Harmonious Fours

Grip Dellabonte

Mom was visiting for a week so I didn't have much free time to post. But here we go...
Okay. The fours look like they're going to give us a break and be a bit easier to read than the threes were.

Four of Wands: In this card we have two young men, probably from somebody's court, preparing to put two large wooden stakes into the ground. Two other stakes have already been put into place behind them. The stakes that are in front each have a light colored tattered banner attached to them. They are blowing slightly in the breeze.
In between the four stakes is what appears to be an orange colored shield or coat-of-arms painted with green fleur de lys. Maybe this will be hung from the center of the four posts when the young men have finished the groundwork.
They appear to be in light conversation. They are not straining in their work; they seem to be relaxed.
The posts each have growth still coming from them, so they probably were freshly cut.
This card could represent a homecoming, reunion, maybe a wedding. But a decoration for a happy occasion is being undertaken.

Four of Cups: Well, in this card we have a young flower boy (honeysuckle?) looking off in the distance to his right. He has a circular display of blossoms on his back. He is barechested, though he has a short skirt of long-petalled flowers at his waist (they are white and dark pink fronds of some sort, actually...). He is barefooted and standing on his tiptoes. He has golden ringlets of hair around his face.
There is a young girl dressed in green leaves. The leaves slip on her arms and possibly cover her chest but her back is bare. She then becomes a vine plant from her hips down. Judging by the flower that acts as a hat, and the others coming off the vine she may be a morning glory. But she's different than him. Yet, her vine-y tendrils have curled around his waist as have her own human arms. She is in a kneeling position and is looking up but away from the boy.
They are on a patch of dirt but there is a field beside them and mountains beyond.
There is a bee approaching one of the flowers on the boy's back.
Four cups are above them.
Neither of them are looking at the cups.
The overall tone of this card for me is boredom (him) and possible addiction (her).
That pretty much is consistent with the traditional meaning.
I would go further to say that the boy is looking for greener pastures.They are both on dry ground so there doesn't appear to be any reason to pursue anything fruitful there.
She is a "clinging vine". That probably is quite stifling for him but she doesn't look like she can let him go.
She is on her knees in a beseeching position but his thoughts are turned elsewhere.
The bee in the card could suggest he has already attracted some attention from other quarters.
If this card were to come up in a reading, I think I would suggest a number of possible things: move on - you're bored. Be careful that the thing you're hanging on to is still good for you. There may be something or someone else in the picture. Can it be you two have too many differences? Are you so bored with things that you are ignoring or denying something that is trying to get your attention?

Four of Swords: This card shows three people languishing in the hot sun. There are two ladies reclining on the leaves of another trumpet like yellow flower. There is a third person of unknown gender dozing underneath the plant. The ladies' legs are seen peeking out of their form-fitting gowns. They look hot! And I mean in the can't-escape-the-sun way. There's nothing else they can do but languish until the day cools off.
The plant is in dirt, so therefore they are in dirt. But there is a grassy hill beside them.
The sun is peeking over the horizon. Maybe it is going down instead of coming up because they seem too drained for it to be the first blush of the morning!
The two women are even looking toward the sun as if wanting to help it go down.
There are four swords above their heads alternating going in opposite directions.
This is the card of rest, or taking a break from things and I think it gets that point across really well.

Four of Pentacles: Here is a well-heeled Victorian man holding a set of golden weighing scales in his left hand and a golden scoop full of coins in his right.
There are three coins over his head and one underneath the scales. There is a crest beside him to his right. Underneath him is a pile of coins, a wooden mallet, and what looks like a grey metal coin stamp.
The scales are not balanced.
I would say off the cuff that this person is in the business of making money. That's where all their energy goes. They are alone. There is no one beside them.
He looks quite pleased with the way the scale is balancing for some reason. But he needs to put more gold in the one side to balance out with the weights.
I would say that this card represents someone who has worked hard for what they've earned. They have quite a nice savings built up. It is time to save that for the future when it is needed. I think this person knows the value of his savings.
But one has to be careful not to stagnate, and become too miserly. Hoarding is not good. Money eventually needs to be put back into circulation in order to keep growth healthy.
So, in a reading this would seem to be a good card depending where it was in a layout. It could indicate that someone has done some good steady building of material wealth, but now might need to sit on it for a while and not spend it too fast.


