How About the Star


"How about The Star..."

I love the site, and copyright approval is granted, so we can share it here at Aeclectic! :)
Here are the star cards all compared that he has on the site. Enjoy!

Just looked at this now Pam O - thankyou so much for this little treasure trove.

Part of that is the healing element. Pour water on the patched land to heal it. But most of it has to do with the future. Aquarius, the water bearer, thinks of future generations. An Aquarian is the sort to create a park so that the future generations of children will have a place to play...I'd say that the Star is the card of recycling and environmentalism. The 7th generation principle: in every decision, be it personal, governmental or corporate, we must consider how it will affect our descendents seven generations into the future. "Plan ahead. Be prepared." Don't forget to water the lawn and keep bottled water on hand ;)

Most excellent.
The Star - the template for permaculture.

...I used to hate the card, believe it or not, because it always made me feel that it was telling about false hopes and misplaced optimism, reaching for something so far away that it could never actually be held, only wished for...
... I could see the negative or extreme aspect of it as being SO transparent as someone who is unable to keep a secret, someone who ALWAYS feels that "the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth" should be presented right up front, no matter what.

I see - so what comes to mind for me here is naivete. The young pure and beautiful lady from fairy-tales who knows nothing of the 'evil' of the world and blunders into everything. Talking shamelessly to strangers, thanking faeries without knowing she's just made herself indepted to them etc.? Or just that girl whom things just happen to - like Andromeda (who incidentally becomes a star constellation), who has nothing to do with the whole drama except sitting there looking pretty - it's her Dad who proclaims her the fairest, the god Poseidon who takes offence to this and decides to send the monster to destroy her city - the only 'cure' for this being her sacrifice to the monster. Then along comes Perseus - who's had the whole drama of cutting off the gorgons head - poor bitter Medusa (again - sitting there looking pretty and things just happened to her) - to save Adromeda with. Hmm.

...Or even the 'righteous evangelist' type knocking on your door.
Have you see that photograph? - the domestic cat is looking out of the window, the wild deer is looking in. And the caption reads something like: "Have you accepted Pan as your Lord and Master?" ..."Sorry who? - I bow only to Bastet, queen of motherhood and play".

Ruby Jewel

Just looked at this now Pam O - thankyou so much for this little treasure trove.

Most excellent.
The Star - the template for permaculture.

I see - so what comes to mind for me here is naivete. The young pure and beautiful lady from fairy-tales who knows nothing of the 'evil' of the world and blunders into everything. Talking shamelessly to strangers, thanking faeries without knowing she's just made herself indepted to them etc.? Or just that girl whom things just happen to - like Andromeda (who incidentally becomes a star constellation), who has nothing to do with the whole drama except sitting there looking pretty - it's her Dad who proclaims her the fairest, the god Poseidon who takes offence to this and decides to send the monster to destroy her city - the only 'cure' for this being her sacrifice to the monster. Then along comes Perseus - who's had the whole drama of cutting off the gorgons head - poor bitter Medusa (again - sitting there looking pretty and things just happened to her) - to save Adromeda with. Hmm.

...Or even the 'righteous evangelist' type knocking on your door.
Have you see that photograph? - the domestic cat is looking out of the window, the wild deer is looking in. And the caption reads something like: "Have you accepted Pan as your Lord and Master?" ..."Sorry who? - I bow only to Bastet, queen of motherhood and play".

Have you seen the original Liz Greene, Mythological Tarot deck? The Star card is Pandora kneeling in front of the box she just opened.


"How about The Star..."

Have you seen the original Liz Greene, Mythological Tarot deck? The Star card is Pandora kneeling in front of the box she just opened.

Nope. And forgot you mentioned it until you reminded me.
Have you a link to it perchance?


Oh - cool!

Does it have to be the desert? (not a fan. :) - I suffer from polymorphic light syndrome).
"Fall into nothingness" - OK... "let Hadit surrender Himself" - er...Steady on mate!

What is a Star car?

Stars are the most important part ... an open horizon ... lots of stars

A star car is a vehicle that .... })

Nah ... it was typo , I fixed it now ... The Star card I meant .

... actually, now I want a star car !


The desert can be an amazing experience. Completely open horizon, the stars coming down on all sides like a dome. After a while you feel like you're in a cathedral, a massive one with a huge roof.

It can get overwhelming if you just lay on your back and simply contemplate the sky, the vastness of it. The times I have done that, I've had to take my eyes away, both because it induces vertigo and also because it is simply too much to handle. There is nothing that will make you grovel quite like a night sky. It has the potential to make you lose your sense of self, the separation between you and everything else. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but no wonder people can get insane from it. It can also be startlingly quiet. No animals or crickets or bugs, just you and Everything. When you're out there you completely understand why it is there that prophets and holy men go to be cleansed for their purpose. What I'm trying to say is that it's REAL.


here, in the desert, it can be so intense (like you say) ... so many stars ... that the stella mythology is not made from star patterns (as there are way to many stars) but the patterns seen in the dark places made by dust clouds and things (like the big emu in the milky way ).

Under such circumstances it is easy to see at night with no moon - just by star light ( sometimes people have accused me of not knowing what I am writing about when I have said that before .... they probably live in cities ? )

What you say about the separation between you and everything else dissolving is interesting (" Hadit surrender himself') ... the indigenous here would agree with that, they are part of the landscape, physically and spiritually, born from earth and return to it- it is both the source life and earth is the place of heaven and the abode of the dead, we turn to dust and ash and bones and get dissolved by the environment ... and that is 'heaven' and the afterlife. The joy and ecstasy of being part of this 'spiritual' creation ... there is no difference , for them, between the spiritual and material, the material IS the spiritual and the ideal and the mythical.

Its a hard concept for the westerner. Perhaps all that sleeping under the stars did it :)

I did it on one night last week when it was hot ... slept naked outside on the ground under the stars.... one night ... and I am still buzzing from it . :)

[ I have always been attracted to Ficino's concept of 'star magic'. and the occasional bout of 'Stella Yoga' (union) . ]

Ruby Jewel

Nope. And forgot you mentioned it until you reminded me.
Have you a link to it perchance?

Actually, I don't. But there is a link somewhere on this thread that takes you to a site that has all the cards of the major arcana, and it supposedly has an example of all of them. However, the deck I'm talking about is from the 70s and is now was republished at some point as the New Mythic Tarot. I'm not sure about that one.


The Star was my daily card today, clarified by the Hierophant. Just learned from my mother that one of our friends/neighbors passed away yesterday!

Apparently, the Star is my 'death has occurred' card! :bugeyed:

Ruby Jewel

Nope. And forgot you mentioned it until you reminded me.
Have you a link to it perchance?

I just checked and it is not on there (""). Maybe Aeclectic has it on this site.


This one ?

( ! I just realised that is like my first {childhood} visionary individuation experience ! )

It would be interesting to read Liz's take on it (I should get her book and deck one day ... I keep putting it off ... she is one of my fav writers on astrology.)