Designers who should do a Lenormand


What tarot deck designers would you like to see do a Lenormand?

There are several who already have, some who have designed tarot decks before, some who have just done their first deck, a lenormand.

So many are just lovely, quirky, and/or very unique in style!

When thinking of tarot deck designers who haven't yet done a Lenormand, I would love to see one by Anna. K. I think her style would lend itself to a very interesting Lenormand. I'm sure there are many others I would enjoy seeing do a Lenormand, but she came to mind, as her tarot deck will always be in my favorites.

Anyone have a tarot designer they would like to see do a Lenormand?

ana luisa

I bet if Karen from Baba Studio made a Lenormand deck, ATrs would go nuts!!!! Her decks have so much class!
One designer I really love, Will Worthington, is already working on one. Check this out:


A Kim Krans lenormand would be something to behold... and definately one for my wishlist.


thank you for sharing the link, ana luisa!

I wasn't aware he is working on one and I would certainly love to see it.
Stellar4, I am not familiar with that artist, I must check it out :).
I would be interested in seeing an MRP/Baba lenormand, but only if the cards were a certain size. I love borderless, I love big images, but I can't imagine a deck the size of the Bohomian Gothic as a lenormand! But I bet they were have great artwork.


Hi Great Dane, Kim Krans is the artist who did the wonderful Wild Unknown Tarot. I agree that a Baba lenormand would be very interesting and no doubt beautifully produced. I see your point about their usual sized cards being too big for a lenormand - the size of their mini decks would be perfect.


I'd like to see Anne Stokes do one. I love her AS Tarot, and I just picked up her Necronomicon Tarot yesterday. I have to say I adore the artwork on both.

Londa Marks would probably do an interesting one as well.



Thanks Stellar4 and DarkMage

Oh of course I know the Wild Unknown, I just didn't remember who had done it. THANKS for that Stellar4! You're right, the MRP mini decks would be a great size for a lenormand. Of course I would prefer borderless because of the size, but yes, I bet they could do a most interesting lenormand. And wow, DarkMage. That does kind of boggle the mind (in a good way) to think where an Anne Stokes or Londa Marks lenormand would go!


Love Place's Style

Although some of those cards do throw me off a bit for a lenormand. It does seem a little like a lenormanoracle or ormanocle...whenever there are cards kind of off the norm, it seems it could be used as either. Thanks for including that link Ana Luisa!.


Marie White!!!!! Granted, it could be quite a spooky Lenormand, in the same way that her Mary-El Tarot is not for everyone. Still... the possibilities...