Determining baby's sex


manda78 said:
Ah yes- Here, instead of a pendulum I have seen some of the older generation use a pencil, with a threaded needle stuck into the eraser. Hold the pencil over the wrist or stomach of the pregnant lady and viola- circle for girl, straight line for boy. I think you would call that a hillbilly pendulum now that I think about it. :D
And it works. My two circles are living proof.... :)


Grizabella said:
Take all the Majors out of the deck and then have the mom draw a card. If it's Swords or Wands, it's a boy. If it's Cups or Pentacles, it's a girl. :)

Well, I've never used a pendulum & I know the sun can be a boy & sometimes twin boys, but I like Griz's idea. That way Holly will have a 'hand' in it too.


I did this recently for someone I know. I didn't do anything fancy, just pulled a card - I think it was the Knight of Swords of something. I pulled another to make sure; it was another "male" card.


I just think since the mom is carrying the baby, the baby's molecular and atomic energy must be with her and she'll pull the right card. I'll be interested to see how it works for you, canid. I usually predict the right sex for the baby. And for some reason---maybe because I'm getting older, I can spot a woman who is pregnant before anyone else knows. Don't need the cards for that, though.


Grizabella said:
And for some reason---maybe because I'm getting older, I can spot a woman who is pregnant before anyone else knows. Don't need the cards for that, though.
When I got pregnant with the little one, I'd been arguing with her for some years ("No! I'm not going to have a baby! I hate children! Find someone who actually wants you and will enjoy raising you!" "I don't want anyone else! you'r the right one for me!" and we haven't stopped arguing since, but she's about the only kid I know who hasn't at some point screamed "I never asked to be born!"). Because if this, I was pretty sure she was female - I kept seeing her as a greying women in her mid-fifties throughout this whole period.

I selected a "sperm donor" - had to be someone who was:

seemingly healthy
didn't mention contraception or fertility at all as an issue.

This last on the basis that I absolutely wasn't going to go against anyone's will, but if they threw viable sperm cells my way and had not specified how they were to be disposed of, I was free to do what I wanted.

I found someone who fitted the bill. I did whatever it takes on five consecutive weekends. On the Tuesday after the fifth weekend, I suddenly know it had "taken". Rocked up to a doctor, who laughed me out of his surgery, saying "come back in six weeks, if you miss a period which I very much doubt you will." By the time I came back in six weeks, I knew I was carrying a girl. And a Taurus. Hooray! What I didn't realise was that she was going to have both her sun and moon in Taurus, making her a very strong character, but hard to parent (grf!).

Of course, the fact that I *was* pregnant, and was carrying a girl, was completely coincidental - I couldn't possibly have known because at that stage a medical test wouldn't have shown. I couldn't possibly know my own body better than a complete stranger of a doctor.

And no, I never thought to pull cards, although I was using them - it just didn't occur to me. I already knew - I rarely pull cards when I am certain of something.


My daughter was like that. She knew the moment after :| ahem :|

My mother-in-law, who wasn't then, knew about my first before I did. I wish she had mentioned it sooner; my life would have been less complicated....


I just did this for me and pulled the 7 of cups. a girl?


just pulled another one and it was 8 of pentacles. (I am very bored tonight!)


gingerstar said:
I just did this for me and pulled the 7 of cups. a girl?


just pulled another one and it was 8 of pentacles. (I am very bored tonight!)

Awh, so it's gonna be a little baby girl gingersnap!


canid said:
Awh, so it's gonna be a little baby girl gingersnap!

i couldnt resist a best out of three! two of cups, so am thinking its gotta be a girl with three out of three!

just gotta wait another five months to find out :)


I know this is slightly off topic, but I just think that you can tell by looking at the woman if it's a girl or boy. My sis is the mom of 6 and each and every time, the boys were "smaller" -- meaning she didn't seem as puffy all over. The weight was concentrated. The girls were "diffuse" -- she just LOOKED really pregnant. And we knew w. her first daughter that she was preggo before she told because for the first 2 or 3 months, she looked horrible. What's the saying? A girl take the beauty from her mom? Don't get me wrong: she looked great after that! But those first few months? Whew.

Anyhow, I have never been wrong using this method :)