Devil and ace of wands


Outcome of an extremely serious relationship (common-laws)
5 card reading and the two cards above are in the position of outcome and the second card is not a clarification card

My interpretation was that, One of the people in the relationship will cheat as he/she will crave something new??

I did the reading for a guy friend of mine and he was not happy at all about The outcome.

Is my cheating theory correct? And can you tell by the devil and AOW which one will do the cheating and will it end the relationship.


5 card spread laid out something like


Where 4 and 5 are the outcome but 123 have no positional meanings? Those two cards could just as easily point to a very satisfying sexual relationship between the two of them. Of course the other card would provide the necessary context to be able to determine that.

And, no, those two cards in and of themselves don't say who will cheat or when or where or why or with whom. You would need to do a separate reading to investigate any of those questions.



Outcome of an extremely serious relationship (common-laws)
5 card reading and the two cards above are in the position of outcome and the second card is not a clarification card

My interpretation was that, One of the people in the relationship will cheat as he/she will crave something new??

I did the reading for a guy friend of mine and he was not happy at all about The outcome.

Is my cheating theory correct? And can you tell by the devil and AOW which one will do the cheating and will it end the relationship.

Sex.. those two cards speak about sex and thats it.. It is not cheating. Why would it be that.. There are other cards for cheating. It says that the relationship will go deeper between them and they will have a sort of dependency on each other. It speaks of an unhealthy relationship(one of them suffers a bit because of how this relationsip works and their terms)but all in all this combination shows the sex in many positions and experimenting within their couple.


5 card spread laid out something like


Where 4 and 5 are the outcome but 123 have no positional meanings? Those two cards could just as easily point to a very satisfying sexual relationship between the two of them. Of course the other card would provide the necessary context to be able to determine that.

And, no, those two cards in and of themselves don't say who will cheat or when or where or why or with whom. You would need to do a separate reading to investigate any of those questions.


1 her feelings for him (no cups no majors but still positive)
2 how she sees him ( major, suspended)
3 present ( positive
I usually think of devil as addiction and obsession
But I can see how ace of wands could point to something new between the couple instead of an entirely new person


Sex.. those two cards speak about sex and thats it.. It is not cheating. Why would it be that.. There are other cards for cheating. It says that the relationship will go deeper between them and they will have a sort of dependency on each other. It speaks of an unhealthy relationship(one of them suffers a bit because of how this relationsip works and their terms)but all in all this combination shows the sex in many positions and experimenting within their couple.

How is " good sex " future outcome though, I was looking for signs of marriage or break up .
I don't have card for cheating. Which cards do you see as cheating?


I'm really careful when it comes to relationship readings and I wouldn't see cheating in a spread unless it was extremely well-indicated in the cards. For these two cards as the outcome in a spread, I'd be inclined to read those two cards as just indicating that sex will take a disproportionate importance in the relationship. There's sexual addiction to consider. Lots and lots of people think sex is love when it isn't. It's an appetite and love isn't necessary to satisfy that appetite.


How is " good sex " future outcome though, I was looking for signs of marriage or break up .
I don't have card for cheating. Which cards do you see as cheating?

Maybe they are not doing too much sex at the moment who knows.. Maybe their life is not full of sparkle or desire. Sex can change things in a relationship and could make two people get closer to each other. Break up no way since the devil has a chain in the picture. This is an unbreakable tie. And ace of wands is something changing for them.. But these 2 cards i got for myself and there's no point to describe the goodies that comes with it..:D (it was outcome for me as well) and of course i had the same expression of worry..

As for cheating i have the 7 of swords as prime card representing that. Then i have the 3 of swords that shows the betrayal itself.
Then the 5 of wands that shows the rival aproaching in one's life to unbalance the relationship.
9 of pentacles- a woman with more admirers and she actually enjoys it. Even in a strong couple once i get this card for the female representative it says she's a bit too "easy".
2 of pentacles means juggling two people at the same time(two relationships.aka cheating)
Even the 6 of pentacles can suggest sharing your attention in more sides(more people).. Its a card that could be seen in a marriage for example. The beggar in the picture is the mistress since she's the one that gets material attention and love in portions and she must accept that.
Magician is the flirty guy that wont say "no" to a one night stand. He's the liar of the deck and will do anything to have his way.
Even Lovers can represent sometimes a cheating since i get it often for people who search for their other half on dating websites or in different other places.
7 of wands can announce the arrival of another person interfering in a relationship.
Page of wands is the guy that luuves to experiment therefore cheating is something normal since he is such a free spirit and non conventional..and immature if u ask me.
3 of cups is the female cards in my deck therefore when i get this card for a guy it shows to me total flirting and joy (him between other women in his life)..
To me and the way i saw this card in all the readings i did,the devil has shown to me that someone has a strong obsession/fixation for a certain person therefore cheating is out of the league if i dont have other cards pointing a cheating. It shows the strong tie one can have for a person,either because they are linked romantically or physically.


I find taking multiple cards into consideration is helpful when reading the cards. Within a spread of several cards, I look for multiples that, combined, will indicate an answer.

It's very telling when you say you were looking for cards that would indicate marriage and or cheating. When we do a spread about something, if we're looking for a specific answer that we think could happen, there's more likelihood that we'll see what we're looking for. I recommend just keeping an open mind about the issue.

Was this a spread specifically asking if there's infidelity?


1 her feelings for him (no cups no majors but still positive)
2 how she sees him ( major, suspended)
3 present ( positive
The Devil as how she sees him could easily mean that after all these years she still finds him sexy. (You've heard the term "sexy devil" I hope?)

AW as present could be rekindled lust or a new fire and enthusiasm for the relationship on her part since the questions seem to be about her.

Nothing about those two cards in those two positions says infidelity to me.



Outcome of an extremely serious relationship (common-laws)
5 card reading and the two cards above are in the position of outcome and the second card is not a clarification card

My interpretation was that, One of the people in the relationship will cheat as he/she will crave something new??

I did the reading for a guy friend of mine and he was not happy at all about The outcome.

Is my cheating theory correct? And can you tell by the devil and AOW which one will do the cheating and will it end the relationship.

I don't see cheating. I really see a karmic relationship where it is hard to break a tie ("common-law marriage", see what you said?) & that Ace of Wands says that there is always a new type of "spark" going on that keeps the karmic-relationship together. The Devil can have you with someone who is toxic deep-down inside for YEARS. You might even marry them, but, until you learn your lesson, you won't break free! The Devil always pops-out (for me) as a relationship where a karmic-debt has to be paid. That takes some time to do, so, it would make sense for those two to be in a common-law marriage. Usually, I see these as relationships where people aren't really happy, but, they stay,... & They can't tell you why they're there. It seems like a DUTY to stay! Don't see the cheating, though,... If more people cards would've popped-up, maybe, but, those two alone representing cheating? Nah.