Free, For Fun Deck


lark said:
And Bush has the Devil!!! Diana will love that one!

LOL!!! I hadn't seen this thread before!

You've worked really hard, krysia. Well done!

And indeed, I do think the Devil card is eye-catching. Although it is very very scary. I think I'll stick to the Marseilles devil - he is much more friendly and will not give me nightmares. :D

*Diana goes back to look at all the cards more carefully."


And indeed, I do think the Devil card is eye-catching. Although it is very very scary. I think I'll stick to the Marseilles devil - he is much more friendly and will not give me nightmares. :D
LMAO! :D ;)

Thank you, Diana! :) And that is a scary card... it was originally going to be a two-headed Bush, but them my husband reminded me about Dick... (How could I have forgotten! LOL)

Fortunately, it hasn't come up much in self-reading. (Phew! LOL) :D


On a more "serious" note, I went back to look at your cards.

I was very moved by your Strength card. It gave me a sense of great peace and has added a new dimension to the Strength card for me. I had never thought of "Peace" when it came to this card, but indeed, it is. And especially as I believe the Strength card to be number XI and not number 8, it really makes sense, coming after the dizziness and giddiness of the Wheel of Fortune.

Thank you for this added insight.


Thank you, Diana! :)

IA; depending on the surrounding cards and/or the question/situation, I think Strength can be bold or subtle, from within or without, and I tried to incorporate all within the card. To me, in particular with inner strength, it requires a certain amount of peace with one's Self in order to be strong (at times)... When one's life is chaos, it creates weakness within one's Self. Peace is an important aspect to having Strength, IMO.



krysia322 said:
Peace is an important aspect to having Strength, IMO.


There is an expression in French which is "La force tranquille". I don't know if there is an English equivalent. "Tranquille" in French can be translated as "tranquil" (obviously), but also "peaceful".

I think I will print out your card and keep it in my purse, along with the Fool card from the Tarot of Marseilles that I always carry with me as well.

Your card reminds me a bit of those biblical pictures one sees for children with the lion and the lamb resting together in perfect harmony.

Once one has acquired this Peaceful Strength, it is easy I would imagine to go through the experience of the Hanged Man, for one does not have any nervous tension which one would prevent one from letting go to the abandonment needed for that card.

I'm glad I went over to your web-site.


I think I will print out your card and keep it in my purse, along with the Fool card from the Tarot of Marseilles that I always carry with me as well.
Thank you, Diana! I am honored. :)

And in fact, everyone who has posted here has honored me, and thank you for that! I am really --really surprised that my deck has been so well received. Guess I'd best get to work on the court cards now! :D


krysia: I vote each time for "A". Because they seem less "cluttered". Kind of more pure.


Hello I just lookes at this thread and your cards now, wonderful...

I love Strength and the White Buffalo...

George Bush = Devil :laugh:



Very nice cards there - some are positively outstanding.

Thank you for sharing them with us :)