DECK OF THE MONTH - OCTOBER - Month of Spreads


This month, I thought we would try something different. It will be the "month of spreads".


Each week there will be a different spread posted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Instead of focusing on one deck this month, we are going to take a few decks for a ride and see how each deck reads for us. The options for this months study are as follows:

a) ONE DECK - use your preferred deck for the three weekly spreads (3 readings)
b) TWO DECKS - do two readings for each of the three weekly spreads (6 readings)
c) THREE DECKS - use a different deck for each of the three weekly readings (3 readings)

You can choose an option above, or a combination of the three during the month. It will be fun to see how we feel about the comparisons of our decks.

Feel free to post your spreads in this forum:

Any chatting about how you are finding the spreads, which ones are your favorites, which ones work for you, which ones you don't like, what you would change, etc, is to be posted in this forum.


Please post a comment to include the deck you will be focusing on this month (feel free to join in at any point in the month).

Please feel free to post any questions, comments, concerns and advice inquiries in this thread. It belongs to all of us!

Most importantly, have fun!



1. Kathy123- Samhain Deck of the Bastard PLUS Tarot of the Hidden Realm
2. DaisyDragonfly - Bohemian Gothic Tarot PLUS The Zombie Tarot
3. Myrrha - Mystic Faerie Tarot PLUS
4. Chimera Dust -Golden Botticelli Tarot PLUS
5. Mi-Shell - Greenwood Tarot
6. Merissa_88 - Dark Goddess Tarot PLUS Mythic Goddess Tarot
7. Juliana - Ellis Tarot PLUS Tyldwick Tarot PLUS The Wild Unknown Tarot
8. Raheli - Wildwood Tarot PLUS The Voyager Tarot
9. Emmsma - The Ellis Deck PLUS Bonefire Tarot PLUS The Rosetta Tarot
10. Rayo- Shadowscapes Tarot
11. Holly doll - Shadowscapes Tarot PLUS The Witches Tarot (Ellen Dugan)
12. Paign - Paulina Tarot PLUS Llewellyn Tarot PLUS Tarot De L'Eden


New Deck Interview Spread - Page 2
New Moon Spread - Page 3
Daily/Weekly Tarot Spread - Page 5
Guardian Angel Spread - Page 5
Weekend at a Glance Spread - Page 6
Thanksgiving Spread -Page 6
The "no spread" - Page 6
Full Moon Spread - Page 7
Dark Lord's Dark Side Spread - Page 8
Mabon Gate Tarot Spread - Page 7


Ooh Kathy - this sounds very cool! I barely managed to do anything this month - being back at work meant I couldn't get into any kind of tarot routine - but October should see things settle down. I'll definitely sign up.

Two decks to choose, eh? One of them will be the Bohemian Gothic, I think, but I'm not sure about the second. Let me think about it.. possibly Tyldwick again...


Welcome back Daisydragonfly!!! Great to see you again!!!


Is it OK to do this group as well as the deck of the week group? Last month you guys had the most wonderful study ideas -- I did a dream extension using Nisaba's method and I also did some of the one about finding a theme and running through the deck. It has been a while since I used spreads at all so it would be interesting to give that a try again.

I am using the Mystic Faerie this week for the deck of the week group so if it is OK to do both that would be one of my decks.


Welcome Myrrha! I don't think there is any issue with doing deck of the week and deck of the month. You can even change your decks up each week here... :)

The only thing I ask, and I will make reference to it in the main post, is any comments that you make on this thread, you put the name of your decks in the "title" spot. It just makes it easier when we are reading comments, instead of flipping back to the first page to see what decks you are using :)

Glad to have you along!!!


Thank you Kathy. That makes good sense about putting the name of the deck in the title of the post.

Chimera Dust

This sounds like a fun idea! Is it ok to participate even though I might not be able to keep up? I'll try, but October might be a difficult month for me so I might end up missing out. If that's ok anyway, I need to figure out which decks I'd be using. I have enough decks and I could use the Golden Botticelli Tarot and maybe another one, though I don't know about the third (3 weekly readings is easier for me than 6 weekly readings so I'd rather try to find another deck). Hm.


Chimera, welcome!! Three decks is great, and keeping up isn't mandatory. Just let us know how you are doing :). Great to have you!!


My deck for October will be the Greenwood Tarot.
This is my main reading deck. I will use the mini version I just recently printed out - (see my blog ...)
However, I will be in England, then Nepal and India during this month, visiting other practising shamans and work alongside them.
So will have almost no internet access and will not be able to check into AT.....
I wish all of you a lot of fun with your decks and will chime in when/ iffff I can....


My deck for October will be the Greenwood Tarot.
This is my main reading deck. I will use the mini version I just recently printed out - (see my blog ...)
However, I will be in England, then Nepal and India during this month, visiting other practising shamans and work alongside them.
So will have almost no internet access and will not be able to check into AT.....
I wish all of you a lot of fun with your decks and will chime in when/ iffff I can....

Have a wonderful trip! Thanks for the pdf Greenwood mini on your blog. :)