Golden Botticelli


I guess for those who find the faces of the courts, especially the females similar- you need to know that Botticelli was obsessed with the beautiful Simonetta Vespucchi who was his model for Venus and appears time and again in his works. She died of Tuberculosis at age 23 and Alessandro was heartbroken. I believe that Simonetta was the mistress of Lorenzo Medici's brother. I basically do not use the meanings in the LWB, I look to the painter's paintings for understanding and where they were painted. For example the hermit is Saint Jerome and once you know about him you can see where the Artist was drawing inspiration from- and so can you. I love the deck, I find it great for readings for myself. I think it would have been helpful if the deck creator had listed the paintings from which cards were derived- but part of the fun is finding out for ourselves I guess. ~Rosanne


Golden Botticelli Tarot

Thanks for the biographical background, Rosanne. To me, the deck sings out the music of the spheres (I like it). And it's not only about the faces and their expressions, but the whole meaning and ambience of each card, including the nature setting, the costumes, the symbols, the colors. But this is not just a magnificent microcosm of Art -- the deck does speak deep and clear divination, at least in my experience with 1 to 3 card spreads. But I am biassed. Years ago, I took a class of high school seniors on a trip to Tuscany, including Florence and the Uffizi Gallery, with the huge Botticelli paintings of Spring and Venus. Never to be forgotten. The Three of Chalices and the Stars tell the tale.


Thank you Rosanne! Your knowledge will help when the queens stop by for a visit in my spreads. I just need to get to know them better I guess.

Chimera Dust

My apologies if bumping is not allowed but if the mods feel like it's better if I created a new thread I can do that.

I just wanted to know, now that the deck has been out for a while, what are everyone's thoughts about it? It's on my wishlist and I'm seriously considering buying it next.

- Are the images from the actual paintings (from photographs) or did the artist re-draw them? Google images showed me some scans and a few of them don't look quite like the Botticelli originals but the scans are so small I can't tell.

- What are the negative points of this deck?

Thanks for the feedback.


To chimera dust... I too would like to know what people think of this deck now that it has been out for a while. I finally bought this deck a few weeks ago and I agree this deck is quite beautiful! But that is about as far as it goes. I don't get inspiration from this deck when I try to read with it. Something is missing and I'm not sure what it is. I know its been some time since your post so I hope this helps.


I guess for those who find the faces of the courts, especially the females similar- you need to know that Botticelli was obsessed with the beautiful Simonetta Vespucchi who was his model for Venus and appears time and again in his works. She died of Tuberculosis at age 23 and Alessandro was heartbroken. I believe that Simonetta was the mistress of Lorenzo Medici's brother. I basically do not use the meanings in the LWB, I look to the painter's paintings for understanding and where they were painted. For example the hermit is Saint Jerome and once you know about him you can see where the Artist was drawing inspiration from- and so can you. I love the deck, I find it great for readings for myself. I think it would have been helpful if the deck creator had listed the paintings from which cards were derived- but part of the fun is finding out for ourselves I guess. ~Rosanne

Such fabulous information to know, as this is my reading deck for next week.


I still like this deck very much. It's one that you can't just look at and go all RWS mind click on, you really, really have to look at the card and let your intuition kick in in order to get it, but once you let the cards start telling their story, instead of trying to make it conform to what you think it should mean, it's amazing!


I still like this deck very much. It's one that you can't just look at and go all RWS mind click on, you really, really have to look at the card and let your intuition kick in in order to get it, but once you let the cards start telling their story, instead of trying to make it conform to what you think it should mean, it's amazing!

Nice to know ... thread necromancy here but I am ordering this today as I"ll get it for 45% off from work; since I spotted it recently online it is impossible to resist.

As a reader of primarily the Thoth and Luciferian decks it is quite notable to say I have nothing remotely like it ;-)