new river needs assistance


new river is extremely ill. she has a fever of 103 and headache that won't quit.

she's been sick for about a week or so and is getting worse rather than better.

please join me in sending her healing energy, lighting a candle for her, whatever your healing modem is....please send her some.

in light,


I will,
let us know how things are going with her coming time please?



Light, energy, love and prayers will be sent to her this evening.

Major Tom

Healing energy on its way...


Sending New River all the love and health I can muster...



Already on it's way!!!!!


new river is still extremely ill. she is drinking what she can, but her lips are all chapped and she is dehydrating. she hasn't eaten and is still to ill to sit up for long.

so please, keep sending her healings.

in light,


much love, light, and healing sent your way. i hope you are seeking medical advice, too. those symptoms could indicate so many different things. the nursing student in me wants to ask all these ridiculous questions but i know you are being guided by angels and will make the right choices for recovery.((((((((((((((((((((((((new river)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


i got an email from new river this morning.

yes she say a doctor who told her to take tylenol and drink plenty of fluids.......which she was already doing.

she's a wee bit better but still not up to much.......

so more prayers and healings would be appreciated.

in light,


Am sending healing thoughts and light new river's way. I don't usually care for doctors........but a week to be that ill seems a long time. It doesn't sound like the doctor really knows what she is ill with either?