Have you ever wondered....


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Have you ever wondered how some readers have come to know how to use certain decks for certain types of questions/situations? Which deck to use for this; which deck to use for that; which deck doesn't want to talk to you if you use it in the wrong setting, etc?

I sure have - and I think I've found my solution! I've been experimenting with this for about a week now and so far so good :D

I chose the New Deck Spread from this link:


It's a great spread with fantastic questions for your new decks. After getting my package from Tarot Garden, I had all these new ones to get acquainted with. As I'm journeling my readings, it hit me....Question #4 of this spread tells you just what situation is best suited to that particular deck! I was so excited about it and have found this past week or so that my readings seem to be more suited to the question rather than leaving me with a "huh??" feeling.

For example:

If you get the 4 Cups in the #4 position - that would be a good deck to use for depressed or emotional questions/situations.

If you get a 2 of Swords in #4 - that's a good deck to use for choice questions.

If you get a 8 of Wands in the #4 - that's a good deck to use for traveling questions or anything related to movement/moving/job changes/etc.

A 10 of Pentacles in #4 - the deck is good for financial questions.

It was really neat to see how each time I took a new deck and did this reading, each one seemed to very clearly tell me what situations they like to work with best :D

If anyone else gives it a try, I'd love to know if it works for you as well!



Hmm... To be very honost I don't really work this way. When it comes to decks it either appeals to me or it doesn't. And when it does I don't really seperate between questions and such. I believe that if the deck works then it should be able to fully reflect my ideas and answer my questions.

I do agree that there is a difference between decks but to be honost I haven't been able to really put my finger on it. When looking at my original 2 decks it was basicly an issue of "reading" (Mage) vs. "easier reading" (rider-waite). Right now I've done a few readings with my Gilded deck and it sort of feels the same as my Rider deck, yet I feel more comfortable and assured with it. Different, yes, but I'd use it for the same type of questions.

Still, having said that, I am anxious to give this some try with my Celtic Dragon deck. Its the one and only deck I have a "hate/love" (not to those extremes) relationship with. I like it yet find stuff I dislike which makes me hesitant to do a reading. But I also find stuff I like which makes me stop from just putting it into its box and somewhere onto the addict (so to speak). I didn't notice that spread before, thanks for pointing it out. I'll definatly going to give it a try!