How does he perceive our disagreement?



Same guy as my previous 2 threads...I'm still feeling a bit 'banged up' after the quarrel I had with him. My heart feels so heavy and I was curious to find out how he sees our disagreement...


Interesting to see pretty much the same cards popping up when it comes to questions abut him. In the previous threads Tree/ Tower and Cross also appeared...

Scythe + Tree + Cross: He sees our 'fight' as cutting into his health and its an extra burden

Cross + Tower + Dog: Can I see Cross also as sacrifice perhaps? He sees himself as a marter? I wonder if he sees the fight necessary as a sacrifice in order to keep his boundaries up. My loyalty/ friendship has been sacrificed for his isolation...

Quint= Star...more confirmation he needed to discourage me in order to gain clarity? So it was perhaps a strategy?

Any other thoughts? Thanks :)


Scythe + Dog might mean end of trust or friendship. Maybe he feels like your friendship won't be the same anymore? Or it might take him some time to start trusting you again, as Tree came up (which indicates slow movement).
Cross + Tower + Dog might mean isolation from you, or not feeling like talking anymore. Maybe he wants some alone time?

I hope this helps a bit :) I'm not sure about the other cards though. Let me know what you think.


Scythe + Dog might mean end of trust or friendship. Maybe he feels like your friendship won't be the same anymore? Or it might take him some time to start trusting you again, as Tree came up (which indicates slow movement).
Cross + Tower + Dog might mean isolation from you, or not feeling like talking anymore. Maybe he wants some alone time?

I hope this helps a bit :) I'm not sure about the other cards though. Let me know what you think.

Hi Honeysun,

Thanks for offering your thoughts :)

I think trust on our both our sides took a nock....I feel very hurt. Even though I offered him my support I think he misinterpreted my intentions and shut me out because of it. So whatever will develop in the future, I do feel that our connection won't be the same anymore and thats actually a blessing in disguise as there was lots of unclarity between us.

Your interpretation of Tree can def mean slow development of healing after strive in this read. He is already on a healing curve for some traumatic issues this year.

He has already isolated himself...Tower keeps coming up in relation to him so I agree with you that he is needing a lot of alone time.

Seems that you agree with me in the sense that he also felt some pain in this situation? Thanks for pitching in, appreciate it :)


Come to think of it....maybe he sees me as Scythe? Finding me overbearing?? that would tie in with Cross as the centre card :(

Another alternative to scythe and possibly cutting friendship could perhaps be being cautious?

Not sure how severe I should be taking Scythe in this spread...