How do people feel about altering cards?


Grizabella said:
Begging the pardon of anyone for whom that's too much information. I haven't always been old, you know. ;)
<soothingly> Them youngsters don't know the first thing about passion - us elders have had a *lot* more practice!


sapienza said:
Just wondering how people feel about the issue of altering or changing cards. Now, I don't mean trimming, even though that is altering. I'm more thinking of making changes to the artwork. For example, I have the Robin Wood deck which I really like, but was never able to read with or really connect with. I figured out eventually that it was because there were too many blondes in the deck. No offense to blondes, but I just couldn't relate to it. So....after much umming and ahhing, I finally got a brown permanent marker and re-coloured a lot of the blondes to make them brunettes. I guess it sounds crazy but it seems to be working for me. I just did a few at first but now I've done quite a lot and the deck seems to be growing in it's appeal to me.

There is of course a part of me that feels really bad. Kind of like I've dishonoured the artists work somehow. But now I get so much more from the deck, I just feel like I've personalised it a bit.

How do others feel? Has anyone else made changes to any of their decks that have cards they didn't like or couldn't relate to?

Yes, I have done that...and I feel more comfortable with the deck now. The change I made was very small (but planning on making a couple more that would be more big...such as what you did), and you would never know it was not part of the original artwork. I do not feel I have dishonored the artist, I paid for the deck...and just made it more mine.

~ C


what do you do if you mess up?

Have you ever tried to alter a deck and messed up at all (like coloring out of the lines, not evenly trimming, etc.)? What did you do with the deck? Keep it and ignore the slight imperfections, gift it, discard it, turn it into a mobile?



I have no problem altering a deck, but I don't do it lightly. on the issue of the over-blond robin wood, the artist chose each color for a reason... so altering it to suit my sensibility changes some of the symbolism. However, because symbolism isn't universal changing it to suit your needs makes sense. If the author/artist uses nudity to mean 'nothing hidden' and it doesn't mean that to you, cover it! If, however, you're uncomfortable with the 'nothing hidden' concept leave it there... you NEED to be uncomfortable with that card.


I have no problem with altering :) I am a trimmer as well altho I have regretted a few trims (Deviant Moon, Renaissance & Robin Wood to name a few) & had to buy replacement copies. I am in the middle of "blinging" my 2nd copy of Radiant Rider Waite with sparkly & pearlescent nail polishes & I LOVE the way the dozen or so cards I've done so far look especially the Moon! Theyre very awkward to photograph now as the light just reflects!!! But Go for it I say if it makes you like the deck more :D

MM :love:


MysticalMoose and Taamar

What would you do if you messed up a deck by cutting too much or messing up the bling? Keep it? Make it into something else?


Well. I have regretted trimming a couple of decks, not cus I messed them up but because in the case of Deviant Moon I just didnt like it trimmed & Robin Wood was too small. If I messed it up I wouldnt sweat about it as I would only really bling up or trim easy to find decks. (With the exception of one of Medieval Enchantment which was liberated from its borders & is WONDERFUL) I think I would have been upset if I'd ruined that one!!! :bugeyed: If I ruined one I would probably use some of my favourite cards as bookmarks or something. I have a friend who used some Tarot Cards to cover a folder with so maybe I would do that... :) hopefully that question won't arise :eek:



Rosanne said:
Yes I have altered the V Card in the Osho Zen. I have no problem with altering an image- although it would take the value(money) away from the deck. They are images on Card to bring out a response from you so that you can read the card; so if they don't ellicit a good response- get another deck or do as you have done and alter the card. It seems to me to be that simple. I do not view the cards themselves as sacred. I would not alter an expensive deck (and most are to me) say the Menghello Vachetta.~Rosanne

Roseanne, how did you alter the card? What did you do to it? So curious.


Spiral fixed!

I've just finished blacking out the borders and titles of the Spiral Tarot. I really like the images in this deck (the majors more than the minors), but those purple edges and red and white titles made it unusable for me. I love it now - the paintings sing out without all the distractions - but it took days to do.

And it's worth repeating what Kissa said earlier in the thread - this method is probably not for those with shaky hands. If you do decide to go ahead it's a good idea to use a Sharpie and a ruler (wipe the ruler between lines and be careful how you lift it off) next to the image before filling in with a wedge-shaped Pentel.


Not sure why my jpgs are so bright - compared to the cards posted at AT (the link) they're almost psychedelic...:)


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I've never personally altered a deck, not even trimmer one. But as to what I think about the idea...what I think is that they're tour cards and their very purpose is to read well for you. That's their reason for existence. If there us sonething that you can do to them that would make you more comfortable and make them read better for you then by all means do it
