Fall Spread


What will be left behind and what will be brought in this fall
Is what I asked the cards out of curiosity.

King of swords popped out - assertive, authority a mature man

My take

King of swords Popped out: I feel this is telling me that the sharpness and directness off some people will disappear and things will get better. I feel he is also saying that immature men will be leaving my life soon making way for things that are ready to grow and keep me protected.

Main Spread

No set positions it's a message for me

21 the world Tree - Certinty, Completetion, Success, Reward
King of Pentacles - confident, reliable, wealth
Four of cups - dissatisfaction, Bordem
6 the lord and the lady - Attachment, Choices, Union, Partners, Romance

Base card Queen of wands - hard worker, honest , independent

my take

I feel this is telling me that there's going to be a change over the next few months, one that will allow me to end things that need to be ended and start things that need to be started. I feel this is all about completion and new starts rewards to come. The world, I see the change beignjnf me confidence and making me a better person. I feel it's saying that I will feel richer in my self and I will learn to love my self for who I am which indicates a start for new and reliable situations. King of pentalces. I see the Bordem leaving my life and exciting things coming my way I feel the isolation and loneliness I will leave and I won't be un satisfied from situations any more. Four of cups, I feel that there will be plenty of exciting choices and unions for me to take on maybe a romance or two? Or a start off one at least. The lord and lady.

Base card - I feel this will be an honest choice and one that will help make me independent and satisfied off the hard work I've achieved.

Any other opinions?


Kat Moon

What will be left behind and what will be brought in this fall
Is what I asked the cards out of curiosity.

King of swords popped out - assertive, authority a mature man

My take

King of swords Popped out: I feel this is telling me that the sharpness and directness off some people will disappear and things will get better. I feel he is also saying that immature men will be leaving my life soon making way for things that are ready to grow and keep me protected.

Main Spread

No set positions it's a message for me

21 the world Tree - Certinty, Completetion, Success, Reward
King of Pentacles - confident, reliable, wealth
Four of cups - dissatisfaction, Bordem
6 the lord and the lady - Attachment, Choices, Union, Partners, Romance

Base card Queen of wands - hard worker, honest , independent

my take

I feel this is telling me that there's going to be a change over the next few months, one that will allow me to end things that need to be ended and start things that need to be started. I feel this is all about completion and new starts rewards to come. The world, I see the change beignjnf me confidence and making me a better person. I feel it's saying that I will feel richer in my self and I will learn to love my self for who I am which indicates a start for new and reliable situations. King of pentalces. I see the Bordem leaving my life and exciting things coming my way I feel the isolation and loneliness I will leave and I won't be un satisfied from situations any more. Four of cups, I feel that there will be plenty of exciting choices and unions for me to take on maybe a romance or two? Or a start off one at least. The lord and lady.

Base card - I feel this will be an honest choice and one that will help make me independent and satisfied off the hard work I've achieved.

Any other opinions?


Okay so I will give my two cents here, but I don't have this deck so my take may be a bit off.

First I always read tarot with a spread, cause I kinda feel like if I wanted a more general message then I would freely flip card with an oracle deck. Tarot = structure/ oracle = more free form. But that is just me.

With the King of swords popping out at you, I think that it is telling you to think more this fall. Really use your logic, and think through everything. Don't rely as much on your gut right, but your brain. Trust in logic and the confidence you will get from really grounding yourself there. (Have you been a bit emotional lately? Maybe this is point to stop letting your emotions run the show).

I actually had a different take on this spread. I think that with the King of Pentacles, four of cups and the world. That you having been a bit bored in the job/career that you have. That you are working so hard, but not getting any personal reward from it. That this is not benefiting you any more. So you are just bored and stagnate. The world could be saying that you are ready to admit that this is not the right job for you. That you are finally able to accept that it is time to move on. And even though it will be hard to move forward and leave this job that you are going to be able to do it. Then the lord/lady card could point to you finding something that you are really going to enjoy doing. That you will find a much more rewarding job, that you are going to really gravitate to.

With the base being the queen of wands, you are ready to act. To get started with this new path. That you will have the energy and confidence needed to get going.

But again without the cards it is hard to read on.


Okay so I will give my two cents here, but I don't have this deck so my take may be a bit off.

First I always read tarot with a spread, cause I kinda feel like if I wanted a more general message then I would freely flip card with an oracle deck. Tarot = structure/ oracle = more free form. But that is just me.

With the King of swords popping out at you, I think that it is telling you to think more this fall. Really use your logic, and think through everything. Don't rely as much on your gut right, but your brain. Trust in logic and the confidence you will get from really grounding yourself there. (Have you been a bit emotional lately? Maybe this is point to stop letting your emotions run the show).

I struggle to show emotions, so being emotional is a bit meh, but I guess I have been because people are off to uni etc etc. Insecurity maybe the worst one. But asides from that I've been as cool as a cucumber especially for me!

I actually had a different take on this spread. I think that with the King of Pentacles, four of cups and the world. That you having been a bit bored in the job/career that you have. That you are working so hard, but not getting any personal reward from it. That this is not benefiting you any more. So you are just bored and stagnate. The world could be saying that you are ready to admit that this is not the right job for you. That you are finally able to accept that it is time to move on. And even though it will be hard to move forward and leave this job that you are going to be able to do it. Then the lord/lady card could point to you finding something that you are really going to enjoy doing. That you will find a much more rewarding job, that you are going to really gravitate to.

Leaving my job isn't an option for personal reasons, no matter how much I'm tired or it's not the first thing I'd do. Maybe I need to speak to my work and see if there's something they can do, I don't think any one wishes to be in the same place after a year really. :)

With the base being the queen of wands, you are ready to act. To get started with this new path. That you will have the energy and confidence needed to get going.

Yeah I'm ready, I've been looking for other jobs etc saving up for certain things to help with that factor, using my logic before I act like you've mentioned earlier. I haven't acted on impulse about any choices I'm making.

But again without the cards it is hard to read on.

Thank you :) for chiming in,
I appreciate the different veiw point on it! Your around 80% right on most things :).

Who knows maybe I'll get there one day!

I've got time

P.s can't use oracle!
:) Xx