Hi All!


Help finding what deck this "World" card comes from

Hi Everyone...
I am so happy to finally get here~ I am on my way to introduce myself but I came across this board and had to post.
I came across a Tarot card in a book the other day that was among a collection of Spiritual Books that have by divine grace, ended up with me. The story of how this collection and how I ended up with it is truly fascinating. But as I was thumbing through one of the books a tarot card fell out. The card was The World. And thats about all it says on it. I am VERY new to tarot and I would love to hear what anyone's thoughts my be about this. And if that is a good card. Like I said ... when it comes to tarot I am a real newbie... lol.
I cant find the deck it belongs to either. No one that I know has a clue. I have searched for it on the internet I cant find what deck this card belongs to . I am including a picture of it here if ANYONE has a clue what deck this is from I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help with this...
Wendy *blewweyezz*


Welcome to Aeclectic, blewweyezz!

Only Subscribers may attach things to their posts. So you'll need to use an image hosting site and link to that so we can see the card you're talking about.



Unfortunately, that doesn't look at all familiar to me, and I have lots of decks.... Even doing a Google image search on the image doesn't bring up anything. Maybe one of the members with even more decks than I have will recognize it.



Thank you for the reply. I KNOW! I have done google images, went through every single deck you guys offer, I have looked at rare and unusual decks ... NOTHING... it is very interesting and a bit amazing. I am on a quest to find the deck that this card has come from. The events surrounding how I came to find it are just as interesting. And the whole scenario is really very intriguing. Thank you for having a look for me I appreciate it. Also.. there is ZERO on the back of the card either ... no design nothing its just solid dark blue back.... very interesting....


Still Searching!

Still searching for the deck this belongs to.. does anyone have any ideas where I could look next? I have run out of ideas! Its like it just showed up. Can't find it ANYWHERE


I have seen this image before, but I have not been able to locate it on the net. I will keep trying.




Hi Freddy!
Thanks so much i STILL haven't found it. Very strange. I have must have looked through hundreds of different images. I am at a loss :(


I have that card - it came in a letter from a phoney psychic! I don't think it was part of a 'real' deck.

It was a scam - a couple of faux-psychics did it - they sent the exact same cards out to goddess-knows how many suckers (read 'possible clients') with a letter telling them how these cards popped up, etc,etc, send me your bank account, etc etc.

If they came from a real deck, then the image was stolen and reproduced.

I glued mine on the cover of a notebook; someone must have used it for a bookmark. :D

I received other cards from a different psychic .. it must have been the rage that year.


Thank You!

Goodness thank you! Thank you. I have been looking like crazy for this darn card. Well that is no good doing that to people. Ill tell ya, the horrible things people do to others, shameful. Well thank you so much for ending my search! This woman must have, like you said used it as a bookmark. Was an interesting notion for a minute there, wondering what in the world it could have meant.
Thanks so much....
And actually, all is not lost, I am really enjoying this site so something good did come out in the end. Thanks again...♥