Experiences with Bright Ideas deck??


Hello All

I am considering buying the Bright Ideas deck ... and I am wondering if any of you can share your experiences with this deck??? I'd love to hear them...




Be your own quarterback!

Yemanja said:
I am considering buying the Bright Ideas deck ... and I am wondering if any of you can share your experiences with this deck???

I drew a card for one of my studies. As well as the wonderfully modern artwork by Eric Hotz--very clean and illustrative, I like that you can't immediately pin the same old R-W meaning on some of the cards. You are forced to see things with a fresh eye. I like the deck, but it wouldn't do for purists,which was Mark's focus in developing it, bless his business-like heart.

The card I chose was Direction, the Red Controlling Card and I didn't even bother associating it with conventional tarot because I liked the analogy of the quarterback on the card and I wanted to keep an open mind as to what that meant.

Football as life patterns. Studied with a snippet from a book on the alphabet and the birth and pattern of language. I titled my study "Finding the Links in an Ordered System" which is very much like a formation where the quarterback must find the links in his ordered play to complete a pass and get the ball to where he wants.

The idea of direction too---in my case being my own quarterback--a reminder that you can develop your own system of play. The trick is in the links.

It's the great quarterback sneak!


Very cool! I like your interpretation!!! Very awesome indeed!! And wouldn't you know, your interpretation comes 'bang!' at a time for me when i realized that I didnt have this attitude to life and need to develop/reveal it...

I was drawn to buying Bright Idea because it seems so grounded.... and I majorly need to get grounded..... it just looked like a deck I could totally imagine myself using in the "real" world, you know???

Rihrig and Pagans path are also on my wishlist for similar reasons....

Kaylee Marie

I like this deck, but don't reach for as often as I probably should. I need to study other decks, but this one is just blunt and obvious. If I ever need a quick, slap in the face, why didn't I think of that? answer, Bright Idea is the deck for me. I really like the new scenarios and scenes for each of the cards. The Chariot just cracks me up!

The artwork is a bit of a drawback for me. The characters look straight from 1983. I've never seen so many mullets and ponytails in one place! Plus the artist doesn't seem to know how to draw women's faces and bodies. They're all really stocky and look like ugly men. How many women do you know with a huge, square jaw? Cause all of these women have 'em! I didn't even realize one card was supposed to be a woman until I noticed the boobs! There's better ways to draw androgenous characters than to make them all look like lumpy football players.

But like I said, I really like the readings I do with this deck. It's always very clear and to the point. And Mark's new take on the cards is excellent and very interesting.

Kaylee Marie


Kaylee Marie and Sulis!! Thanks a bunch for the info..... and I bit the bullet and bought the deck!!!

Can't wait to do readings with it............


By the way, how does this deck hold-up for doing readings for other people? I think I will start doing that once I get it in the mail...