Infatuation Decks

Sword King

I'll try to use a relationship metaphor here without sounding trite.

There are those 'love of my life' decks where the deck enriches the reader and grows with the reader over time. Subtle nuances are slowly revealed, and if the deck is put aside for periods of time, it's always a reunion worth savoring when you return. This thread is not about those decks. :)

What are your Infatuation decks - decks where you fell hard and fast, but then...something happened. It turned out the relationship was just a fling - fun and possibly even hot and steamy - yet in the end, it was more of an an intense but short-lived passion/admiration.

I recently divested myself of the Tarot of a Moon Garden. I couldn't put it down when I first bought it, but after a month it just went cold on me. It was like a pop song that just wore out a spot in my brain until its once-catchy melody became cloying.

Hopefully I'm not alone in this...


I had a thing going on with Anna K, but now we're just friends.


Ancestral Path. I lusted after it, estalked it, waited months to buy it, opened it and had a beautiful reading and now... I still like it a lot, but the passion has faded.


I had a thing with the Fey for a while. Then it just sort of died. Happily it has moved on...and so have I!

Le Fanu

This happens to me rarely as I often come back to decks after two or three years (or more!) and wonder what on earth I was thinking of in not using a deck more. No decks are ever abandoned forever, as I have surprised myself so often by going back to decks and loving them anew.

If you'd asked this a week ago I might have said the Haindl. I had a flurry of love for the Haindl and was genuinely impressed by the artwork and symbolism and would have put it *up there* in deck concepts. I read the books, swooned over the artwork, then nothing.

However, three days ago I dug it out again and thought "what on earth was I thinking of in not using this deck more?" Now I am happily working my way through the Courts which - to be honest - was always what defeated me about the Haindl.

But there are other contenders.

I remember the first time I held the Universal Waite in my hands. It was like a totally new revisioning of the RWS and I loved it. Two weeks later, its pastel smiley faces and simperings bored me.

Then the Via Tarot. Triumphant Thoth clone (I think it's a clone. I never know what a clone is, so I use the word loosely), great artwork, great colours. But - big but - I found I missed the titles on the Minors and that, when reading, I really had to think hard and try and remember. After a while, I thought "Oh %&$# it, I'll go back to the Thoth." Shame. The only time I have ever really, really craved more text on my cards! :D


if you search tarot trading and my username you'll probably find 100's.
I don't regret buying them, and I never regret that they've moved on, it was all part of my learning curve.


The halloween tarot


The Golden Tarot of Klimt -- I couldn't wait for this deck to come out. I ordered it from Alida to get it more quickly. I loved looking through the cards. Then my interest went away.

Daemon Lover

The Illuminated Tarot. I wanted this deck more than I wanted the Greenwood. I dreamed of the full bling and colour and how happy would be together....Then we finally got together in person, spent a few happy days together and I left it for the VR.

I think that the dream inspired me more than the reality...

On a happy note, the VR and I are living Happily Ever After!


Too many to mention :p

But most recently Holy Light springs to mind. When I opened it--I thought I would never look back, this deck was going to be mine forever. Unfortunately, it didn't even last the week. This might have had something to do with the deck creator's very long thread, and a certain laziness on my part, or maybe lack of support materials, or intimidation . . . I don't know. I do know that I have no interest whatsoever in opening that box again (although I wouldn't dream of trading it away) even though the contents are, without doubt, breathtaking . . .