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Keavy McGee

Harmonious - Fours

You had your Mum for a week. I'm having the no-sleep demon. <yawn> Honestly, I can't sleep more than about two hours at a time for some reason. So I'm not getting much done except dragging my sorry carcass to work and back, and then trying to stay awake long enough to go to bed at a reasonable hour once I get home. I'm just trying to recover when I'm awake, so not very productive. Plus I'm up between two and four a.m. so eyes open but brain not functioning. A great time to be on the forum ... except for that last part of the last sentence, again. <yawn> But I'm determined to keep up with my Harmonious studies, so here goes...oh, hope yer Mum's well.

Fours. 4 elements. 4 seasons. 4 directions. 4 gospels. 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. 4 suits. 4 square. 4 score and 7 years ago. You get the picture. I'm just free associating to get the 'leetle grey cells' percolating!

Foundation. Brick. Square. Solid. Structure. Stability. Building. Grounding. Manifestation. Form. Order. Practicality. Responsibility.

First there is the pure energy of the Aces. Then the joining, weighing, deciding or choosing of the twos. Then the initial results of those actions/decisions in the threes. So the fours are about completion in a way. Not total completion but in a preliminary or first-stage sense of completion.

It reminds me a bit of kayaking on white water in Idaho, when I lived there. The rapids are a thrill a minute, but every once in a while you need to pull out to the side and catch your breath before jumping back into the mayhem again. And you ALWAYS jump back in, heh.

Even though the 4 Swords is the traditional rest card, I think each of these fours has an element of pulling back, pausing, regrouping in some way about them, which is then a platform (a good 4 word) for the next step in the FIVES.

Three women <possibly, unless you say one of them is a man ;-) >, languish in the heat, intertwined in a lily plant on a hot clear day with the sun either just rising, or just setting. I think it's rising but that's just me. The lily is growing straight out of the dirt. In the distance is a lush green hill, but not here.

All three of the women's heads are capped by a lily flower, but each in a distinct way. Woman #1 has her hand to her head as if it's too unbearably hot to think or she has a headache or simply has to hold her head up. Her legs are bare from the thigh down and mingle with the stalk of the lily. Woman #2 is backbending over a lily frond, her right arm raised as if to ward off the sun and wipe the moisture from her forehead. She is wearing a one-shouldered gown, but both breasts are exposed. Both women's arms are bare. Woman #3 is slumped on the ground, her head completely engulfed by the lily flower, her gown covering every part of her body so that only the nape of her neck just shows. Her legs may be bound. I recognize this! This is the hangover position! And/or migraine position, as in "don't look at me, don't talk to me, don't notice me, I'm not here." The four swords are overhead, two pointing left and two to the right.

For the moment, I live in southern California, where the summer temperatures stay well over 100 degrees for several months. We won't get a break now til almost October. It's already well into the 80's when I start to work in the morning. And when it's that hot, it's really hard to think. You just want to shut down, drink something cold, and do nothing. It's too HOT to do anything. Even think. This card reminds me of that.

It's a very languid, lazy, sensuous, sinewy card. It seems like the dog days of summer. All of the women's heads are emphasized in some way.

In the 3 Swords, there was a painful realization of some kind and now is the time to stop worrying about it or trying to understand it, just let it go. It’s too hot to think about it and it takes too much energy. You need a break from your thoughts, a cold drink, a nice hammock, and a minion to wave a palm fan over your fevered brow. In short, give it a rest. You’re thinking too hard about some decision or idea or plan, and now is not the time. Time out. Take a break. Don't worry, if it's important, it will be back.

***Yikes, look at the time! Got to dash off to work. I have the other three cards done, I swear, but no time to type them in. Have a nice day, Grip, TTYL

Keavy McGee

Harmonious - Fours

Chalices ~

Wait, I can't go yet, it's Tutu-Boy! And I've been waiting all night to post about him!

A couple. He's dancing high on his toes, doing a little pirouette, with bare legs, a flower petal tutu, a bare upper torso, and a riot of honeysuckle springing from his back, like a multitude of dragonfly wings. His arms are lifted overhead and he looks ready to take off. This is the first male flower we have seen, although there have been other male figures in the cards.

She is a morning glory vine, twined around and capturing, restraining him, clinging desperately to him, pulling him back down to earth. Her back and arms are bare and no legs or feet can be seen. She is encased in a green vine which makes her lower half look almost like a mermaid, only with leaves and not fish scales. She is literally a clinging vine!!

They are on a little patch of bare dirt, with a meadow in the near distance and a mountain in the far distance. The four cups overhead look empty. It is a clear day.

He's not havin' any, is he? No matter what she does, he's bored, he's done, he's somewhere else already. His whole posture communicates, "La, I'm off then."

