Favourite deck you got this year


As this year ends I was thinking back of the decks (way,way too many decks!) that I've been blessed to get this year and which ones are now some of my pride and joy,and wondered what others new faves of the year are.These don't have to be new created/released decks this year but of course they can be,just decks that are 'new' to you,this could even include the rider waite or an ancient marsielles :)
My two runners up are
3rd is Heart of stars tarot,soft spot since my sis brought me this bless her.Very hollywood,but quite easy to read if you know your stars and movies.
2nd is cat tarot,I can't rave about this enough!I really love it,its adorable!
And 1st is......inserts dramatic x-factor style long pause....
Infinite visions tarot! I love art decks,its pure style and quality,my dream deck,and the LWB is better than most.

Happy new year everyone :)


The Thoth :heart:
I got many decks this year but none of them compare to it. I think I'm over the RW system...which can only be good for my purse!
Happy New Year to you all too xxx


The Tarot of the Year award for me goes to....


I was utterly bored with Tarot. Sick of it you might say. But this tiny golden deck kept calling to me. It wanted me to use it. To *play* with it.

I'm in love with Tarot again, and it's all because I decided to give a totally different deck a shot.

Rose Lalonde

I'm a broken record at this point, but the Thoth inspired
Tabula Mundi! (colores arcus edition with Book M)



My new (to me) love this year was my distressed Zirkus Magi. Got it early on in the year, used it daily, retired it for many months, and now it's back in heavy rotation.


Tabula Mundi (I need/want the book)


The BonefirešŸ”„I am so glad that Shaffer republished the deck!! I really want the Tabula Mundi it has been on my wishlist since the black and white deck was released. I just hope they don't sell out before I can get one...it looks awesome šŸ‘


The Thoth :heart:
I got many decks this year but none of them compare to it. I think I'm over the RW system...which can only be good for my purse!
Happy New Year to you all too xxx

Yep ... and yep. I don't know if I actually bought any tarot decks published in 2016, but the 2 Thoths I did get are my favorites for this year.


My favorite decks that I purchased this year were the Bohemian Cats Gold Edition (thank you SO much, FLiz!!), and the Future Solleone Tarot (an accidental find, and an unusual deck).