Hanged Man as Condition of the Heart


I did this New Years spread for a friend and all of the other cards stem from this card as the center/focus. I found it interesting so want other opinions on what it could mean.

What is the current condition of her heart?

Hanged Man - she is surrendering to the experience of her life and all that comes with it. I also thought maybe her heart is a bit numb.



The Pagan Otherwolrds Tarot says that the heart is the truth of this card, because in this position the blood flows back to this organ, which is true.

Nevertheless more in a spiritual sense here maybe, because the Hanged Man isn't active in the external world.
Either her heart is a bit numb because she could feel like an underdog in love, or her heart is open and active but only with regard to things she is interested in, and this can involve sacrifices or renunciations depending on her past and her disappointments.
I think you refer to her love life not to her health?


The Pagan Otherwolrds Tarot says that the heart is the truth of this card, because in this position the blood flows back to this organ, which is true.

Nevertheless more in a spiritual sense here maybe, because the Hanged Man isn't active in the external world.
Either her heart is a bit numb because she could feel like an underdog in love, or her heart is open and active but only with regard to things she is interested in, and this can involve sacrifices or renunciations depending on her past and her disappointments.
I think you refer to her love life not to her health?

Referring to life in general (love/romance included).

She spoke of a grand disappointment occurring about a month ago but didn't expand on it. I assume it was love related but that is speculation.

This is the same trouble I am having. 'Numb' to 'open and active' is a wide range of interpretation. Could be she is more wary making it so that she is numb to what doesn't entice her like u mentioned and open to what presents itself as a blessing or positive addition.

Doesn't seems like a bad place to be.


(...) 'Numb' to 'open and active' is a wide range of interpretation. (...)
Yes, that's true; I would say that an "open heart" with this card would be more with regard to a spiritual path.
A major arcana to describe a situation can imply a wide range of interpretration, we need to look at the context.
More simply, because of the context that you evoked, she is probably a bit depressed and not interested in her love life currently, she is making a pause, but it is a phase.


As a 'condition of the heart', the Hanged Man is very often someone "hung up" on another who is or who seems unavailable. There's an unwillingness to let go and move on -- doing so may even feel impossible, with the mere notion stirring up pain. Neptunian ponderings/fantasy/delusions and urges to "merge" with the loved one can be addictively pleasurable, fuelling the suspension... But its innate discomfort and feelings of powerlessness usually manage to slip in, along with harsh realities of the situation (like wasted days, months, years). At those times, it's definitely not a nice place to be.


When this card comes up there's a heartfelt need for meaning in our life and emotions and feelings are close to the surface hence we are powerfully affected by a longing for what is numinous and beautiful and find it hard to attend to practicalities.

There's a feeling of childlike vulnerability and a strong spiritual awareness hence we find ourselves drawn to poetry, philosophy, religion and the concept of true love becomes important. We know we are changing but are unable to say how but old values loose their charm.

The hanged man demands sacrifice and though you may feel little is actively happening in your outside world there's a temporary state of death prior to taking one more step towards further enlightenment, just as shamanistic initiation demands a temporary death prior to enlightenment. This is where she is now in the dark of the moon, let go of all expectations and wait is the advice as your old life is dissolving.

Partly sourced from Jane Lyle The lovers tarot


As a 'condition of the heart', the Hanged Man is very often someone "hung up" on another who is or who seems unavailable. There's an unwillingness to let go and move on -- doing so may even feel impossible, with the mere notion stirring up pain. Neptunian ponderings/fantasy/delusions and urges to "merge" with the loved one can be addictively pleasurable, fuelling the suspension... But its innate discomfort and feelings of powerlessness usually manage to slip in, along with harsh realities of the situation (like wasted days, months, years). At those times, it's definitely not a nice place to be.

With what you're describing, I imagine the 8 of swords. I suppose the difference here is that HM speaks more specifically to a certain someone? Especial regarding the position of the card as well.

When I first pulled the card I thought HMM what a calm neutral place to be. Given what I know, this is possibly very, if not completely, accurate though.


With what you're describing, I imagine the 8 of swords. I suppose the difference here is that HM speaks more specifically to a certain someone? Especial regarding the position of the card as well.

When I first pulled the card I thought HMM what a calm neutral place to be. Given what I know, this is possibly very, if not completely, accurate though.
Yes, the position and context are important; I was focusing on this card as your friend's "heart's condition" after having possibly endured a breakup or some other love-related disappointment (based on your reply to decan), which may not actually apply... But in case it might, my descriptions were based on observations of others' readings here on AT when the Hanged Man appeared in such situations, as well my own experiences of it. Your mileage may vary, too, of course.

The 8 of Swords and Hanged Man do share an apparent helplessness and sense of being "stuck", but they otherwise describe very different energies, IMO... The former is really never a pleasant condition to be in, for one, while the latter sometimes is -- intensely so. Its apparent pleasures come at a cost, however: a painful sacrificing of reality/time on some level, or even a loss of Self. Neptune's dreamy and benign outer shell can house some seriously disruptive energies that shouldn't be underestimated, just as we Fish tend to contain more than warm hugs and rainbows... ;)


With 0 surrounding cards and just stand alone meaning. I would read HM as promising a connection with the understanding of compassionate distance. That is, someone who is willing to wait until the conditions are correct... the ship is righted... or even prolonging the waiting period to see even if ultimately the situation does not change and still requires disconnect... it's patience with intent to resolve the union... so not necessarily love, could be family member, could be someone who has wronged you and you wait to see if they change their ways and give them the benefit of the doubt (renewed focus).... usually a self-imposed sense of waiting for the right moment and also willing to accept if/when that moment never comes. With the understanding when the state is complete, everything will be as it should.

HM (Rx) to me is conditional love. It's someone who is literally hanging themselves up to dry in order to get a particular reaction from someone... I often see this with men who are passive aggressive and are using alternative forms of psychology to get women to answer phone, have sex or in general if they have a lot of resentment... they resist communicating or even having certain types of conversations until certain conditions are met. It's a much more hypocritical method of love. i.e. very conditional and self-absorbed.

I can see what you mean by numb. When dealing with someone who is taking the reversed position, they come off as cold and heartless to a degree. They are literally not going to be open to any situation unless very specific conditions change or improve. It's sorta like an ultimatum but not really.. it's a "hang up".


Yes, the position and context are important; I was focusing on this card as your friend's "heart's condition" after having possibly endured a breakup or some other love-related disappointment (based on your reply to decan), which may not actually apply... But in case it might, my descriptions were based on observations of others' readings here on AT when the Hanged Man appeared in such situations, as well my own experiences of it. Your mileage may vary, too, of course.

The 8 of Swords and Hanged Man do share an apparent helplessness and sense of being "stuck", but they otherwise describe very different energies, IMO... The former is really never a pleasant condition to be in, for one, while the latter sometimes is -- intensely so. Its apparent pleasures come at a cost, however: a painful sacrificing of reality/time on some level, or even a loss of Self. Neptune's dreamy and benign outer shell can house some seriously disruptive energies that shouldn't be underestimated, just as we Fish tend to contain more than warm hugs and rainbows... ;)

Not to worry Indigo, my assumption as well as yours was correct and this disappointment was indeed love/romance related.

This sacrifice of reality/time/Self...with HM in mind, what would one be sacrificing these for? Peace of mind? Sort of like a quest right? Only sometimes we go about it wrong and end up upside down :(