Deck of the Week : Sign-Up Thread : Week 166 : October 4th - October 11th


This thread is for those who would like to work through their collection of decks. Each week on a Saturday we will be picking a new deck to work with exclusively for the week.

Anyone is welcome. Please join us!

1. Please post with your chosen deck for the week - if you wish you can choose 1 tarot and 1 oracle so you can participate in all areas of the forum

2. Chat away about your deck, how you're finding it etc

3. Daily Draws can be recorded in our Group Daily draws thread: HERE

4. The following link is for members of the Deck of the Week group to post readings (other than Daily Draws) with their chosen decks or readings with spreads offered specifically by Deck of the Week members. No feedback or commentary on the spreads/readings is required (unless requested).

Deck of the Week Readings

5. Here are links so that members can post daily readings/reflections on Oracles or Lenormand decks:

Oracle Decks - Threads in Oracle Readings forum
Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Daily Draws
Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Readings Journal

Lenormand Decks - Threads in Lenormand Journals forum
Deck of the Week Group - Lenormand Daily Draws
Deck of the Week Group - Lenormand Readings Journal

1. Elendil : Vision Tarot
2. BodhiSeed : Ship of Fools Tarot and Four Winds Oracle
3. Chiriku : Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
4. VGimlet : The Alice Tarot
5. AJ : Runic Tarot
6. UrbanBramble : El Gran Tarot Esoterico
7. jema : Dark Grimoire
8. Madame Squee : Spanish Tarot and playing cards.


I'm in with Ship of Fools Tarot and Wisdom of the Four Winds Oracle.

So how did you like your week with Le Tarot Noir, Elendil? Looked like an interesting deck.


I'd like another week with Legend: the Arthurian Tarot (by Ferguson), please and thank you.

I will be open to exchanges. Do we still have a designated thread for that, Elendil?


So how did you like your week with Le Tarot Noir, Elendil? Looked like an interesting deck.

I'm also curious how it went for you with this deck, inquiring minds, as they say.

This week I'm in with the new Alice Tarot. Have been looking forward to giving this deck a spin since it came in the mail a few weeks ago. :D


So how did you like your week with Le Tarot Noir, Elendil? Looked like an interesting deck.

I'm also curious how it went for you with this deck, inquiring minds, as they say.

Le Tarot Noir is a very appealing TdM. The cards are large and gilded. The imagery is coloured in a warm palette on creamy backgrounds. I enjoyed using this deck - though I still find using TdM decks much harder than RWS 'clones'

This week I'm in with the new Alice Tarot.

This is a deck I would really like to own - but it is just soooo expensive. I cannot justify the outlay....:(


I will be open to exchanges. Do we still have a designated thread for that, Elendil?

We don't have a designated thread, but if you get someone who wants to exchange PM me and I will set one up and link it in the opening post of our thread :) :)


cripes, already?
I think I'll take another week with the Runic. It is such a oddball and so am I.

I couldn't even manage a flutter for the MRP Alice deck. I've already had two alice decks, read the books again, enjoyed using them both on my blog, but reading with them? No thanks :)


First time doing this, so many decks to choose from...

I'm going to go with El Gran Tarot Esoterico. Committing to daily draws for a week.


Welcome UrbanBramble! Enjoy, it's a great thread to get those decks out into the light. :D

I have both the other Alice tarots also, and I didn't connect with either of them very well, but I'm hoping to with this one. It's been on my wanted list for years, although I couldn't spring for the deluxe version.


First time doing this, so many decks to choose from...

I'm going to go with El Gran Tarot Esoterico. Committing to daily draws for a week.

Welcome to the group :)