use the app of the deck rather than the deck (though I have the deck). It would save you money and space. Just a thought for sort getting it without getting it. :)