Horary Readings


Minderwiz said:
I've cast a chart for this question but I did so with some hesitation. I understand the question but the time frame is to far into the future to produce a reliable answer through horary. When I looked at the chart Saturn sits on the Ascendant in the first house and the Ascendant ruler, Mercury, is combust. The other sigificator, (ruler of the seventh) Jupiter, is in opposition to the Ascendant. Worse still the Moon is in an awful state.

All of these confirm my initial impression that this question is not one that I can answer at this time. Sorry about that but there are some charts that shouldn't be read. You might try posting the same question as a normal post in the forum.
what do you mean by casting the same question as a normal post?
I understand if you cannot read my answer.


Horary requires certain characteristics of the chart to be in place before the question can be properly read. The time frame that you stipulated is one that is subject to some argument by Horary Astrologers. There are some who argue that six months to a year is the furthest the technique can go. There are others who do not put a time frame on the question. I took the question as posted and did a chart for it.

Even then I found two key considerations that question any judgement based on the chart. Firstly Saturn, the greater malefic, is conjunct the Ascendant and casts doubt on any answer the Astrologer (me) can provide.

Secondly, the Lord of the Ascendant (Mercury) is combust (that is conjunct the Sun). Lilly the Seventeenth Century Horary Astrologer, says that this indicates that the 'question will not...take'

I could do a judgement based on the chart, but as the reader, I wouldn't have faith in the readings and I feel, that if pressed to do the reading, the result would be both unreliable and something that both you and I would not be satisfied with.

I'm not trying to be awkward there - it's a matter of applying Horary properly and in this instance the 'rules' suggest that I cannot do that. I'm quite willing to consider the question at a later stage but I'd suggest possibly reducing the time frame to one which ends about a year from now - 18 months might just about work. Alternatively I can look at your natal chart, but there would still be a consideration in doing a reading that far into the future in anything but a very general sense.


WOW. Very intense and such in depth explanation. I truly appreciate you taking the time to do this for little ol' me:). I actually had a feeling (isn't intuition great) that whatever was going to happen was just going to happen. All I could do is pray for the best. From what I hear, I am a very good investment associate, but I also believe that fortune was with me in this reading. You are absolutely right. There is some stress with this romance but I know in my bones its nothing but romance and love and yes we are coming together. My mind is definitely at ease right now knowing that his true feelings are love for me. I know we are on the road to something great and this Horary reading has helped me tremendously. I really love the very last line "the decision has effectively been made before the chart was cast". I believe in a higher being and fate and this just wraps it up in a bow:D. Thanks again for such a wonderful reading.

P.S. I would still say it was wonderful even if it wasn't my desired result:laugh:. This takes a lot of patience and skill.

Minderwiz said:
On first sight this chart is very similar to that for obeygravity. The Ascendant is in Libra and that gives the significators as Venus and Mars. Appropriate for a relationship question.

However there are some significant differences. This time there are considerations before Judgement. In particular the Ascendant is in the last three degrees of Libra, and that casts doubt on the validity of the chart. Sometimes it is argued that an Ascendant in a late degree means that there is nothing now that the querent can do about the matter - it will take it's course. Alternatively it is just too late for the Astrologer to make a judgment. So there is a very big reservation over anything I say about the outcome.

Venus is slightly less strong than in the previous horary but is still the strongest planet in essential dignity. As before, Mars is much less strong. However, as before the sextile aspect between the two significators is there and is a little further progressed. So there is definite promise. Venus is in the eighth, which is associated with other people's money and in your profile you list yourself as being an Investment Associate. So that adds some descriptive authenticity to the chart. Venus is also conjunct the Part of Fortune, and has mutual receptions with its ruler Mercury. This is either an indicator that you are a very good Investment Associate and handle other people's money very well, or it may indicate that fortune is with you in this question.

The Moon however is not going to play the same role as before - it is now to far advanced in Sagittarius to aspect either Mars or Venus. Again the message seems to be that things have gone too far to be diverted from their path., at least in the time frame.

The Moon is applying to a square to Jupiter, ruler of the fifth House. Lilly says that squares produce a result only with difficulty but Jupiter is the greater benefic and it's position as ruler of the fifth and being in the fifth indicates a romance, possibly with some stress but a romance nevertheless.

As with the previous reading, there's no real reception between the two significators, which I would have expected.

One last piece of information. The Sun is the almuten of the Seventh, that is the planet with the greatest essential dignity at the Descendant degree. This time the Sun is in the Seventh House and being in Taurus is in the rulership of Venus. So indirectly there is a reception between JWP and you and if I were going off the Sun and not Mars, I would say that his prime feelings were for you.

This reading is not clear cut because of the late degree of the Ascendant. There are indicators of romance and there is an indicator of caring. There is also an indication that the two of you are coming together.

My concern would be with the late degree. If you are talking about getting married or settling down and it's a really strong probability for both of you, then I'd say that things are going exactly to plan and there's little you can do to change things - the marriage will go ahead, probably in the time frame.

If things are not developing in that way then I have doubts that you could change things within the coming year, whatever you do. As I said before that does not preclude marriage taking place in the longer term.

Edited to add

I double checked on Frawley this morning and he says he uses the Sun as a co-significator of the male in all relationship questions (and Venus for the female).

If I follow that practice it significantly upgrades the interpretation of 'his true feelings' to being clear confirmation of his love for you. We are back to the late Ascendant though in terms of whether this will move into a marriage/long term relationship in the next 12 months. My comment on the status quo holds, if both of you are currently considering planning to marry at some point then I think that will be in the next 12 months, the decision has effectively been made before the chart was cast.


You're more than welcome :)

I love Horary, it can give so much detail, so it was a real pleasure.

