Divination Insence


hi everyone, I was wondering if you guys use a divination insence, and if so which ones/herbs do you like to use with your readings??


Hi there,
Do you mean incense sticks?? i do burn little incense while reading for others as it clears negativity and makes the space more pure. And the smell kind of takes me into a trance and i can concentrate better on the querent. I mostly use lavender or chamouli.


oh cool, yeah I was just wondering how many people use insence for readings..
I like to burn my own that I make..
usually Frankinsence,patchouly,sandlewood and tons more lol..


Whoa lilacsky,
I didnt know that you can make your own incense. That sounds cool.......... :))


Absolutely you can make your own incense. Alot of stores carry "empty" sticks, meaning no scent has been added. Use your favorite oil (or a mixture of a few to create a new scent) and add a few drops of it onto an empty incense stick. And voila! You've just made your own.



I definitely use incense during readings to clear my mind and attune myself with my spirit guides. I use frankincense and myrrh at the start and to close the reading I use camphor to clear the air and myself of any negative energies I may have picked up.

Blue Fury

Frankincense is wonderful for tarot reading or any kind of meditation, but I mainly use incense sticks. My favourite is a blend called Pariloka (vanilla, sandalwood and vertivert). It smells wonderful without being overpowering.

Fury x


Frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood are very spiritual smells. Very evocative. If you wish to clean your space, camphor and lemon do it greatly. To create a cozy place, some warm smells such as patchouli or benzoin are great. During the summer, sweet smells such a roeses (specially white roses), lavender and jasmine are wonderful.

Good luck :)



thanks guys, yeah ya know I usualy make a special divination incense to go with my readings/meditations..yep I put my energies into the dry herbs I buy and mix them well than grind them in a coffee grinder lol it works wonderful! and its done just light it and enjoy!
I love the smell of oriental incense..I wish I knew how to make that, I always buy the sticks from the local magic shop but man I would love to make my own!lol


I have a few favourites- Nag Champa, Frankincense, and an incense cone called Radha's Devotion. Nag champa is usually my incense of choice during readings, and Radha's Devotion or Frankincense I usually use when meditating.