In a reading, I see two possible reads based on what other cards are there. Looking at the youth, it might indicate after all the exuberant and possibly overwhelming love and joy expressed in the 2 and 3 Cups, it's time for a being-with-people-even-wonderful-people break, time to get back to yourself and be true to your heart. You may need to gently extricate yourself from an overly demanding emotional relationship, at least for a while.

On the other hand, looking at the feminine aspect, there's an indication that there is something you might be unwilling to be done with or let go of, even though it is done with you. You have given your all emotionally but it is just not going to work out. The vine is twined around the youth’s waist, so if she loses him, she loses part of herself. Either that, or if he's strong enough, she'll be pulled along with him, thereby also losing the earthbound part of herself.

If this is specifically about a relationship, you are two very different people and at least one of you is way too heavily invested in the outcome. It’s not clear that there is a way for you to remain coupled; not that the love isn’t there but it might take a lot of compromise for one likes to cling and the other needs to fly.

Keavy McGee

Harmonious - Fours

Ok, thank goodness for the weekend!! So to finish my bit on the Fours:

Wands ~

Two young men erecting poles from which banners unfurl. They are in a meadow and the ground is flat as far as the eye can see. They are chatting amiably, perhaps about the work. Their clothing is similar but one is standing a bit more upright than the other.

These young lads are creating a structure, beginning with the four corners. The previous card, the Three, seemed to be a card of waiting, so this card seems to indicate that the ship has come in, the herd has been found, and the foundation can now be placed for building something you have great passion for, perhaps even your heart's desire.

Gosh, I didn't have much to say about that, did I? *wink*

Pentacles ~

This is a very different card from the other three. It almost seems to come from another, more contemporary time. The other three cards have the classical Greco-Roman and/or Medieval feel, and this card seems to shock me right into the 19th century.

The card depicts a gent in a frock coat holding a portable set of scales. One side is weighing heavier than the other. A coat of arms/shield is growing from a tall thistle plant behind him. On the coat of arms is a harp and a lion rampant. At his feet, a pyramidical pile of coins. A wood mallet and other tools lay near the pile. The four disks float amongst the images, but do not touch anything.

This card cracks me up, because I'm Scottish and you know we marvelous Scots are frequently thought of as a wee bit tight-fisted with the money. Well, here's a redhead, backed by what looks to be a thistle plant, with a lion rampant on his shield. And this is sometimes referred to in other decks as the Miser card. I mean, honestly, could it be more obvious?!?! lol

At any rate, this man is a success. He has found his pot of gold and he is loving and counting every penny. He wants to quantify just how much he has!! He must be careful though not to be consumed by his wealth and success, to the detriment of the rest of his life.

Another possible aspect of this card is that he is weighing up possibilities- perhaps how to grow his business so that he can reap even greater rewards.

One thing I did notice about the disks on this card is that, in the first three cards of this suit, the disks were golden and embossed with a 5-petaled flower. Here for the first time the disks are actually gold coins with the profile of a crowned ruler facing left. There is not a pentacle among them!

Yay! Done!

Ta, Tchus, & Ciao4Now!


Grip Dellabonte

You had your Mum for a week. I'm having the no-sleep demon. <yawn> Honestly, I can't sleep more than about two hours at a time for some reason. So I'm not getting much done except dragging my sorry carcass to work and back, and then trying to stay awake long enough to go to bed at a reasonable hour once I get home. I'm just trying to recover when I'm awake, so not very productive. Plus I'm up between two and four a.m. so eyes open but brain not functioning. A great time to be on the forum ... except for that last part of the last sentence, again. <yawn> But I'm determined to keep up with my Harmonious studies, so here goes...oh, hope yer Mum's well.

Goodness! I got more sleep than you got! Why not try a shot of that famous Scottish whisky ( notice I didn't add in the "e". I'm a good girl!) that's got to be floating around somewhere. That should help you sleep.

4 score and 7 years ago. You get the picture. I'm just free associating to get the 'leetle grey cells' percolating!

Sleep is goooood.

First there is the pure energy of the Aces. Then the joining, weighing, deciding or choosing of the twos. Then the initial results of those actions/decisions in the threes. So the fours are about completion in a way. Not total completion but in a preliminary or first-stage sense of completion.

It reminds me a bit of kayaking on white water in Idaho, when I lived there. The rapids are a thrill a minute, but every once in a while you need to pull out to the side and catch your breath before jumping back into the mayhem again. And you ALWAYS jump back in, heh.

I like that example.

Three women <possibly, unless you say one of them is a man ;-) >,

you have to admit, it is unclear...!

Her legs may be bound. I recognize this! This is the hangover position! And/or migraine position, as in "don't look at me, don't talk to me, don't notice me, I'm not here."

I like this.