I hope things work out for you


I understand...maybe I am not supposed to know...I am taking this as a sign. Thanks anyway. Maybe I can ask a different question at a later time if you are still doing these later on. Take Care.


Reading for Ronia

Ronia said:
I'd be grateful to have one too. I want to know if I'll succeed with my book by the end of this year? (This means selling it to a publisher not seeing it on the shelves as the latter may take another year but once sold to a publisher it's already a success). Thanks a lot!

This question initially gave me some concerns, mainly about which house to choose for the book! As the question also involved the issue of a sale, I knew that part - it's another first/seventh house question, but in this case the houses are for the person asking the question and the person either buying or selling (from/to) the querent.

Now I did cast a chart at that moment but because I was unsure of where to locate the book I didn't save it, which, on reflection I should have done. Research done and having been out for most of today I came back and cast the chart afresh.

I ended up with a chart that has considerations which make it not fit to read. As I should have saved the first version, I'll try again tomorrow!

One question that occured to me whilst I was examining the new chart - I've assumed that the book is, in effect, selling your expertise and/or experience, rather than simply a creative expression. I need to make some assessment of the product being traded, so if I'm right in my assumption the book in ninth House. If it's something totally different - such as a novel, then it's more fifth House. So that information would help me.


Fudugazi said:
"Even though I am applying late in the year, will I be accepted on a good course, in a good geographical area for me, starting this September?"

I know that the same considerations would also apply to this chart too, if I cast it now. However, I do need some further background. What sort of course are you applying for, in what sort of institution? At first sight it seems that the answer is some form of vocational Higher Education course, in a university or other Institution of HE, which would make the course a ninth House issue. However I do need to be sure that I'm right in that, otherwise it will be third House.

I also need to know what 'geographical areas' would be 'good' for you. Not so much in terms of specific location but in terms of travelling distance and familarity. Are you hoping for an area you are very familiar with (and is possibly quite near you) or are you looking for the chance to go to strange new worlds and new civilisations, boldly going where you haven't gone before LOL


Minderwiz said:
This question initially gave me some concerns, mainly about which house to choose for the book! As the question also involved the issue of a sale, I knew that part - it's another first/seventh house question, but in this case the houses are for the person asking the question and the person either buying or selling (from/to) the querent.

Now I did cast a chart at that moment but because I was unsure of where to locate the book I didn't save it, which, on reflection I should have done. Research done and having been out for most of today I came back and cast the chart afresh.

I ended up with a chart that has considerations which make it not fit to read. As I should have saved the first version, I'll try again tomorrow!

One question that occured to me whilst I was examining the new chart - I've assumed that the book is, in effect, selling your expertise and/or experience, rather than simply a creative expression. I need to make some assessment of the product being traded, so if I'm right in my assumption the book in ninth House. If it's something totally different - such as a novel, then it's more fifth House. So that information would help me.

It is a novel :) Totally creative expression. As about the sale, this with a publisher signing the contract is not in my mind equal to me going to the bookstore and buying a book. I mean technically they still buy it but it's a legal action and the money may sometimes come months later, only after the manuscript has been thorugh many many revisions again. Therefore, I would take it as a contract, a binding document, Hope this helps :)


I so completely forgot about this. It's been a wacky week. I will stick with this thread now.

my question is going to be relationship type topic and I can revise it if I need to or I can completely go with something related but different and more general. I'd like to know if I will be in a committed romantic relationship with B within the year?
I know if it says no that I am to not give up hope and if it says yes that I am to not just sit back and do nothing.


Reading for Ronia

A contract is still a first/seventh issue as it involves two parties. I've shifted the book to a 'fifth House' product of your creativity.

In the chart I cast this morning, Leo is rising, so the Sun is your significator. Mars is in the first House but not conjunct the Ascendant. Even so the presence of Mars here is not a good indicator. The possible publisher is signified by Saturn (of itself this is not a unfortunate, but it does mean that the publisher has a strict set of rules and structures for accepting the book). The Sun is peregrine, indicting that you've tried or intend to try a number of publishers, indeed you have been/will be metaphorically (and possibly literally) going round looking for someone to take the book. Saturn is mildly dignifed by a mutual reception with Venus through triplicity. Venus rules Taurus, intercepted in the tenth, but more importantly it rules the Sun in Taurus. The publisher(s) has some control over your career but you don't have any control or power over the publisher(s). And your career in writing is uppermost in your mind for this question (The Sun is in the rulership and triplicity of Venus).

The Ascendant is also opposed by the Moon (which acts as co-significator in horary questions), Things are not going to go your way unless there's some more powerful testimony in your favour. The Moon is also Lord 12, which may signify a 'hidden enemy' - more likely something that you haven't thought of or taken into account properly. You might well be consciously or subconsciously aware of this because the Sun is also in the exaltation of the Moon and the Face of the Moon.

The fifth House is ruled by Jupiter, which signifies the book, your creative ability in print. Jupiter is one of the most dignified planets in the chart, indeed second only to Venus in essential dignity, it lies in your ninth House of Dreams. It has a lot riding on it. However it is opposed by Saturn, the publisher(s). Accidentally Saturn is weak being retrograde, which casts doubt on the judgement of the prospective publisher.So for some reason, the publishers will be wary of the book, it doesn't perhaps meet the structures/rules they have or it might appear too long or in someway too fanciful. It's a fairly good book but it's getting them to recognise that with their errant judgement.

Given the chart it's difficult to see the book being accepted by a publisher within your time frame.

I hate to mention this but the reading also seems to tie in with your other question on the role and significance of Saturn. Whether the symbolism is confined to the issue about the book or whether there is some larger symbolism, I can't say at the moment.


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