Feng Shui books?


Hi everyone,

Could anyone point me in the direction of a good basic book about feng shui? I've perused 10-Minute Feng Shui and liked it, but hoped for some feedback. Thank you!



I really enjoy the books by Lillian Too. Simple and easy to understand.


I have a Feng Shui book that is brand new. Feng Shui for love and romance by Richard Webster. It seems pretty basic and informitive. It has lots of diagrams and is 125 pages. I have not gotten into Feng Shui so I really wont read the book, If you want the book, what do you have to offer ?


I really, really recommend "Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui" by Karen Kingston. It's inspiring, simple to grasp and has lots of good ideas for increasing spirituality in your life. Denise Linn is another very good author, with a "native American" take on space clearing and feng shui.
