Disagreeing with a reader's interpretation


She really does read Tarot and is still someone I see once every 2 or so years.

But there are some things that cards cannot say at all I reckon - no matter how good you are, so in part it makes me wonder if she is "Psychic".

She never says it though. Also, I don't think she thinks that she is that way inclined.

Cards cannot say things like" "Between November the 1st and 5th your lawyer will contact you and this is what will be brought up when that call comes though and you will have to go in and sign some paperwork. The situation is this......". (August 2012 reading).

She was RIGHT (even about the details to a tee) yet I wasn't expecting to hear from him in November either. She really is the ONLY one, for me, that has ever been on the mark for dates with Tarot that is for sure.

I was actually contacted by the lawyers office at the end of October by phone and then maybe once more before going in by his secretary, but I think it was November the 2nd or 3rd I actually went in to sign a whole lot of forms with him. This was about 3 years ago.

She has to be Psychic as her cards are so faded you can barely make out the cards at times. :bugeyed:

Could this person have been more of a psychic reader, then? Especially if the cards weren't necessary to the reading?

Isn't it always ideal when we get to go to someone who is the absolute best at whatever they do, AND it is exactly what we need at that time?