High Priestess Rx--blocked intuition or secrets or gossip?

liberated inferno

Hi Thirteen,

I remember reading in a post on RX cards as advice and you mentioned that usually when I'm RX card is in the advice position, the advice is to "reverse" the card back to upright. I don't know if I'm quoting you correctly, I will have to find the post again. Is that what you're saying here or am I missing something? I got the same HPS RX card as advice in regards on how to approach a certain relationship and based on what I read from that post, I read it to mean to retreat and go within and focus on gaining more knowledge until the right time presents itself.

I will look for the post and add it soon for clarification.


I did say that!

I remember reading in a post on RX cards as advice and you mentioned that usually when I'm RX card is in the advice position, the advice is to "reverse" the card back to upright.
Heh. I did, indeed, say that. I will apologize if I sounded like this was an absolute. It's not always the case that rx cards as advice should be read as "turn this around"--but if I was to view this HPS that way, I'd say that the advice, in turning the card around, is to find a way to keep the project more of a secret. Which would certainly go along with the worry of here of gossip and slander. Keep it under wraps.

And I'll go so far as to say that the advice could be both in this case (i.e. both "don't isolate" and "keep secrets")--creatively, try not to isolate yourself, but once you get to work, keep it secret.

That said, this card did come with a bunch of clarifiers. It may not be the best thing to do (laying down so many clarifiers), but once you've done it, you have to take them into account. World upright and 3/Wands upright both seem to emphasize the advice that creativity needs some outside input.

I think I'll address your HPS rx in a second post. Hang on ;)


I got the same HPS RX card as advice in regards on how to approach a certain relationship and based on what I read from that post, I read it to mean to retreat and go within and focus on gaining more knowledge until the right time presents itself.
Well, first off, and as always, if you're getting a really strong vibe that this is what the card means, then that's probably what the card means. My main problem with the interpretation of the HPS rx here as gossip, slander, misunderstanding is that it doesn't relate to the question asked. If the question had been "what's going to happen with this project..." then, given the situation with the company, that would have been a reasonable interpretation. But if one is saying, "I've got to work on this creative project, what advice do you have for me..." well...why would slander, gossip or selling out secrets enter into it?

As Barleywine so vividly pointed out, our HPS rx CAN indicate secrets getting out. But does that relate to this question? If not, then worries and thoughts about such issues may be hijacking the reader's understanding of what the card is really saying.

rx cards in the advice position: rx cards in this position are tricky. If you get them as an "Outcome" then you can say "This will be blocked." So in the case of HPS rx as outcome, you might say, "Your not going to get to retreat, or keep this secret, or feel like your intuition is working..." But in the advice position, you have a quandary. HPS rx--"don't retreat into solitude"...well, what does that mean? To be social? If so, why not a card that says "be social" like the 3/Cups? Go out into the world? Why not the "World" card? Use logic rather than intuition? Why not the Sun or the Queen/Swords?

Perhaps the best way to read rx cards as advice is as kind of a "This is a bad idea right now." HPS upright, you'd retreat and stay quiet and secretive and give yourself time to ponder the situation. This is a good idea. HPS rx says "that's unadvisable right now." It doesn't tell you what to do so much as to reconsider what you may be thinking of doing. And this relates back into the "turning right-side-up" advice that started this. If you want to retreat and think, and the cards are saying "that's unadvisable," then you need to either ask "why not?" and put down a card, or if you know, avoid it till it is advisable. Until you've turned the card around.

How would this work in a relationship? Well maybe if you retreat and go silent, the person will feel hurt, like you're giving them the silent treatment. But you may really feel like not talking to them. You may really want to retreat. So, you need to say to the person, "I really need some quiet time to figure out how to express my feeling and help us through this." You turn the HPS right-side-up, you make sure they won't misunderstand your silence, and thus, you get rid of that block so you can do as needed.

This is not, and can't be, the only way to read rx cards in that position, because, of course, different rx cards have very different meanings. But it's certainly one way.