Four "Eights" in a spread.


I searched the first few pages, and couldn't see anything about this. Yesterday, my boyfriend (now ex, I suppose), dumped me after nearly 2 1/2 years together. It really didn't feel right, how he did it, what he was saying, and everything felt wrong, like his heart wasn't fully in the situation.

So I drew 16 cards, and in that sixteen, all four "Eight" cards were pulled, only the Eight of Pentacles was upright, the Eight of Wands, Cups AND Swords were all reversed. What does this mean in a spread (or in this particular situation too I suppose), as I'm at a complete loss, I've not had four of the same card come up in a spread before, and have never come across information on it, despite having googled about it. Is there any significance, or is it just coincidence.

If you're interested, I can post the other cards that have been pulled too, and what I'm getting as an over all message, it's just that having these four cards together is baffling me a bit.


this thread has some information

It contains information about 4 of a kind cards in a throw. Then Sulis recommends to show the whole reading to show the relationship of each card.
Hope this helps.


Once again I recommend posting the whole spread, with your own interpretation over in Your Readings.

If there were 16 cards in this spread and only 4 of them were 8s then there are another 12 cards there, with their positions that all have something to say.

About eights though.
I see the number eight as being related to the Major Arcana card Justice... They are about balance and fairness.
With the number eight you have movement around a central pivotal point; movement to find balance... Look at the number 8 - it's an infinity sign tipped on it's side and it's one continuous line around that central crossing point.
Eights are were you get the results of your actions, whether you like them or not.. Every action has a reaction and in the number 8 that's what we're getting, it's a number that deals with taking responsibility for what you've done before.
It's a time of organisation, of everything falling into place, of putting things in order after the upset of the sevens.

Hope that helps a bit.


Sorry it's taken so long, because of all the hecticness in my life, not just this split with Nick, but a number of major family crises, the stress caught up, and I just dropped off.

OK, I'll go post the reading in the "Your Readings" area, and thank you for the information, it is really appreciated.


Sulis said:
I see the number eight as being related to the Major Arcana card Justice... They are about balance and fairness.
With the number eight you have movement around a central pivotal point; movement to find balance... Look at the number 8 - it's an infinity sign tipped on it's side and it's one continuous line around that central crossing point.
Eights are were you get the results of your actions, whether you like them or not.. Every action has a reaction and in the number 8 that's what we're getting, it's a number that deals with taking responsibility for what you've done before.
It's a time of organisation, of everything falling into place, of putting things in order after the upset of the sevens.
As another "lesson," this points to the fact that almost everyone reads differently...and that you must find your OWN way of seeing things, divinest. Others will say that they see Eights being related to Strength (as the Major Arcana Key Eight is Justice in some decks--like Thoth--and Strength in others--like the Rider-Waite-Smith.)

You will find, as you continue to read cards and bring your own insights into how you read, that you will discover your own best way of looking at card combinations, prominences of suits and numbers, etc. And that will be right for you.

With respect to Sulis's vast knowledge and abilities (and because everyone sees things a little differently), I look at a prominence of Eights as a change of direction in one's life. After the introspective, spiritually self-searching nature of a Seven, one finds a new path to follow, and the eights signify that to me. Eights are also (to me) about grabbing that inner power (strength) and building a stronger foundation--but again, in a different direction from where you "are" presently. This would fit in very well with the possibility of a future new relationship...or at least the new direction the relationship you are in is following.

But I can also see the Eights reflecting Justice, and the karmic nature of one's, there you go. (The "right" thing will happen based upon all that has come before.) Yes, that makes sense to me, as well. :)

I do agree that if you post the reading down below in the Your Readings section, you will get some response (though, that is quite a big spread, and you may not get as many responders as you would with a smaller spread) and further help.


I'm so short with my answers :laugh: but 8 is a very spiritual number and a multitude of it is movement.