Giving a "face" to your deck?


I've been doing a lot of bonding with my Fantastical Creatures Tarot recently, and I've noticed that when I think of the deck, I tend to think of the image of the King of Pentacles, which (in this deck) is represented by the Lord of the Greenwood. (I wish I could find a picture to link, but I can't! :c )

Though I've never gendered my deck (and still don't), I've started picturing that card as almost a...speaker for the deck, a representative that I now kind of consider the "face" of the deck. (I also got the King of Pents as the present in a past/present/future spread about my relationship with the deck.) I feel the calm, confident energy and connection with spirituality of the King of Pents fits my deck very well. Even the gorgeous artwork on the King of Pents just seems to embody the feeling of the deck.

Does anyone else have a certain card they sort of see as the "face" of their deck? Or a card that seems to sum up your deck in some way?


For me the Queen of Swords is the face of the Shadowscapes tarot. Not that I see it as a female deck, but the QoS is the best fit for its voice as I see it: A bit detached and impartial, solemn and serious, honest and very blunt.


I've always had the Princesses of Cups and Disks as my 'faces' of my Thoth deck.

I'd never really thought about it until now, but realise I also think of the Queen of Pentacles as the face of the Waite-Smith deck; The High Priestess in the Bohemian Gothic, Sacred Rose and Aquarian; the Queen of Cups in the Vertigo and the 5 of Swords in the Mary-El.

those are the decks I use the most (besides the Marseille/tarot noir) and I suppose have anthromorphosised more than the others. I can't place a face to the Marseille and its cousins - it's too elusive! (maybe its a weasel?!)


Star for my large Thoth
probably 5 of Swords for Sacred Rose
High Priestess for Tarot of Vampyres
Queen of Disks for Tarot Illuminati
Magician or the Wheel for Rider Waite
Hermit for Golden Tarot of Visconti Sforza


Giving a "Face" to my deck

Well, after doing the New Deck Personality Interview Spread

My (LMS) deck came up as the 9 of Cups for Card 1: What kind of deck are you?, So I have this Jolly, Happy go lucky (Santa) type face stuck in my head. lol


I think of my Mom and Grandma...


I've been doing a lot of bonding with my Fantastical Creatures Tarot recently, and I've noticed that when I think of the deck, I tend to think of the image of the King of Pentacles, which (in this deck) is represented by the Lord of the Greenwood. (I wish I could find a picture to link, but I can't! :c )

Though I've never gendered my deck (and still don't), I've started picturing that card as almost a...speaker for the deck, a representative that I now kind of consider the "face" of the deck. (I also got the King of Pents as the present in a past/present/future spread about my relationship with the deck.) I feel the calm, confident energy and connection with spirituality of the King of Pents fits my deck very well. Even the gorgeous artwork on the King of Pents just seems to embody the feeling of the deck.

Does anyone else have a certain card they sort of see as the "face" of their deck? Or a card that seems to sum up your deck in some way?

Dark grimoire tarot...

his face would be something like the page of sword... half shadow, half lighted. You dont know if he´s attacking you or giving you an advice.


Well, after doing the New Deck Personality Interview Spread

My (LMS) deck came up as the 9 of Cups for Card 1: What kind of deck are you?, So I have this Jolly, Happy go lucky (Santa) type face stuck in my head. lol
Ahaha that's great! Hopefully the deck's personality fits with that. :^P

Dark grimoire tarot...

his face would be something like the page of sword... half shadow, half lighted. You dont know if he´s attacking you or giving you an advice.
Oh man, seems kinda spooky. o 3o But also a lot of personality! Characters in books like that always seem to be the most interesting~


The cards that come into my mind when I think of that deck, the cards that feel like representatives, like faces of their decks... yes, there are some that immediately come up before my inner eye.

Morgan-Greer: 3/Cups

Cosmic: Hermit

Thoth: Fool and Temperance

Golden: Ace/Cups

Anna K.: Ace/Rods

Visconti-Sforza: Queen/Pentacles

Haindl: Fool

Saints: Star

Dame Darcy: Queen/Cups

Dreaming Way: Page/Cups

Housewives: Devil

Il Lombardi Danneggiato: Empress and Devil

Inner Child Cards: Strength

Wild Unknown: Death

CBD: 6/Wands

Touchstone: Chariot

Wow, that was interesting indeed!