Discussion Group - Aces


That's great Honeybea! I'll look into Place's book. I appreciate all the help in getting all this fantastic knowledge into the discussion group.

The idea of the Holy Spirit delivering the host makes sense, though I never would have thought of it myself, so thanks!



I am not sure if this right or not, but I always looked at what side something is happening has got to do with tense. Left, being the past, and right, being the future.

Pentacles and Swords, the hand is coming from the left, presumably the past.

Cups and Wands, the hand is coming from the right, presumably the future.

So, for instance, if that is the case, then you would expect the Cups and Wands to happen first, then followed by Pentacles and Swords.

Now, lets look at it this way, say Ace of Wands is when something you would start, that can be seen out of the blue, maybe totally unpredictable, spur of the moment, type thing. Then, if that is something that you want to stick to, then you can start something that would mean that you would put more work into it, to become more viable, thus, Ace of Pentacles.

Say, Ace of Cups, you get new feelings about something, then later down the track, Ace of Swords, you get new ideas, concepts, attitude, thoughts and what not about it.

No idea if that is right, but I figured it was worth mentioning.


aces high

MY feelings towards the aces is direct intervention of SPIRIT ,the globules from fuzzy memory depict the fall out or announcement aftermath of spirits actions "NOS" I think its called.I've also noticed that the greenery at the crown is limp,this I take as nature being less dominant than spirit .All starts are inspired,hence the hands of fate. The left and right hand placements is interesting,the only thing that pops to mind is balance .


ah ha!

we had one of those flashes that so many of us get,two of the aces are actions inspired by spirit the other two are actions supported by spirit.........The M on the cup or chalice we feel is for "The Word".. ."IN the beginning was the word",inspired by love,supported by the hand of the spirit.From the cup of love sprang the waters of life ......MMMMMMM we need a cuppa something,brain cells moving!!!!!


we've also noticed that the hands are all the right hand,indicating from the light.