Deck of the Week: Sign Up Thread : Week 55: August 18th - August 25th

Asbestos Mango

Well, I've finished my week with the Golden Dawn Magical Tarot. It was interesting. I think I was expecting it to be all spiritual and woo, but it focused on practical stuff, especially my health. I kept getting a lot of the darker swords cards, and the only bad things that have happened to me was my asthma attack, which I'm now on a better medication for, and my plantar fasciitis, which has healed nicely, thank you very much.

And now I don't have any decks left that I haven't spent a week with, so I guess it's going to be Deck of the Day for a while until I break down and buy something else that I'll need to get to know.


Just a ps, that I loved Dark Grimoire so much that I just ordered the artists other deck too, the 2012 tarot of ascension :-D

Asbestos, i can't even think of ever getting to the point where I got no fresh decks for a weekly deck lol, they seem to breed like roaches my decks.

Asbestos Mango

Just a ps, that I loved Dark Grimoire so much that I just ordered the artists other deck too, the 2012 tarot of ascension :-D

Asbestos, i can't even think of ever getting to the point where I got no fresh decks for a weekly deck lol, they seem to breed like roaches my decks.

Yeah, decks will do that.

Funny thing is, lately the Paulina has been appealing to me, and until recently it was on my "definitely do not want" list.

But I thought I'd never get through my collection just because when I was doing DotW, I kept buying new decks, adding to the collection. I finally had to put my foot down with myself and say, "No more new decks until I've spent a week with the ones I have already".

Of course, when I did that, I had already pre-ordered the Steampunk and the Doreen Virtue Angel Tarot...


I had a lot of fun with the Morgan-Greer this week. I'd bought it on impulse a while back, but never played with it until now. Really enjoyed the bright colors. I get why this deck has so many devoted fans, and I can see this one being on regular rotation for me as well.


And now I don't have any decks left that I haven't spent a week with, so I guess it's going to be Deck of the Day for a while until I break down and buy something else that I'll need to get to know.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

The joy for me in coming to the end of the line (I just finished my third time thru) is each time decks are eliminated and my remaining decks become more precious and loved and exciting and looked forward to when their week comes up again.
I think this last round I added six or seven decks, a Mesoamerican group and a few more, and pulled six decks.
The year before I didn't add any and cleared out about a hundred...


Well, I've finished my week with the Golden Dawn Magical Tarot. It was interesting. I think I was expecting it to be all spiritual and woo, but it focused on practical stuff, especially my health. I kept getting a lot of the darker swords cards, and the only bad things that have happened to me was my asthma attack, which I'm now on a better medication for, and my plantar fasciitis, which has healed nicely, thank you very much.

And now I don't have any decks left that I haven't spent a week with, so I guess it's going to be Deck of the Day for a while until I break down and buy something else that I'll need to get to know.

I had similar experience with my deck - Kazanlar is all Qabalah-y and full of woo - but all it did was yak about my recent diabetes diagnosis. BUT - it was very positive. So, I guess I will take it! :)


Yoga Tarot

My experience with the Yoga Tarot was a tad challenging. All of my tarot decks in my collection have some sort of RWS traditional symbolism on the cards which is what I'm most familiar with. The only thing that the Yoga Tarot does that's traditional is titling the cards LoScarabeo-style with the different languages. (All the majors have traditional RWS symbolism on them however). I did have to keep going back to my books to look up meanings of the cards I wasn't as familiar with since there wasn't symbolism there to help jog my memory and intuition only images of yogi's and yogini's in different poses.

Saying all this however, I still really love the deck. It is so gorgeous and meditative. It's not a beginner deck that's for sure, unless you want to use just the major arcana. I was able to get a better idea of what the Yoga Tarot was saying after working with it daily. Really the deck is only loosely based on the RWS and like I said, that's mostly in the majors. This deck has really helped flex my 3rd eye muscle. The more I get familiar with the imagery the more I will click with the deck. I had great readings this week, however, even with the challenges. Most of my inquiries with it were based around my yoga business and were very accurate (once I figured out what they were saying!).

I'm looking forward to reading with it but am grateful the week is over because I'm going for an easy peazy deck to work with next week. :)


Well, I enjoyed my week with the mini Tarot of the Pagan Cats to extend it a day (plus I went on an overnight and packed it with me). It was a convenient size to carry with me and easy to shuffle. In fact, I am now interested in getting more mini decks especially to travel with.

Since it was pretty much in line with the RWS, it was easy to read with right off the bat. I know there are people out there who dislike cat themed decks, but I'm not one of them. In fact, several of the images reminded me of some of my own cats past and present.

Off to choose this week's deck.