Deal breakers: or, it's not you, it's me :(


This is a variation of sorts, of the 'how do you choose your deck?' thread...

Are there any decks that you REALLY like except for that ONE thing you just can't get past.....decks that would be perfect for you, decks that you adore in so many ways except for that one thing that jars?

For me, it is The Aquarian deck's version of Strength. If only Mr. Palladini had drawn a woman there! Why oh why !(wrings hands).

I first caught a glimpse of the Aquarian Tarot in the Madeleine Montalban book; then it arrived, unsolicited, & as I looked through it I believed I had truly fallen in love..until I saw that moustachoiued incongriuity ...

just ONE thing, mind you.


Despite the fact that I consider myself a hippy, earthy, granola treehugger - and, as someone said in the "hmmmm" thread, a fat and hairy (and happy) woman - I cannot get past the Universe card in the World Spirit. It was better in person than on-line, but it just kind of gives me way too much pause.


Oh SloughSister, the Universe in the World Spirit is one of my favorite cards!

The Devil card in the Tarot of White Cats has a six-pointed Star of David. Otherwise I like it much.


It isn't usually a card for me, often it is the card size and the way it handles. I know it gets a lot of criticism here, but I like the Blue Moon Tarot quite a lot. I find the imagery rather speaking. But I rarely use it because I dislike the size and shape of the cards and find the cardstock feels like heavy photographic paper.


I really liked the Tarot of Dreams back when it first came out as the limited edition, and thought I'd even be able to deal with the way-too-big cards. But the Hanged Man was a definite deal-breaker. A naked man back-on, upside down with arms extended, and some sort of brand or tattoo on his back. Made me think of the Fire cardinal in Angels and Demons who'd been branded and suspended in a burning church. Way too uncomfortable to use with the torture connotations, I couldn't get past that one card and I wound up selling it.


For me it's card stock and size. If they're too big or the card stock is too thick or both, it's just such a let-down disappointment for me. There have been decks I'd have just adored if they hadn't been too big or the card stock too thick.


Those shades of *pink* in the Kitty Kahane and the Rock Art. I just know I could love them if they had different color palettes . . . :(


The Lovers card in the Guilded Tarot, and the Hanged Dragon in The Dragon Tarot Deck.

The lovers card is to... sexed up for me. And with the dolphins in the background, the only thing I can think of is that disturbing fact my Friend shared with me when she saw the picture.

The Dragon has NOTHING to do with the The Hanged Man, this angers me. Not enough for me to get rid of it, but enough for me to growl when it comes up with this deck.

Le Fanu

I am perpetually in love with the Bohemian Gothic. I don't use it all the time but when I do, it stuns me with its beauty and atmosphere, but when the 2nd edition (which is so much better in many ways) came out, that new Lovers card made me wince. Surely they'll change it? But they didn't. Surely I'll get used to it? I haven't. But everyone else loves it.

The only consolation is that it is a card which never seems to come up. As I'm shuffling, I'm constantly willing it to not be drawn as it spoils the smooth coherence of the rest of the deck. So far, I don't think it has come up. Not in public anyway.

It's not you, it's me.

Asbestos Mango

It's the court cards in the first edition of the Quantum Tarot. Something about the photos of normal human faces superimposed over images from the Hubble is very off-putting. I'm having a good time floating through the cosmos, and suddenly those people smack me back down to earth again. It kills the whole feel of the deck for me.

But I can't complain too much, the deck does give excellent readings.