How do you perform your rituals?



I was wondering how you do perform your rituals. Do you wear special robes, everyday clothing or do you perform rituales naked?

I still have no special robe (still haven't found one and as I am hopeless with needles and thread I cannot make one myself) but usually wear black clothes when I perform a ritual.

I think it is not so practical if you do rituals naked as you handle burnig candles and glowing coal so there is still a risk of getting a drip of hot wax or glowing embers on your skin, even if you are pretty careful.

What is your opinion?


IMHO. . .Because of the climate in which I live, conducting my rituals skyclad would not be practical at all. I would hate to be so preoccupied with my discomfort that I would be distracted from my celebration.

No matter what you're wearing, you're still you on the inside, as long as your clothes are clean (otherwise would be insulting to Mother Goddess).

If certain 'ritual' clothes, a robe for instance, makes you feel more spiritual, then that's a good idea.


I do have a special robe which I made for my initiation at Imbolc last year, and sometimes wear it for ritual, however, it is quite long and flowing, so I have to be careful when handling fire.

However, the small group that I celebrate festivals with (a whole three of us!) usually try and celebrate outside whenever possible (And this being England, it is very wet and muddy and rainy and cold for 80% of the festivals we celebrate!) so dressing up warm and snug is of more importance to us than dressing up ritually... How can you invoke the Goddess and God when you're shaking so much your having trouble holding your athame up high, and your teeth are chattering so much that you can't form words properly? It does get funny sometimes when that happens though, but it does detract from the internal feeling of the individual.

I am very fond of dressing up in robes, so I will wear one if I feel like it, but I am of the opinion that the Goddess and God can see who I really am, and my true intentions, and cloths do not hamper me in any way spiritually.

If I was celebrating in presence of anyone other than my boyfriend, I doubt I would do it skyclad. I'm very shy, and alhough I am comfy with my body, I would still be very self-conscious, and I would not be concentrating on the important things.



Whatever I do, I am doing alone, and I just would feel silly doing anything overly ritualistic. I try to make sure I won't be interrupted and that I have everything I need before I start. Other than that I just try to focus my intent on the outcome.


Way back when life was simpler and I had a whole room to devote to Tarot and magickal stuff, I would preform magickal workings on top of my altar which had a 3 x 4 foot mirror mounted to the wall behind it. I would do most of my working naked, using the image of myself reflected in the mirror as a focal point. This takes a lot of concentration. It was also a part of accepting my body for what it is and not what popular culture tells me I am supposed to look like. Indoors with a fan or the heat on, it was always comfortable being naked, although I do have a black robe I made that I would use for certain things.
I also had a lovely sound system to play music, and had enough room to move freely, burn incense, and much room to burn candles. It was wonderful--but now long ago. :-( :-(


Hi everyone, frist of all for my ceremonial, duties the traditional Yoruba wear white, its a color of purity and respect, as females we wear long white skirts that are called lappa ( a wrap skirt) white blouses and a gelee (white head wrap). Now as for my wicca workings , please do not laugh, My office is in my attic and New York winters are very cold , so Sweat pants and sweat shirts for me. In the summer months then i wear lite clothing,for samhain i have a beautiful ceremonial cloak which I love to wear and Renaisance clothes. but basicly its the good old sweats that win.........


i don't have a robe but i do have a spoecial jacket!

during my self-inititation which was skyclad, my best friend doug, gave me his jacket (we were initiating together) and i've worn it ever since. :)

in light,


I believe the purpose of special robes or other tools is to get you in the "mood" (lol). It's part of the preparation step to bring you in the mental place where you can work with energies and God and Goddess. So, if it's important to you then go for it.

Personally, I don't use special items of clothing. I simply wash my face and hands with nice warm soapy water to cleanse my body and spirit. Ideally, I'd bathe, but with a toddler and a full house, it's not practical. Then I light incense, or smudge with sage, light some candles, and go for it.

But then again, I'm what you might call a lazy witch. ;-)