General information and comparison of Runes and Lithomancy


I am familiar with runes, not as much as tarot, but relatively knowledgable. I thought I would post on here to see if any of you are familiar with or practice lithomancy? How does it compare with runes? Also, if anyone has informational sources they could point me to I'd greatly appreciate it. I had never heard of it until the other day when I was reading an article about ancient divination methods. I've been working with tarot for awhile and my mother was an avid tarot reader but I find myself preferring decks like Minchiate for the strong astrological tie ins, I've always felt drawn to runes and I enjoy using them overall but really would prefer a blend of astrology and tarot symbolism in my " perfect personal divination tool." I'm aware of the runic correspondences to tarot but what about lithomancy? Thanks for ANY further information and insight.