Eligibilty To Be A Tarot Reader


NamasteIndia said:
4) He/she should not having any vices or addiction.

OMG you have definitely LOST me here! I have too many to count!!! })


olivia1 said:
ethics :

1. A set of principles of right conduct.
2. A theory or a system of moral values: "An ethic of service is at war with a craving for gain" (Gregg Easterbrook).

This definition was pulled from the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language :)

I'm just glad she's at least trying to do what she feels is the right thing. Whether I agree with her or not I'm not going to bash her for her beliefs. If she feels you have to be moral and good to be a reader, then I that's great. That's one less scam artist. I'm not saying everyone who doesn't try to live like Jesus is bad (I'm not living a God like live) but I'd rather see she's spouting not ripping people off and trying to help others than the opposite.

I wasn't asking for a literal definition of ethics, and I'm sure you know this. I know what the literal definition of ethics is. I mean what defines what composes said ethics. Moral values change from person to person. What one person views as ethical, another may not, which is why I don't see the importance of bringing it up. I really kind of feel like 'right' versus 'wrong' is somewhat irrelevant when talking about this. Especially when it's talking about eligibility for a tarot reader. If ethics is going to be a topic matter, then is it ethical to push your own personal beliefs on another person?

Albeit, this may very well not be what she does with her readings, but the way she seems to be presenting herself seems to say otherwise.


obeygravity said:
I wasn't asking for a literal definition of ethics, and I'm sure you know this.

All I see is you are so worked up over her opinion and I dont get it. so what if she feels you have to be moral and good and near God like? We all have our different beliefs for what makes a tarot reader and no one is more right than the other because its all opinion.


olivia1 said:
No I dont. I just see you so worked up over her opinion and I dont get it. so what if she feels you have to be moral and good and near God like? We all have our different beliefs for what makes a tarot reader and no one is more right than the other because its all opinion.

Why is my questioning her opinion getting worked up? She's posted it on an open forum, and people are perfectly allowed to post their opinions, whether or not they're in agreement. That last sentence is exactly why I'm questioning her opinion. It is because we're all different, so what's the point in questioning the eligibility of a tarot reader? We all come from different backgrounds with different experiences and different reasons.

This is a simple discussion. I don't see anyone swearing or flipping out. Simply discussing things. If you so choose to see it as an argument or someone getting worked up, then I suppose that's your prerogative. But just like you have the right to quesiton my opinion on the topic, I have the right to do the same with hers.


IMHO having a solid [printed for handout] Code of Conduct is definitely a plus for new sitters. Many times we readers have to overcome bad stereotypes & preconceived notions.



obeygravity said:
Why is my questioning her opinion getting worked up? She's posted it on an open forum, and people are perfectly allowed to post their opinions, whether or not they're in agreement. That last sentence is exactly why I'm questioning her opinion. It is because we're all different, so what's the point in questioning the eligibility of a tarot reader? We all come from different backgrounds with different experiences and different reasons.

This is a simple discussion. I don't see anyone swearing or flipping out. Simply discussing things. If you so choose to see it as an argument or someone getting worked up, then I suppose that's your prerogative. But just like you have the right to quesiton my opinion on the topic, I have the right to do the same with hers.

Who decides what encompass ethics? Society I suppose? I dont know. I just know there is a general consensus in what good and bad is. why do I see you as argumentative? Because I'm legitimately lost as to why someone would sit there and question someone's opinion to this extent. Hasn't her opinion been torn a part enough by everyone else? You already said repeatedly you disagree with her. I get it, we all pretty much agree, her opinion is really idealistic but the point is that is her opinion.


OK I read through the whole thread..... the thing I don't get is why some people take this exclusive stance.... so she said you can't be addicted or obsessed or whatever her/his words were .... I chuckled.... I know who I am and I know what my beliefs are..... I will add to a discussion but it is never at the exclusion of anyone else or anyone elses beliefs.... and so what if this person feels this way - why do "you" get so excited and disturbed by this person's point of view??????? Why do you think it automatically challenges your point of view or that your POV needs to be defended. Makes me so tired!

Live and let live already.

I am a tarot reader (among other things) I know "who" I am. I read on whatever subject I feel comfortable reading on - if it is health one day and divination the other if I feel the light is green in my corner I do it.... if the light is yellow I don't. I follow my guide... I follow my instincts my heart and my spirit.... if you come along and say You should never read on health (let's say) well that is your opinion.... you don't know me - or the client sitting across from me or the message I am getting..... you don't because you aren't me.... and I hear you and I file it.... and SO WHAT! I do what I am going to do!

This is NOT me saying I am great or better than or whatever (not in the least) everyone has a purpose and path all I am saying is be true to yourself and follow it and my truth and path may be wholly different than yours and again SO WHAT!

Think for yourselves... find your beliefs and work with them.... I don't criticize others for their beliefs... they are true! They are theirs and they are their truths.

When someone is posting a thread to suss out their own beliefs that is ok - they want to hear opinions to figure out where they stand.... I give my opinion and let them decide if it fits with their beliefs I could care less if they adopt it or not.... I don't get it all....


olivia1 said:
Who decides what encompass ethics? Society I suppose? I dont know. I just know there is a general consensus in what good and bad is. why do I see you as argumentative? Because I'm legitimately lost as to why someone would sit there and question someone's opinion to this extent. Hasn't her opinion been torn a part enough by everyone else? I get it, we all pretty much agree, her opinion is really idealistic but the point is that is her opinion.

Yes, there's a general consensus of what good and bad is. Good is helping others. Bad is killing people. But that general umbrella of good vs. bad only covers so much.

Asking questions isn't being argumentative. Inquiring about how someone came to these conclusions and what justifications they have for it isn't being argumentative. It's only argumentative if you're taking offense to these questions. In which case, if you're going to take offense to people questioning your opinion then you probably shouldn't be posting it on an open forum.

I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, I'm not trying to make anyone feel like they don't have a right to their opinion, I'm merely asking questions to find answers to my own.


olivia1 said:
In one of your posts it seems like you did take it personally. Which I really dont understand and that is why I am questioning you. If you are happy with yourself and you know what your core beliefs are, why does it matter so much what she thinks? She's just one person.

My original post wasn't me taking it personally. If I had taken it personally I would be up in arms by now, but I'm not. My original post was asking a simple question because I do see it as a bit excessive to say that someone shouldn't have any vices in order to be a tarot reader. Everyone has a vice, regardless of how amazing you may see yourself.

I do not see the problem in questioning someone's opinion. What's wrong with making someone potentially think about what it is that they've stated? Stimulating thought process isn't a bad thing. Making people question things isn't a bad thing. Finding answers isn't a bad thing either. I find her opinion to be interesting, and in turn, would like to know how she came to her conclusions. Why is this bad, again? I also do not understand why it is that you're getting so defensive on her part. If she has an issue with things that are being stated, surely she'll come forth and address it. And for someone who's so defensive over her right to her opinion, why question the right for others to express their own?

And at any rate, this is getting off topic, and I'd rather this thread not be removed because I do wish to see what else will come from this topic.


Moderator note:

obeygravity said:
And at any rate, this is getting off topic, and I'd rather this thread not be removed because I do wish to see what else will come from this topic.
Exactly. Please do not start discussing each other's posts, per se. The thread starter's premise is fairly controversial and should provide enough meat for discussion!

co-Moderator, Talking tarot