Help finding a tarot course that was later an Amazon self-publication


(found) Help finding a tarot course that was later an Amazon self-publication

Edited - Argh, what are the odds - now I did find it, 10 mins after posting.

This is a stretch, but have to give it a go. A couple of years back I came across a tarot course sold online. Back then it was only sold as a set of executables that ran on PC only and that wasn't an option for me. Later on the author sold it as (I believe) four seperate books self-published true Amazon. It had quite extensive card meanings - like a page on 'relationship', a page on 'finances', with practical examples.

I lost the preview I had in a harddisk crash and have been searching for it ever since. I am fairly sure the author went by a pen name that had the word 'velvet' in it- purple velvet? Can't for the life of me find it.

As I said - a stretch.

