dream of tarot


I had a dream that a fortune teller told me I was doing tarot all wrong! and gave me a message of love. is this a higher self or my spirit guide telling me to stop reading for myself and be confident in my readings? see lately I have been asking a lot of the same situation *embarrassed*. specifically my boyfriend and I. and I get confused like crazy. i know I should stop, but I can't help it. and I get terrible outcome and cards never look good. what you guys think?


i think the dream was telling you to put the cards down regarding the situation with your bf, its saying to go into your heart and focus on love and see what your heart tells you.

I dont think its telling you about your ability to do tarot, its about changing the focus of the readings your doing for yourself.


I think it's just your subconscious reflecting the concerns you feel when you're awake. You've heard people saying here that you shouldn't ask the same questions over and over again, so because you're concerned about that and feeling guilty, at least to some degree, that's reflected in your dream. I don't think it's the dream telling you to quit doing it---only that you're feeling guilty about it.

Use Tarot however you see fit without guilt. If you're doing something non-productive, your own experience will prove that to you because you won't be getting the answers you need. You'll just get nonsense. But don't let anyone else make you feel guilty that you're not doing it "right".

People here mean only the best when they tell you their own experience or advice they've heard themselves that it's no use asking the same question over and over, but it's not set in stone and you're free to do anything you like with Tarot. (Within some guidelines, though. Don't sell $600 candles or remove spells for huge prices or anything like that.)