In the 3 Swords, there was a painful realization of some kind and now is the time to stop worrying about it or trying to understand it, just let it go. It’s too hot to think about it and it takes too much energy. You need a break from your thoughts, a cold drink, a nice hammock, and a minion to wave a palm fan over your fevered brow. In short, give it a rest. You’re thinking too hard about some decision or idea or plan, and now is not the time. Time out. Take a break. Don't worry, if it's important, it will be back.

I like this, too. Good way of looking at it.
I especially would like some minions, please....

Grip Dellabonte

Ocean's 13...British boys' school...k, never mind.

This card cracks me up, because I'm Scottish and you know we marvelous Scots are frequently thought of as a wee bit tight-fisted with the money. Well, here's a redhead, backed by what looks to be a thistle plant, with a lion rampant on his shield. And this is sometimes referred to in other decks as the Miser card. I mean, honestly, could it be more obvious?!?! lol

Totally never looked closely at that plant, or the redhead, though I did get the rampant lion. So I did get an English feel, but can now see the Scottish slant. Wonder if that was intended? But a Scotswoman picked up on it anyway...

Here for the first time the disks are actually gold coins with the profile of a crowned ruler facing left. There is not a pentacle among them!

Missed this, too. Huh...that's interesting...faces instead of flowers..

Grip Dellabonte

I forgot Tutu-Boy...

In a reading, I see two possible reads based on what other cards are there. Looking at the youth, it might indicate after all the exuberant and possibly overwhelming love and joy expressed in the 2 and 3 Cups, it's time for a being-with-people-even-wonderful-people break, time to get back to yourself and be true to your heart. You may need to gently extricate yourself from an overly demanding emotional relationship, at least for a while.

On the other hand, looking at the feminine aspect, there's an indication that there is something you might be unwilling to be done with or let go of, even though it is done with you. You have given your all emotionally but it is just not going to work out. The vine is twined around the youth’s waist, so if she loses him, she loses part of herself. Either that, or if he's strong enough, she'll be pulled along with him, thereby also losing the earthbound part of herself.

This is the part I like the best.

Keavy McGee

Grip Dellabonte said:
Okay. The fours look like they're going to give us a break and be a bit easier to read than the threes were.
Well at least they started out that way * wink *
Four of Wands: ...In between the four stakes is what appears to be an orange colored shield or coat-of-arms painted with green fleur de lys.
If you say so. Me, I can't see that well. Just looks like a big yellow hide to me lol What would fleur de lys be doing on there? Hmmm...
This card could represent a homecoming, reunion, maybe a wedding. But a decoration for a happy occasion is being undertaken.
That's a happy thought!
Four of Cups: There is a bee approaching one of the flowers on the boy's back.
OMG I totally did not see that, and I really like bees, especially the big yellow and black bumblers.
The overall tone of this card for me is boredom (him) and possible addiction (her).
Nice summation.
I would go further to say that the boy is looking for greener pastures.They are both on dry ground so there doesn't appear to be any reason to pursue anything fruitful there.
That is really good analysis.
The bee in the card could suggest he has already attracted some attention from other quarters.
Whoa. That gave me chills. You are so right.
If this card were to come up in a reading, I think I would suggest a number of possible things: move on - you're bored. Be careful that the thing you're hanging on to is still good for you. There may be something or someone else in the picture. Can it be you two have too many differences? Are you so bored with things that you are ignoring or denying something that is trying to get your attention?
Grip, you are very good with the questions. I imagine you're a very good reader for others.
Four of Swords:The two women are even looking toward the sun as if wanting to help it go down.
Yes! That's it exactly! Brilliantly stated! You deserve a cookie for that one!!
Four of Wands: Underneath him is a pile of coins, a wooden mallet, and what looks like a grey metal coin stamp.
Ah, you saw him as Victorian as well. And I have no idea what a grey metal coin stamp is, but since that's what you see, does that mean he manufactured those coins? Or at least made them, i.e., earned them? You did say that and perhaps the coin stamp makes that more clear, plus the fact that in the previous cards, the disks did not have a face on them, but a flower. So he minted new ones.
They are alone. There is no one beside them.
Yes, I noticed this, too. Reminds me of the scenes in A Christmas Carol, when no one will mourn Ebenezer Scrooge when he dies, because he has only cared about his money and not about anything else for so long.
But one has to be careful not to stagnate, and become too miserly. Hoarding is not good. Money eventually needs to be put back into circulation in order to keep growth healthy.
This is so not a reading about me; I'm quite good at keeping the money circulating. Too good, in fact!
So, in a reading this would seem to be a good card depending where it was in a layout. It could indicate that someone has done some good steady building of material wealth, but now might need to sit on it for a while and not spend it too fast.
Excellent conclusion, Grip. I'll attempt a Summary in the next post.

