Deck Raffle! A. Nonny Mouse Promotional Tarot


I have a sneaking suspicion one wouldn't want to get into a catfight with you AIO, wild woman that you are!

All Is One

You say the SWEETEST things, Minrice!!!! :*


I wouldn't mind my King of Swords to be considered by Major Tom for the calendar. I don't really think that it is good enough, given the marvels that I have seen with this deck, but it sure beats that humiliatingly awful King of Cups.

Still can't get over the brilliance of the Nonny Mouse Deck concept, the work that people have put in - and I don't just mean the artists - it takes great organisation, hard work and commitment to achieve such a task. Brilliant all round. A multitude of pats on the back to Feretian, All is One and everyone else involved. A special thanks the Gregory for alerting me to the project. It has not only been fun, but has pushed me to work a little in the comedic animal kingdom. I am always afraid of pushing my boundaries and appreciate pushes and shoves the force me past my fear levels.

And everyones cards: excellent. A super mix of styles and ideas that have worked to create a super special deck.



All Is One said:
I would like to see Cat's Eight of Packages sent to Major Tom for inclusion in his calender. I've never seen that style before and it's so unusual. I think it might be cool in the calender.
Thanks for suggesting it! :)

All Is One said:
Cat would probably never mention this, and might not even want to do this.

Maybe we'll have to have a catfight.
You're right, I would have suggested my Devil or Judgment before the Eight of Packages (and might have forgotten to suggest either). But I'm not against including the latter.

We could still have a catfight, though, if you insist. How does a round of good old-fashioned mud-wrestling sound to you? ;) We could donate the profits to the A. Nonny Mouse project.

But before we get told off for being off-topic once again:
I love to see this deck come along! Sooo many different styles! Really, I haven't seen a card I didn't like among the ones that have been shown up here. I can't wait to see the rest of them!


I want Ferryberry's Moon on the calendar, I do. That is what I want and what it is too. So there.


I was going to IM this to all the Myce, but in the meantime, here's the official (officious?) word from above:

Feretian said:
[size=+2]Some of the Myce are asking about the Tarot Lovers' Calendar cards...

Here's what I plan to do...

On the weekend of May 23rd, I'll look at all the cards I have received in the mail (or that have been posted here; I know my postal area is slooow).

I'll choose out nine cards (I get to choose first! Na-na na-na nya na!).
(Also, you can nominate someone's card)

I'll post them on this thread, and send a PM to all Myce.

Myce will vote the cards they would like to see in the calendar.

You can vote for yourself, of course!

I am going to find someone not associated with the deck to receive and tally the votes (to keep your votes relatively anonymous). [/size]


Ok - I NOMINATE Ferryberry's Moon. LOUDLY and with Vehemence.

All Is One

Oh my lord was that officious, or what. But it does settle the issue in the most fair and most complicated way. ;) :p ;)

All Is One

Oh, and if a catfight or a good mud wrestling match will raise money for the Mouse program, Cat, count me in!


Seven of Cups, minrice


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    Seven of Cups, minrice2.jpg
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  • Seven of Cups, minriceIMG.jpg
    Seven of Cups, minriceIMG.jpg
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