Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot


I have the Virtue Hay House Magical Unicorns Oracle deck, and I've always thought that it's a great pity that certain huge Tarot deck publishers did not bother to reach the level of quality of presentation that Hay House established and maintained for their Oracle decks.

hmmm. Maybe I need to think about replacing my Magical Unicorns deck with her Tarot deck. A better introduction, perhaps, for grandchildren to real Tarot.

In fact maybe that is a very positive aspect. This new deck is a great introductory level to the 78 card, 4 suit deck, for anyone who uses it.

Also, some of her Tarot decks are seeded with photos of Virtue, Radleigh or her dog Valentine on the odd card. 'If you find one, let us know.'

Another very clever marketing tool. Presumably you'll get a bonus Virtue deck as a prize?


The point about life in 78 cards is SPOT ON. Life isn't all sweetness and light. It isn't always "safe" and things aren't always delivered gently. Doreen is in some airy fairy world, and I wonder if she'll ever snap out of it?

That aside, the presentation of the cards looks pretty good. Visually, they're appealing.


Doreen is in some airy fairy world, and I wonder if she'll ever snap out of it?

I doubt she's 'in' that world that she portrays at all.

And why on earth would she 'snap out of it' when it's so overwhelmingly profitable for her?

And she has yet another divorce to pay for.


I'm sorry - I couldn't get past 2 mins 40 secs - the happy friendly dragons - so I can't give a real view here - but it's dross really isn't it?
How can it have the "same meanings as traditional tarot" and be "safe and gentle" at the same time? Well, it can't.

When the Tower erupts in your life, it's not safe and gentle is it? So her card must be one, or other, but cannot be both.

She'll rake in the $$$$ as usual, but not from me.


I doubt she's 'in' that world that she portrays at all.

And why on earth would she 'snap out of it' when it's so overwhelmingly profitable for her?

And she has yet another divorce to pay for.

Yes... I always found it funny that she's offered relationship and love advice in the past.


When the Tower erupts in your life, it's not safe and gentle is it? So her card must be one, or other, but cannot be both.

The Tower image did look a bit like a falling angel. Maybe a Fallen Angel?

How can we not be intrigued? So at a cost of US$11.53, a copy is winging its way to me from Amazon. How can they sell that quality at that price?

With very slow postage, a total cost of NZ$27.33.


I appreciate that YouTube link, so at least I got a look at the cards.



O go on then i confess!! I pre-ordered the deck a few days ago on Amazon. I like fluffy it softens the blows that life can deal us sometimes lol. I do own a few Doreen virtue oracle decks as well. I am a Tarot newbie so still learning but cannot help myself from collecting some of the awesome tarot decks out there. Steep learning curve but enjoying the journey...


Is it sad that I still kind of want it? The art is so pretty that it lures me in, even if the renaming of the majors is kind of like nails on a chalkboard to me. (The Hanged Man was too un-gentle for you so you had to make it "Awakening"? Really?) I wish the art took up more of the cards, not only because it's beautiful but because it's very detailed. I'm afraid at the size they are the details might make the images look... kind of muddy.


I'll bet there's no way the Angel Tarot cards will appear on Albideuter, or other whole-deck publishers.

From personal experience of trying get permission to scan and display their Oracle cards on my Tarot blog, I can say that Hay House, via their artists, are extremely protective of their images.

Enjoy those Angel Tarot cards you can see on YouTube. I'll bet that's the closest anyone will get to them unless they fork out US$11.53 via Amazon.

Maybe the first deck run is 100,000 decks, or maybe even a million? Maybe that's how they can afford to produce decks with that superbly high-quality of presentation decks at that price? And I'll bet they all sell!