Ta, Tchus, & Ciao4Now!

Keavy McGee

Grip Dellabonte said:
Goodness! I got more sleep than you got! Why not try a shot of that famous Scottish whisky ( notice I didn't add in the "e". I'm a good girl!) that's got to be floating around somewhere. That should help you sleep.
Nay, lass, that's good fer a cold but nae fer sleep. Ye fall asleep right enough after borin' all yer friends with yer tales, only to wake tae hours later lookin' fer a gud fight and speakin' in a heavy brogue...not that I'd know anything about that firsthand, mind :joke:
you have to admit, it is unclear...!
Who knew gender was going to be a major point of discussion on this deck :D
I especially would like some minions, please....
Wouldn't we all, luv, wouldn't we all.

Ta, Tchus, & Ciao4Now,


Keavy McGee

Harmonious - Fours - Summation

If it's possible to quote from multiple replies, I don't know how, so I'll just have to cut and paste for now...

Wands ~
This card could represent a homecoming, reunion, maybe a wedding. But a decoration for a happy occasion is being undertaken...this card seems to indicate that the ship has come in, the herd has been found, and the foundation can now be placed for building something you have great passion for, perhaps even your heart's desire.

Chalices ~
The overall tone of this card for me is boredom (him) and possible addiction (her)...I would go further to say that the boy is looking for greener pastures.They are both on dry ground so there doesn't appear to be any reason to pursue anything fruitful there...The bee in the card could suggest he has already attracted some attention from other quarters...If this card were to come up in a reading, I think I would suggest a number of possible things: move on - you're bored. Be careful that the thing you're hanging on to is still good for you. There may be something or someone else in the picture. Can it be you two have too many differences? Are you so bored with things that you are ignoring or denying something that is trying to get your attention?

He's not havin' any, is he? No matter what she does, he's bored, he's done, he's somewhere else already. His whole posture communicates, "La, I'm off then."

In a reading, I see two possible reads based on what other cards are there. Looking at the youth, it might indicate after all the exuberant and possibly overwhelming love and joy expressed in the 2 and 3 Cups, it's time for a being-with-people-even-wonderful-people break, time to get back to yourself and be true to your heart. You may need to gently extricate yourself from an overly demanding emotional relationship, at least for a while.

On the other hand, looking at the feminine aspect, there's an indication that there is something you might be unwilling to be done with or let go of, even though it is done with you. You have given your all emotionally but it is just not going to work out. The vine is twined around the youth’s waist, so if she loses him, she loses part of herself. Either that, or if he's strong enough, she'll be pulled along with him, thereby also losing the earthbound part of herself, which she may actually like.

If this is specifically about a relationship, you are two very different people and at least one of you is way too heavily invested in the outcome. It’s not clear that there is a way for you to remain coupled; not that the love isn’t there but it might take a lot of compromise for one likes to cling and the other needs to fly...

Swords ~
This is the card of rest, or taking a break from things and I think it gets that point across really well...In the 3 Swords, there was a painful realization of some kind and now is the time to stop worrying about it or trying to understand it, just let it go. It’s too hot to think about it and it takes too much energy. You need a break from your thoughts, a cold drink, a nice hammock, and a minion to wave a palm fan over your fevered brow. In short, give it a rest. You’re thinking too hard about some decision or idea or plan, and now is not the time. Time out. Take a break. Don't worry, if it's important, it will be back.

Pentacles ~
I would say that this card represents someone who has worked hard for what they've earned. They have quite a nice savings built up. It is time to save that for the future when it is needed. I think this person knows the value of his savings. But one has to be careful not to stagnate, and become too miserly. Hoarding is not good. Money eventually needs to be put back into circulation in order to keep growth healthy. So, in a reading this would seem to be a good card depending where it was in a layout. It could indicate that someone has done some good steady building of material wealth, but now might need to sit on it for a while and not spend it too fast...At any rate, this man is a success. He has found his pot of gold and he is loving and counting every penny. He wants to quantify just how much he has!! He must be careful though not to be consumed by his wealth and success, to the detriment of the rest of his life. Another possible aspect of this card is that he is weighing up possibilities- perhaps how to grow his business so that he can reap even greater rewards.

Grip, now that I've done the cutting and pasting, I'm not sure this summing up is necessary. It feels a tad redundant and certainly has none of the colour of the discussions. What do you think?

Ta, Tchus, & Ciao4Now!
:TPC Keavy