Freaky dreams relating to real life???


Well my dreams have been more clearer can remember them better... Like a month ago i couldn't even remember wat i dreamt about the night before (but before that i could) any way last night i had a dream about my ex... She was totally different physically in my dream, but personality wise she was the same. in my dream she dumped me, and today she dumped me... but in my dream i was really mad at her, and actaully swearing at her, but today i just like shrugged it off. but she seems to be very worried that i am mad at her Do you think theres any connection???


Mateo06: If you are asking is there a connection between your dream & what actually occurred, then the answer is yes! Anything of significance or importance that occurs in one's life is first told in a dream.
If I understand your post correctly, then you had a precognitive dream or a dream foretelling the breakup. Besides being a predictive dream, it also prepared you for the actual event. Having prior knowledge can lessen the emotional impact of something.
Dreams are sometimes the means whereby an issue is resolved or a problem is addressed. The difference of attitude between the dream & real life may be a matter of detail or timing. That is, having *already* acted out your feelings in the dream, there is no need felt to do so currently (or again). On the other hand, it could be the impact hasn't fully hit yet, & at some future time you may feel as you did in the dream; however, that does not mean it has to happen. Perhaps you are more comfortable & accepting of the breakup in actuality.


I hope my post doesn't come across as flippant, but I just HAVE to share with you the dream I had last night! It was totally hillarious.

I was with a big group of people that I didn't know, all dressed up to the nines, as we were going to a wedding. Except that we were being herded through a barn like sheep! Everyone was laughing. And the bride was running with us. And the bride was Mariah Carrey! When we got to the end of the barn, there was a gate there, where only the bride could pass. There was a big truck parked there, and we all saw the wedding entertainment disembark from this truck - it was the cast from M*A*S*H*.

It may have been the first dream I had in a very long time where I actually woke up giggling to myself! I'm a chronic suffered of nightmares, so this dream was sweet relief! ;)


. :-D :-D :-D ! Thanks for the laugh slinky-jo! I needed that today! It seems too bizarre to make heads or tails of it. Maybe someone more serene than I can attempt to analyze it!


I used to always wonder about those strong feelings of deja vu that I have. Now I wonder if I have those feelings because I dreamt something happening before it acatually happened.

I had a dream about 5 years ago. In my dream I was sitting at a bar with a friend. She suddenly gets up and walks away from me, very uset. She was wearing a long black coat. Then the bartender walks up to me and asks if my friend is going to be OK. I answered "She will be." Then I followed my friend.

About a year ago the same friend's bother died. A few days after his death I was sitting with her in a bar. She got up from her barstool very upset and went to the ladies room. That is when I noticed her long black coat. At that point I started to feel weird. But tried to shake it off. Then the bartender walks up to me and asks if my friend would be OK. I answered "She will be" without even thinking about it. Then I followed my friend. While walking to the ladies room I realized that it all happened just like I dreamt it would.

I have one friend who says I am inventing the dream to fit real life. But I even remember waking up after my dream thinking I should call my friend and the next day asking my husband if it was OK to call her. (We were living in Spain, my friend was in New York... expensive phone call.)

What is your oppinion??? Did I dream this, or is my mind playing tricks on me. And if my mind is playing tricks on me why have I had strong feelings of deja vu all my life???? I have put a lot of thought into this over the past year and would love to know what all of you think.


Bings: It seems that some of your feelings of deja vu can be attributed to having dreamt an event or an experience prior to the occasion, although some deja vu experiences may be attributed to past-life memories, triggered by different variables.
I am sure this occurs more often to people than they realize. Much of one's perception is filtered through a myriad of thoughts & images, all of which clamor for one's attention & may inadvertently block clarity. While one may not recall the actual dream or some other experience connected to the deja vu, the feeling remains.
I have had similar experiences since I was very young. It would not be until during an experience or when I was actually in the particular place or setting of the dream that I realized I had dreamt it.
One of the most compelling instances of deja vu occurred after I arrived in London, England for a short visit. I chose to walk the city rather than use the public transport so I could see more of the city. I had a guidebook with me, but I didn't bother using it.
I loved London from the first I set foot in it. It seemed very familiar & I felt at home, but I do not recall dreaming about it. The odd thing was that I did not lose a sense of direction as I tend to get lost in my home town! I knew I would find a bookshop for the books I was looking for, & I did locate an obscure, dusty old bookshop with 2 of the books out of 3. I was thrilled because those books were not available in the U.S.
I recommend keeping a record of such experiences, writing of them as one would dreams. It would encourage one's consciousness to be more aware.